* Module DOCUMENTATION should match argspec
Large update of many modules so that DOCUMENTATION option name and
aliases match those defined in the argspec.
Issues identified by https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/34809
In addition to many typos and missing aliases, the following notable
changes were made:
* Create `module_docs_fragments/url.py` for `url_argument_spec`
* `dellos*_command` shouldn't have ever had `waitfor` (was incorrectly copied)
* `ce_aaa_server_host.py` `s/raduis_server_type/radius_server_type/g`
* `Junos_lldp` enable should be part of `state`.
* cs_network_offering: streamline docs a bit
* cs_network_offering: format traffic type as returned by API
* cs_network_offering: rename return to service_offering_id
* cs_network_offering: ensure absent tests don't require anyting else than name
* cs_network_offering: beautify the default_egress_policy param
* cs_network_offering: test enabling/disabling with existing syntax
* cs_network_offering: rename service_provider_list to service_providers
* cs_network_offering: allow update max_connections
* cs_network_offering: extend returns
* cs_network_offering: extend tests with max_connections