this change adds config_format argument with choices of xml, set or text to
specify the desired format of the config returned from the remote device. The
default value is text
There are established connections for a service. The service is bound to a ipv4-mapped ipv6 address. Wait_for wrongly waits for clients listed in exclude_hosts.
* fix git switch branches in combination with depth
* the old implementation is correct, but relies on git working correctly
(as only newer versions do)
* with some older git version (e.g. 1.8.3), git fetch remote branch does
not work, if the branch does not yet exist locally
* this patch works around that without explicitly checking the git version
* future refactoring is needed to reduce the number of fetches to a
minimum; but this patch makes the code "correct"
* add git version requirements to doc
* replace set-branches with git 1.7.1 compatible version
From the git status doc:
Give the output in an easy-to-parse format for scripts. This is similar to the short output, but will remain stable across Git versions and regardless of user configuration. See below for details.
User configuration can break the git module from working as expected.
Since fetch_url already take care of the exception, the try/except
clause is no longer working, so replace it with proper status
checking, thus permitting to remove urlib2 from the import list.
* Add optional force parameter for apache2_module
* Add documentation for the force parameter
* Clarify in description that -f(orce) is a Debian parameter
Some people use the command module to run curl not to
download file, but to interact with remote HTTP api, and the
get_url suggestion is not suitable. So adding uri in the warning
would give a more meaningful warning.
Suggested by Tahvok on #ansible irc channel.
'key_ids' is referenced before it is assigned, causing the module to fail with a UnboundLocalError instead of failing gracefully with a helpful error message. This very small patch moves the assignment of 'key_ids' to before the variable is referenced.
* WIP: Making unarchive idempotent
Currently unarchive is not idempotent and has many rough edges and bugs.
The current release is a workable improvement on many fronts:
- zip support is now idempotent (but gtar lacks check-mode)
- New option `exclude` to exclude specific paths/files
- New option `keep_newer` to exclude newer files on target
- New option `extra_opts` to influence unzip/gtar (like synchronize module)
The following items are still ongoing:
- Implement CRC32 support for .zip files
- Re-implement the zip support using native zipfile module
- Re-implement the gtar support using native tarfile/gzip/bz2 modules (lzma external)
- Implement check-mode (works in gzip, but fails using gtar)
- Implement diff-mode (discuss an appropriate output model, like synchronize module)
The re-implementation of unzip/gtar support using native python modules will not only simplify the codebase, additional functionality can be implemented correctly and identically, which is currently not possible. (Other archives could be implemented using native modules equally, incl. options)
* Assorted fixes to zip support (during quality checks)
- Support both rw---- and rwx--- permstr
- Better file type support (more qa needed)
- Symlink support
- Include fix from #3229
* Implement zip diff-mode (itemized change) and avoid changes permissions every time (!)
This commit implements:
- rsync-compatible itemized-change output in diff-mode (using zip)
- no longer changing permissions unconditionally (when idempotent)
* Small fixes to itemized change output
* Fixes to user/group ownership changes
- The implementation of user/group ownership is a bit more complex for idempotency
- We report when a ZIP file incorrectly tags a directory as a file/link
- We only offer diff output when there is a change
* Fix the handling of includes and excludes for unzip
* Remove test output from output (confuses easily)
* Logic and performance improvements to ownership handling, and umask fix
* Handle special files (type '?')
* Make exceptions compatible with python 2.4
* Implement CRC32 support
* Revert some unintended/unknown changes ?
* Taking over maintenance as offered by current maintainer
* Fix support for white-spaces in filenames
* Remove/rename incorrect regex
* Ensure that fat executables end up with execute permission
* Remove check_result from output when unchanged
* When unarchiving as a user, or when owner/group/mode is supplied --diff is insufficient
Only way to be sure is to check request with what is on disk (as we do for zip).
Leave this up to set_fs_attributes_if_different() instead of inducing a (false) change
* By default, don't send confusing check_results in verbose output
This fixes#74.
for install, remove, deb_install, and upgrade.
Since apt has very commonly familiar output, just use the normal output
from apt-get or aptitude -- trimmed to the interesting parts -- to show
to the user if she specified --diff on the CLI.
Uses the recent support for the `diff['prepared]` key.
This allows a user to modify the state of the virtual cdrom in a VM
by using the state == reconfigured action. This is useful for
provisioning VMs from templates which do not have ISO images connected.
ec2_elb_lb doesn't react well to AWS API throttling errors. This
implements an exponential backoff operation around some of the AWS API
calls (with random jitter, in line with AWS recommendations) to make
this more resilient.
* make git updates respect depth
until now `fetch` gets all tags and heads at full depth, this change
* uses `depth` argument for `fetch`
* only get the specified `version` in `fetch`
* fixes#14954
* treat combination of refspec and depth correctly
* be more conservative for non-depth fetch
* Speed up AMI code by not attempting to create the AMI without checking on the name first. Also simplifies code for reporting errors from AMI creation, greatly.
* remove sys.exit
A cloud/domain admin should be able to create a subnet on any
project it is granted on.
This change adds the 'project' parameter that accepts either
a name (admin-only) or id.
A cloud/domain admin should be able to create a network on any project
it is granted to.
This changes adds the possibility to pass either a project ID or
project name.
'server_insecure' maps to the subscription-manager config
(/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf) value for 'insecure' key in the
'server' stanza. The 'insecure' configures if the https connection
to 'server_hostname' is verified as having been issued by
a CA in 'ca_cert_dir' trust store.
Previous documentation indicating it disables https and
enables http was inaccurate. Connection to server_hostname
always uses https.
* based on cpython os.path.ismount
* includes patch from
* fixes#2186
* when the upstream bug is fixed this should be removed/rewritten
* use ismount from module_utils
login_password should not be logged, so mark it as 'no_log'
the others arguments are path to file, and so should be type='path',
which permit to remove the line handling '~' and shell variables.
Fixed type checking to be more idiomatic powershell, also fixes a slew of StrictMode issues and gets error handling back to originally-intended behavior.
A change was merged to the main Ansible core code that can cause
a potential hang if any libraries are called that use threading.
This change was:
This affected the os_object module by causing a hang on the shade
create_object() API call (which in turn calls swiftclient which
uses threading). The fix is to make sure all modules have a main()
that is wrapped with an "if __name__ == '__main__'" check.
In case role policy was deleted, we did not handle at all if there
was authorization issue to do the deletion. Also add message when
role is not found and the policy is skipped.
The default_project is checked at the beginning of the module.
This raises an exception if the project passed does not exist.
This logic only makes sense on resource creation, if a user
puts state=absent the module fails, even though the default
project is not relevant
If a server already exists when os_server is run, but a floating
IP was not assigned to the server when one was requested, the
module will attempt to add an IP to the existing server. But it
would not pass the wait/timeout params to the floating IP APIs.
If wait was True, you could get back a server dict that did not
show the floating IP because it did not wait.
route53 creates Record objects using `health check` and `failover`
parameters. Those parameters only became available in boto 2.28.0.
As some prominent LTS Linux releases (e.g.: Ubuntu 14.04) only ship
older boto versions (e.g.: 2.20.1 for Ubuntu 14.04), users are getting
unhelpful error messages like
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'health_check'
when running Ansible 2 against their LTS install's default boto.
We improve upon this error message by checking the boto version
Apologies, but I no longer use this module day-to-day myself, and I don't have the bandwidth right now to effectively triage changes in any kind of timely fashion.
I wanted stop the containers matched only by image name, but can't do this, if I not set cmd in playbook.
This behavior confused me.
If cmd or entrypoint is defined for running container, but not defined in playbook, makes matching behavior as this sample:
This is useful for packages that bootstrap their own apt-key setup - only
the initial installation will require overriding. Notable examples are the
Dropbox and Google Chrome packages.
(Setting force=yes is far too strong: I only want to bypass
Signed-off-by: Chris Lamb <>
Commit f71542c set the incorrect type for these two parameters to
dict when they are actually list of dicts.
Also, the extra_dhcp_opts was incorrectly named (without the terminal
's') and NEVER worked, so this was corrected.
This update adds exception handling to catch errors when trying to parse
command output to json. It also removes the dependency on importing json
opting to use the AnsibleModule methods instead
This commit adds a new module, ops_command, that handles executing commands
on OpenSwitch over the CLI. Since this module is designed to work with the
OpenSwitch CLI, it only supports the CLI transport option
This commit adds a new module, ops_config, that allows playbook designers
to create tasks for configuring OpenSwitch over the CLI. The module
is designed to work directly with configuration mode in OpenSwitch and
therefore only supports the CLI transport option
This commit address a bug in the ios_config module when using the
match: strict argument. When the argument is used, the module will
compare the configuration block same as match: exact which is not the
intended behavior. This commit updates the behavior to propertly handle
the strict argument.
now uses atomic move to avoid data corruption
correclty cleans up temp files in every case
returns backup_file info if needed
validate validate before temp file gets created
backup AFTER validate
Without this change, a download failure may bail out with the message:
"Failure downloading http://foo/bar, 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read'"
whereas with this fix, you'd get a proper error like:
"Failure downloading http://foo/bar, Request failed: <urlopen error [Errno 113] No route to host>"
or one of the many other possible download errors that can occur.
The returned list of diffs aims to simulate how a file system diff would
look before and after writing the sources list files.

n.b. Ternary conditional is due to failing integration test for
python 2.4
This commit refactors the arugments used in ops_template to be strictly
typed and handle by declarative / rest and cli based configurations. It
also removes old arguments not supported and cleans up the documentation
This mirrors a nearly identical change made to
Also removes the use of apt-get --force-yes as it can be dangerous
and should not be necessary ( does not use it).
Repeating the explanation from the apt_respository change below:
Since use_unsafe_shell is suspicious from a security point
of view (or it wouldn't be unsafe), the less we have, the less
code we have to thoroughly inspect for a security audit.
In this case, the '&&' can be replaced by doing 2 calls to run_command.
Running async_status in an "until: result.finished" loop will mask a module failure (eg, traceback) with a
template failure, because the fail dict doesn't include "finished" (eg, you'll see "ERROR! The conditional check 'bogus_out.finished' failed. The error was: ERROR! error while evaluating conditional: bogus_out.finished ({% if bogus_out.finished %} True {% else %} False {% endif %}"). Because the failure dict still includes "failed: true",
this change has no effect on stoppage/failure reporting, it just prevents the common usage pattern from masking the underlying error message.
Since our validation does conversion as well as validation, I'm not sure
this is entirely correct. May need to take a look at our conversion
code and re-examine to be sure we're doing it right.
I like to use ~/somepath instead of absolute paths because
that's more shareable. Without expansion, the path wasn't
considered a file, and the resulting cloud-config user_data
contained a string for the file path instead of the file context.
So, expand it.
restart_containers(containers.running) may try to restart containers
that are deleted when looping through get_differing_containers()
fix this by refreshing list after first loop
The ulimit will be specified as a list and separated by colons. The
hard limit is optional, in which case it is equal to the soft limit.
The ulimits are compared to the ulimits of the container and added
or adjusted accordingly on by a reload.
The module ensures that ulimits are available in the capabilities
iff ulimits is passes as a parameter.
This adds a new module, iosxr_config, that can be used for configuring
Cisco IOS XR devices. It is provides a set of arguments for sending
configuration commands to the device over cli
This adds a new module, iosxr_template, that can be used to template
configurations for IOS XR devices. Templates are then loaded into the
target device over cli
A change is coming to Ansible where module params will default to str.
Many of our modules were taking advantage of this by not being explicit
about the type, so they will break when that change merges. This hopefully
catches those cases.
- clarify docs on body_json behaviour
- only tranform into json if body input is not a string
users keep passing json string and expecint it to not be jsonified again
- fixed issue with removes not handling path expansion correctly
- switched all path variables to 'type path' to handle expansions
This commit allows the connection information for
the vsphere_guest module to be provided as environment
variables, which makes it possible to use Cloud
Credentials from Ansible Tower in playbooks that utilize
| ENV VAR | vsphere_guest param |
| --------------- | ---------------------- |
| VMWARE_HOST | vcenter_hostname |
| VMWARE_USER | username |
| VMWARE_PASSWORD | password |
This adds a new module, junos_config, useed to configure Juniper JUNOS based
devices. The config module can be used to set an ordered set of set and
delete statements over a cli transport
This adds a new module, junos_template, that can read in a template
config and push the changes to the device. It can also backup the
current config. This module is implemented over cli
This adds a new module, junos_command that can be used for sending commands
to Juniper JUNOS based devices. The junos_command module is implemented
over a cli transport
Fix the OpenStack os_server module for when region_name is specified.
This should not be passed through to the shade create_server() call
as it's only used with the auth parameters.
Fixes bug:
This change update the return values from eos_config to be consistent with
all network config modules. This will now return updates and responses
from the module
This change updates the returns values from eos_command to be consistent
with network modules. It now returns stdout, stdout_lines and failed_conditionals
This updates the nxos_template doc string to unify the return values
across all network modules. This change now returns stdout, stdout_lines
and failed_conditionals
This modifies the return values to make them consistent across all
network command modules. The module now returns stdout, stdout_lines
and failed_conditionals
- defaulted to commands not executing in checkmode
- added force run for info gathering (for setting changed)
- added debug for what would have been run in check mode
- added check mode for spots that made changes using system calls instead of command
- removed now redundant checkmode checks
better failure now, if i missed anything, it will misreport changed value
instead of old default of actually making the change in checkmode
The old method left settings in the environment. The new method takes
care of clearing them after use. In this module, the old method was
also setting the environment too late to affect all the command line
tools which lead to a bug.
This addresses a bug in the eos_config module that would prevent it
from running properly. The module should now properly process the config
and the candidate
The eos_config module has a bug where its trying to pass an argument
that doesn't exist. This fixes that problem, removing the offending
keywork argment
The eos_template module works by allowing configurations to be pushed
to Arista EOS devices that can be templated by the Ansible Jinja2
template engine
The nxos_template module worksw by allowing configurations to be pushed
to Cisco NXOS devices over CLI or NXAPI and templated using the Ansible
Jinja2 template engine
This adds a new module nxos_command that can be used to send arbitrary
commands to NXOS devices. The module includes an argument that allows
the responses to be evaluated and causes the module not to return
control to the playbook until a set of conditions has been met.
Using the difflist feature added in ansible/ansible@c337293 we can add
two diffs to the `diff` dict returned as JSON: A `before` and `after` pair of
changed file contents and the diff of the file attributes.
n.b.: the difflist handling from the above commit is logically broken.
PR will follow.
Example output:
TASK [change line and mode] ************************************************************
changed: [localhost]
--- before: /tmp/sshd_config (content)
+++ after: /tmp/sshd_config (content)
@@ -65,21 +65,21 @@
X11DisplayOffset 10
PrintMotd no
PrintLastLog yes
TCPKeepAlive yes
#UseLogin no
#MaxStartups 10:30:60
#Banner /etc/
# Allow client to pass locale environment variables
-AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
+AcceptEnv LANG LC_* GF_ENV_*
Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
# Set this to 'yes' to enable PAM authentication, account processing,
# and session processing. If this is enabled, PAM authentication will
# be allowed through the ChallengeResponseAuthentication and
# PasswordAuthentication. Depending on your PAM configuration,
# PAM authentication via ChallengeResponseAuthentication may bypass
# the setting of "PermitRootLogin without-password".
# If you just want the PAM account and session checks to run without
--- before: /tmp/sshd_config (file attributes)
+++ after: /tmp/sshd_config (file attributes)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- "mode": "0700"
+ "mode": "0644"
This adds a new module eos_command to network/eos. The eos_command module
is used for sending arbitrary commands to Arista EOS devices. It includes
arguments that allow the module to wait for specific values before the
module returns control to the playbook or fails
This adds a new module for pushing configuraitons to eos devices in a
reliable and repeatable fashion. It includes support for templating
configurations and backing up the current config prior to pushing out
changes. This module works over either CLI or EAPI.
This PR has a dependency on ansible/ansible PR #14009 being merged
OCD is making me fix the inconsistency with how None is typed. First Letter Capitalized All Over Now.
cleaning up the default object that was created for the cache_security_groups and removing checks dealing with it.
clean up space
Changing default cache_security_groups from [default] to None.
This adds a new module for managing configuraiton files for Cisco NXOS
devices. It provides configuration file management including templating
and backing up the current configuration.
This PR has a dependency on ansible/ansible PR # 14012
On systems with restrictive umasks, the pip module won't allow you to
install pip packages that are usable by everyone on the system. This
commit adds a umask option to optionally override the umask on a
per-package basis.
Since there is no shell escape of the password parameter, a password with
a single quote (or even worst, a single quote and a pipe) could have
unattended consequences. Also, the less we use use_unsafe_shell=True, the
As of Ansible 2.x, invocation of Django's `````` requires a valid "shebang". Additionally, `````` must be executable.
The old invocation was hardcoded as ```python ...``` while the new invocation is ```./ ...```. See [this PR](
This change allows more flexibility for which Python interpreter is invoked, but breaks existing deployment when `````` is not properly configured. This documentation update adds a note explaining the new requirements for ``````.
Add the ability to completely delete a floating IP from the pool
when disassociating it from a server. When state is absent and
purge is true, the IP will be completely deleted. The default
keeps the current behavior, which is to only disassociate the IP
from the server.
The exception message, when shade fails, will contain much more
specific information about the failure if the exception is treated
as a string. The 'message' attribute alone is usually not helpful.
Support specifying an absolute path (typically /etc/crontab) rather than
a path relative to /etc/cron.d, to allow modifying the main system crontab.
Particularly useful for target systems that have /etc/crontab but no
Since use_unsafe_shell is suspicious from a security point
of view (or it wouldn't be unsafe), the less we have, the less
code we have to toroughly inspect for a security audit.
In this case, the '&&' can be replaced by doing 2 calls to run_command.
Starting in Django 1.7, the createcachetable command looks for cache
table names in the CACHES settings dictionary, so cache_table is no
longer required, but is still allowed.
Otherwise CDN (Akamai) downloads file without the headers. The sequence
is following:
1. Ansible uploads file to CF.
2. Akamai downloads the file and caches it in CDN.
3. Ansible sets headers.
As a result Akamai serves file without headers.
This is backwards incompatible change, because headers keys are not
prefixed with `x-object-meta-`. Which allows user to set headers like
The command `hg up -C` by default moves to the latest revision on the
current branch. The `discard` function was trying to update to a
different branch, in case it was provided, by passing a `-r REVISION`
argument. Not only is this not the intended effect of the `discard`
function, but this also could update to a different branch that hasn't
been pulled yet, which is how we were experiencing trouble.
Instead, we unconditionally do `hg up -C -r .` to "update" to the
current revision (i.e. to "."), while `-C/--clean`ing the current
directory. This is similar to `hg revert --all`, except that it also
undoes the merge state of the working directory, in case there was
Previously the logging module hard coded the default logging driver. This means
if the docker daemon is started with a different logging driver, the ansible
module would continually restart it when run.
This fix adds a call to, which is inspected if a logging
driver is not supplied in the playbook, and the container only restarted if
the logging driver applied differs from the configured default.
In usage, this has solved issues with using alternative logging drivers.
Fixes require ssl in combination with grant option
Refactoring: code cleanup to make it easier to understand
Code rewritten inspired by @willthames
Added WITH GRANT OPTION as exception; when only REQUIRESSL and/or GRANT are specified we have to add USAGE
Without this change, some trouble may occur when "deb" parameter
is used as env vars controlling dpkg are not set. For example,
installing a package that requires user input will never end since
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive is not set.
So export env vars in APT_ENV_VARS before run dpkg, like in cases
using apt-get/aptitude.
Now module will assume that if the argument is a string it is already formated as json
and will only try to convert non strings into json string.
Also removed unused 'msg' var declarations and the ifs that set them
Since we now have several exceptions to the assumption that the
result of the pull would be on the last status line returned by
docker-py's pull(), I've changed the function so that it looks
through the status lines and returns what if finds on it.
Despite the repeated `break`s, the code seems simpler and a little
more coherent like this. From what I've checked using
``, the execution time is
mostly the same.
If this parameter was not of the right type, the module would fail with a
traceback, with a "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'"
It now gives a proper error message on type errors.
Update a document file for win_get_url.ps1.
Update add a prefix proxy_ for this variables
Update a document file for win_get_url.ps1.
Update win_get_url.ps1 20150907
Before this patch:
- Command was matched if 'Command' field of docker-py
representation of Docker container ends with 'command' passed
to Ansible docker module by user.
- That can give false positives and false negatives.
- For example:
a) If 'command' was set up with more than one spaces,
like 'command=sleep 123', it would be never matched again
with a container(s) launched by this task.
Because after launching, command would be normalized and
appear, in docker-py API call, just as 'sleep 123' - with one
space. This is false negative case.
b) If 'entrypoint + command = command', for example
'sleep + 123 = sleep 123', module would give false positive
This patch fixes it, by making matching more explicit - against
'Config'->Cmd' field of 'docker inspect' output, provided by docker-py
API and with proper normalization of user input by splitting it to
tokens with 'shlex.split()'.
nics is a great flexible parameter, but it's wordy. Shade now supports
a simple parameter too, which is just "network" and takes a name or id.
Add passthrough support.
In addition to supporting booting from a pre-existing volume, nova and
shade both support the concept of booting from volume based on an image.
Pass the parameters through.
Shade supports boot-time attachment of additional volumes for OpenStack
instances. Pass through the parameter so that ansible users can also
take advantage of this.
* This keeps us from hitting bugs in repoquery/yum plugins in certain
instances (#2559).
* The previous is also a small performance boost
* Also in is_installed(), when using the yum API, return if we detect
a package name has been installed. We don't need to also check
virtual provides in that case. This is another small performance
* Sort the list of packages returned by the list parameter.
If this is not set, Ansible parses the parameter as a string.
This is fine if the parameter is not provided by the caller, but
if it is set to False or True explicitly, ec2_vol receives this as
the string 'False' or the string 'True', both of which are truthy.
Thus, without this fix, setting the parameter results in encryption
always enabled.
If the requirements contains a repos url it will always report 'Successfully
installed'; there is no difference in the output to tell apart if
anything new was pulled. Use freeze to detect if the environment changed
in any way.
Should fixansible/ansible#1705
added mysql 5.7 user password modification support with backwards compatibility
resolved mysql server version check and differences in user authentication management
explicitly state support for mysql_native_password type and no others. fixed some failing logic and updated samples
updated comment to actually match logic.
simplified conditionals and a little refactor
Since use_unsafe_shell is suspicious from a security point
of view (or it wouldn't be unsafe), the less we have, the less
code we have to toroughly inspect for a security audit.
Warning catches typos in the filename. Since the playbook is saying
"make sure this user doesn't have an entry" it makes more sense to warn
than to error.
The parameters 'diff_peek' and 'validate' are not expected to be used
by users. They are internal. To make it clear, this change adds the
comments 'Internal use only' to each of those definitions to make
it clear that they are actually used, just not by end-users.
The 'diff_peek' option isn't documented at all, and provides a
rudimentary check that the content isn't binary. Documentation is
added to explain the option.
The 'validate' option has a declaration, but isn't implemented.
Therefore it may as well be removed from the module.
Previously, the `promote` command in the `rds` module would always return OK and never actually promote an instance. This was because `promote_db_instance()` had its conditions backwards: if the instance had the `replication_source` attribute indicating that it **was** a replica, it would set `changed = False` and do nothing. If the instance **wasn't** a replica, it would attempt to run `boto.rds.promote_read_replica()`, which would always fail.
'exact_count' and 'state' are mutually exclusive options they should not be in the following examples:
- # Enforce that 5 running instances named "database" with a "dbtype" of "postgres" example and
- # Enforce that 5 instances with a tag "foo" are running
The yum module allows the 'name' parameter to be given as 'pkg', in
a similar way to some of the other package managers. This change
documents this alias.
The module's 'state' parameter has two other aliases, in line with
the 'apt' action; the 'state' parameter can take 'installed' as an
alias for 'present', and 'removed' as an alias for 'absent'. These
aliases are documented.
The min_disk and min_ram parameters were not being passed to
the shade API. They also need to be integer values. Also
updated the description of these parameters for better
There was no db restore example. I've provided one that shows how to do the restore, then add a security group (you cannot add the security group during the restore step -- it has to be done in a modify step afterward). Also, I show how to get the endpoint.
Absent unction was not working on user with login profile
also fixed the exception handling
fixed the delete user function
now works with or without loginprofile (password)
have `os_server_facts` call `list_servers` rather than `get_server`, and
treat the `server` parameter as a wildcard pattern. This permits one to
get facts on a single server:
- os_server:
server: webserver1
On mutiple servers:
- os_server:
server: webserver*
Or on all servers:
- os_server:
Introduces a `detailed` parameter to request additional server details
at the cost of additional API calls.
When this was treated as a boolean, sphinx was leaving the Default
column on blank,
implying it would use AWS's default. In reality, it passes False, which
overrides the defaults at AWS (it's possible to boot an instance which
AWS claims will always have EBS optimization without it because of this
silently passed False).
The pysphere VIVirtualMachine.clone() method supports specifying a VM
folder to place the VM in after the clone has completed. This exposes
that functionality to playbooks.
Also documents that creating VMs could always place VMs in a specific
This PR #1950 implements duplicate functionality to #1353
This reverts commit b04efa22c4403ca869e94e7918721306d23afa8d.
This will cause the settings in Ansible to override the system settings.
That will have no effect except on systems that have an out-of-Ansible
configuration that disables automatic installation of recommended
packages. Previously, ansible would use the OS default whenever
install_recommends wasn't part of the playbook. This change will cause
the Ansible default configuration setting of installing recommended
packages to override the configuration files set on the OS for things
installed through ansible, even when there is no install_recommends
specified in the playbook. Because the OS default matches the Ansible
default, this shouldn't have wide impact.
Give user a course of action in the case where the suggestions do not
work. This will hopefully allow us to work through any further issues
much faster.
Check commit enables using tls when using the docker_image module. It
also removes the default for docker_url which doesn't allow us to check
for DOCKER_HOST which is a more sane default. This allows you to use
docker_image on OSX but more documentation is needed.
* reading from a socket that gave some data we weren't looking for and
then closed.
* read from a socket that stays open and never sends data.
* reading from a socket that sends data but not the data we're looking
with this commit, the `security_groups` attribute for `os_port` will
accept either a common-delimited string or ` YAML list. That is, either
- os_port:
security_groups: group1,group2
Or this:
- os_port:
- group1
- group2
This commit allows the `security_groups` parameter of the `os_server`
module to be either a YAML list or a common-delimited string (much like
the `nics` attribute). E.g., this:
- os_nova_server:
- default
- webserver
Or this:
- os_nova_server:
security_groups: default,webserver
The `os_security_group` module would fail if there was no `description:`
localhost | FAILED! => {
"changed": false,
"failed": true,
"msg": "Error creating security group larstest: Invalid input for
description. Reason: 'None' is not a valid string."
This commit makes the default description `''` rather than `None`.
The `os_network` module was incorrectly returning changed=False whether
or not the network was created. This commit makes the changed return
value useful.
make os_subnet behave like os_network in terms of returning information
about the created resource. With this commit, os_subnet will return the
created subnet in `subnet` and the subnet id in `id`.
Specifically, the stat module now has a checksum_algorithm parameter.
This lets the module utilize one of the hash algorithms available on the host
to return the checksum of the file.
This change is backwards compatible. The checksum_algorithm defaults to
sha1 and still returns its result to the stat.checksum property.
Allow the 'interfaces' attribute to represent internal router
interfaces, composed of subnet names, and the 'external_fixed_ips'
attribute to represent external interface subnet/IP.
This commit adds some unit tests for the `cloud.openstack.os_server`
module. These tests exercise `_network_args` thoroughly and
`_create_server` lightly.
These tests will **fail** until #2275 lands.
To run the tests:
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
The existing code was receiving a list of strings and erroneously
assuming it was being given a list of dictionaries, leading it to fail
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'
This commit corrects the list handling code to check the type of each
item and handle it appropriately. Also, based on bcoca's comment
in #2253, thie code removes the special case for a string-only argument.
By transforming string arguments into dicts and then handling them like
any other dict argument, this also permits arguments of the form:
nics: net-name=mynet
nics: port-name=mynet
Previous versions of this code only supported `net-id` and `port-id` in
string specifications.
There was a parameter in the docs called 'public_ip' that didn't
actually exist. Additionally, auto_floating_ip is not consistent with
the underlying parameter which is auto_ip - for no good reason.
Add auto_ip as the real parameter, and then make public_ip and
auto_floating_ip as aliases for it for backwards compatability.
This patch adds support to setting metadata key/value through a string
argument. Variables can now be used for both the metadata key and
meta: "{{ var1 }}:SomeValue,key:{{ var2 }}"
Changed=true now reported on new volume.
Only detach volume when instance is specified as 'None' or '' rather than whenever instance is not specified at all
Fix regression caused by 6b27cdc where by no volume is created if id or Name is not supplied
Remove unnecessary empty aliases
Corrected example to use acceptable parameter for ions
Added exception handling to get_all_instances call
Moved the attachment state validation code to attach_volume function rather than create_volume function
Refactored attach_volume and detach_volume so that changed state can be passed back to call
Created get_volume_info function so that state=present and state=list can return the same data. Also added instance_id as a returned value in attachment_set dict
Updated aws connection method so that boto profile can be used
When pulling an image using Docker 1.8, it seems the output
JSON stream has an empty dict at the very end. This causes
ansible to fail when pulling an image, as it's expecting a
status message in that dict which it uses to determine whether
it had to download the image or not. As a bit of an ugly hack
for that which remains backward compatible, try the last item
in the stream, and if it's an empty dict, take the last-but-one
item instead.
The strip() is needed as the exact value appears to be '{}/r/n';
we could just match that, but it seems like the kind of thing
where maybe it'd happen to just be '{}/n' or '{}' or something
in some cases, so let's just use strip() in case.
A recent change [1] in docker between v1.8.2 and v1.8.3 changed what
is returned in the json when inspecting an image. Five variables which
could have been expected before will now be omited when empty. Only
one of those variables is being addressed in the docker, ExposedPorts.
Unfortunately there was also no API version change on this so this
can't be easily corrected with pinning the API to the older version.
This does a get() which will return None if the variable is not in the
dict formed from the json that was returned. Everything else works the
same way.
[1] 9098628b29
Without this, «ec2: state=stopped instance_ids=…» would fail with a
traceback like this:
if inst.get_attribute('sourceDestCheck')['sourceDestCheck'] != source_dest_check:
NameError: global name 'source_dest_check' is not defined
Detached head detection seems to have broken somewhere a long the way
because git decided to change how that situation looks when doing a 'git
branch -a' which is performed by get_branches().
This is how git 1.7.1 displays this situation (which works):
shell> git branch -a
* (no branch)
This is the output from git (which does not work):
shell> git branch -a
* (detached from e132711)
It looks like this same wording is used in the most recent version of
git (2.6.1 as of writing this).
Both `source_dest_check` and `termination_protection` variables are not
available within the scope of the startstopec2 instance method. This just
pulls them from module.params.
With shade > 0.13.0, networks can be created that are externally
accessible. This adds a parameter for that.
Also, add RETURN documentation and 'if __name__' check around call
to main().
I think in this commit 720aeffca2bd2ae1eca158abc2d1463a8597afb6
There was bug introduced where the ElastiCacheManager init method has
a number of positional arguments like so.
def __init__(self, module, name, engine, cache_engine_version, node_type,
num_nodes, cache_port, parameter_group, cache_subnet_group,
cache_security_groups, security_group_ids, zone, wait,
hard_modify, region, **aws_connect_kwargs):
But then later in the code the positional arguments are passed in
like this.
elasticache_manager = ElastiCacheManager(module, name, engine,
cache_engine_version, node_type,
num_nodes, cache_port,
security_group_ids, parameter_group, zone, wait,
hard_modify, region, **aws_connect_kwargs)
If you count, you can see that cache_subnet_group, is being passed in
where the manager expects to see parameter_group.
There can be instances during an Ansible play where the list of subnets
currently available from OpenStack is required. This update provides
subnet list functionality as a new os_subnets_facts module.
There can be instances during an Ansible play where the list of networks
currently available from OpenStack is required. This update provides
network list functionality as a new os_networks_facts module.
An attempt to make clear how privilege escalation works with respect to the src/source host and dest/destination host. One existing note was incorporated into three new ones, iterating each.