Updates the junos_netconf module with changes to load the
NetworkModule instead of the get_module factory method. This
update is part of the 2.2 refactor of network modules
* adds src argument to load configuration from disk
* adds src_format to set the source file format
* adds update argument with choices merge or replace
* deprecates the replace argument in favor of update=replace
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments
* rpcs argument now accepts a dict argument
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowd when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
this change adds config_format argument with choices of xml, set or text to
specify the desired format of the config returned from the remote device. The
default value is text
This adds a new module, junos_config, useed to configure Juniper JUNOS based
devices. The config module can be used to set an ordered set of set and
delete statements over a cli transport
This adds a new module, junos_template, that can read in a template
config and push the changes to the device. It can also backup the
current config. This module is implemented over cli
This adds a new module, junos_command that can be used for sending commands
to Juniper JUNOS based devices. The junos_command module is implemented
over a cli transport