[AWS iam_policy] Avoid the _undefined name_ by catching the raised exception into the variable __e__ so it can be reported on the following line.
flake8 testing of https://github.com/ansible/ansible on Python 3.6.3
$ __flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics__
./lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/iam_policy.py:305:16: F821 undefined name 'e'
if e.errno == 2:
./lib/ansible/modules/cloud/misc/rhevm.py:594:24: F821 undefined name 'e'
./lib/ansible/modules/files/archive.py:391:92: F821 undefined name 'e'
module.fail_json(dest=dest, msg='Error deleting some source files: ' + str(e), files=errors)
3 F821 undefined name 'e'
* Revert "Account for empty string regexp in lineinfile (#41451)"
This reverts commit 4b5b4a760c.
* Use context managers for interacting with files
* Store line and regexp parameters in a variable
* Add warning when regexp is an empty string
* Remove '=' from error messages
* Update warning message and add changelog
* Add tests
* Improve warning message
Offer an equivalent regexp that won't trigger the warning.
Update tests to match new warning.
* Add porting guide entry for lineinfile change
* pamd: typo fix sufficicent->sufficient
* pamd: is_valid is a property, not a method; return a tuple
* pamd: define is_valid for all PamdLine classes
* pamd: use validate() for verbose errors, define generically
* pamd: PamdRule: rule_control is always str, use _control
Fixes https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/41179
* elasticsearch_plugin - Show STDERR on module failures.
I tried to install a ES plugin without
become: yes
and found after debugging the module that the module failed ude to permission issues.
The only error message I got was
Is analysis-icu a valid plugin name?
That was strange considering I followed the example documentation by the letter.
I found out that when this module fails, it hides the real reason for failure.
This patch replaces the generic error with more meaningful diagnostics.
* elasticsearch_plugin - Show STDERR on module failures. Changelog fragment
samdoran commented 2 days ago
This looks good. Please create a changelog fragment to go along with this change. See fragments for examples.
* Fix bug with redundancy templates and add integration tests for redundancy templates.
* vlan_list absent state support and fix for vlans as strings in vlan_list
* Fix junos_config confirm commit issue
* Due to issue in ncclient commit() method for Juniper
device (ncclient/ncclient#238)
add a workaround in junos netconf plugin to generate proper
commit-configuration xml and execute it using ncclient
generic `rpc()` method.
* Update junos_config doc
* Add run_commands api for ios and vyos cliconf plugin
* Add run_commands api to ios and vyos cliconf plugin
* Refactor ios and vyos module_utils to check return code
in run_commands
* Fix Ci failures
Certain project functions are not available on the openstack public api. Creating and deleting projects are examples where you must use the admin api.
In most devstack or simple openstack deployments the public, internal and admin apis may live at the IP. However in most production deployments the admin APIs are on a separate network than the public APIs. Therefore for these examples to consistently work, we must specify the admin endpoint_type.
* refactor win_group_membership to use SIDs for comparisons instead of name parsing
* carry over previous doc cleanup changes
* remove trailing whitespace from docs
* Add productType property as an ansible fact
Suggest to add productType property from win32_operatingsystem CIM instance to differentiate between versions and add new fact.
* update code to display human-readable string
Commit added in response to nizmahone's suggestion to add humane-readable strings to the display. uses switch statement to evaluate and update $ansible_facts hash table with proper information
* remove string conversion, modify switch default
Adjusts line 202 to remove .String() conversion from uInt32.
Adjusts switch test values to integers
Uses switch default clause to handle null values
* formatting
fixed formatting issues, moved product_type into variable.
adjust ansible_fact hash table key to be consistent with the rest of the code.
* Moved product type within distribution
* Use context managers for interacting with files
* Account for empty string as regexp
Rather than explicitly testing for None, also test for an empty string which will evaluate to False. An empty string regexp matches every line, which ends up replacing the incorrect line.
* Store line parameter in a variable
* Add tests
If a line match is found in the file and no regexp is specified, insertbefore would improperly try to add a line if set to BOF.
Add tests for this scenario.
* Add a module parameter to configure the max fetched AWS CFN stack events
* Add version documentation for new configuration option
* Increase default in order to make sure that enough are fetched by default. This align roughly with the limit of manageable resources in CloudFormation.
This fix adds a new parameter 'dvswitch_name' in networks argument spec.
When there are multiple distributed portgroup with the same name in the given
environment, it is difficult to pick particular dvpg. By specifying dvswitch value
we can pin point exact distributed portgroup to attach virtual machine to.
Fixes: #41781
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <akasurde@redhat.com>
- Comparison was not happening properly as it lacked full data
- Module now creates a full data structure on payload
- Defaults to America/Los_Angeles as that's what Meraki seems to do
* vyos and ios cliconf plugin refactor
* Refactor vyos cliconf plugin
* Change vyos module_utils and vyos_config as per refactor
* Minor changes in ios cliconf plugin
* Fix unit test failure
* Fix sanity issues
* Add get_diff to rpc list