* Change example syntax on authorized_key module
* Change example syntax on cron module
* Change example syntax on group module
* Change example syntax on hostname module
* Change example syntax on seboolean module
* Change example syntax on selinux module
* Change example syntax on service module
* Change example syntax on sysctl module
* Change example syntax on systemd module
* Change example syntax on user module
* Change example syntax on debug module
* Change example syntax on fail module
* Change example syntax on include module
* Change example syntax on include_role module
* Change example syntax on include_vars module
* Change example syntax on pause module
* Change example syntax on wait_for module
* Change example syntax on apache2_module module
* > Change example syntax on django_manage module
* Change example syntax on htpasswd module
On python 3, bools is a list of bytes:
>>> rc,bools = selinux.security_get_boolean_names()
>>> 'virt_use_nfs' in bools
>>> bools
[b'abrt_anon_write', b'abrt_handle_event', ...]
SELinux since 2012 use a configuration file to
convert boolean names from a old name to a new name,
for preserving backward compatibility.
However, this has to be done explicitely when using the python
bindings, and the module was not doing it.
Openshift ansible script use this construct to detect if
a boolean exist or not:
- name: Check for existence of virt_sandbox_use_nfs seboolean
command: getsebool virt_sandbox_use_nfs
register: virt_sandbox_use_nfs_output
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
- name: Set seboolean to allow nfs storage plugin access from containers(sandbox)
name: virt_sandbox_use_nfs
state: yes
persistent: yes
when: virt_sandbox_use_nfs_output.rc == 0
On a system where virt_sandbox_use_nfs do not exist, this work. But
on a system where virt_sandbox_use_nfs is a alias to virt_use_nfs (like
Fedora 24), this fail because the seboolean is not aware of the alias.