According to the OpenStack Networking API
the attribute provider:segmentation_id of a network has to be
an integer.
Even if neutron accepts provider:segmentation_id to be a
string, other implementations may not.
Added a new property, 'port_security_enabled' which is a boolean to
enable or disable port_security during network creation. The default
behaviour will enable port security, security group and anti spoofing
will act as before. When the attribute is set to False, security
group and anti spoofing are disabled on the ports created on this
Shade supports this option in versions > 1.27.1
* Introduce new "required_by' argument_spec option
This PR introduces a new **required_by** argument_spec option which allows you to say *"if parameter A is set, parameter B and C are required as well"*.
- The difference with **required_if** is that it can only add dependencies if a parameter is set to a specific value, not when it is just defined.
- The difference with **required_together** is that it has a commutative property, so: *"Parameter A and B are required together, if one of them has been defined"*.
As an example, we need this for the complex options that the xml module provides. One of the issues we often see is that users are not using the correct combination of options, and then are surprised that the module does not perform the requested action(s).
This would be solved by adding the correct dependencies, and mutual exclusives. For us this is important to get this shipped together with the new xml module in Ansible v2.4. (This is related to bugfix
module = AnsibleModule(
path=dict(type='path', aliases=['dest', 'file']),
namespaces=dict(type='dict', default={}),
state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent',
'present'], aliases=['ensure']),
count=dict(type='bool', default=False),
print_match=dict(type='bool', default=False),
pretty_print=dict(type='bool', default=False),
content=dict(type='str', choices=['attribute', 'text']),
input_type=dict(type='str', default='yaml', choices=['xml',
backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
attribute=['value', 'xpath'],
['count', True, ['xpath']],
['print_match', True, ['xpath']],
['path', 'xmlstring'],
['add_children', 'content', 'count', 'pretty_print', 'print_match', 'set_children', 'value'],
['add_children', 'content', 'count', 'print_match','set_children', 'value'],
['path', 'xmlstring'],
* Rebase and fix conflict
* Add modules that use required_by functionality
* Update required_by schema
* Fix rebase issue
When using `nat_destination` parameter of `os_floating_ip` module, dot
syntax (`addr.addr`) is used to access a value in a dictionary,
resulting in the module crashing with this error:
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'addr'
This is now fixed, when using correct syntax (`addr['addr']`), the
module seems to work fine.
When the security group the rule belongs to does not exist and
the state is absent, the module is not properly exited, leading
to a playbook execution failure.
Fixes issue #50057
* Fix for 36950. Added support for missing options capabilities and root_device in properties of ansible module
* Updated docstring to pass documentation validation
* Updated review comments from juliakreger
* version_added: "2.8"
* openstack: fix parameter handling when cloud provided as dict
If a cloud is provided as dictionary:
* Do not assert that 'interface' parameter is None. Instead,
assert that it is 'public'.
* Assert that 'auth_type' parameter is not set.
* os_user: Include domain parameter in user lookup
If a "domain" parameter is provided, use it in looking up
whether the user already exists.
* os_user: Include domain parameter in user deletion
If a "domain" parameter is provided, use it in deleting
the user also.
os_server was trying to access `[ for sg in
server.security_groups]`, but the items in `server.security_groups`
are dictionaries, so that should be `sg['name']`.
The description of the `name` and `id` options are updated to highlight the fact that the `name` (which is required and leads to failures if several images exist with the same name) argument can also contain the image `id`.
+label: docsite_pr
shade is not used anymore by the `os_*` modules.
PR #40532 replaces `shade` library by `openstacksdk`. This commit clean
up some references to the old library. It's similiar to what has been
done in PR #40784.
* add filters variable to allow servers to be selected based on arbitrary nova properties
* update docs to fix yaml
* add required info for filters variable in the docs
* bump version number
* clean up documentation
If a "domain" parameter is provided, use it in looking up the user ID.
Additionally, if both a domain and project parameter are provided, then
remove the domain ID from the list of filter criteria after having used
it to look up both the user and the project. OpenStack will not allow us
to apply both a project ID (which implies a domain) and a domain ID as a
search filter.
If enable_snat is False, this should be used to build the
request, because the default value in the OpenStack Networking
API is True.
Fixes the issue #45915.
The user can use os_loadbalancer module to configure a fully functional
load balancer by specifying the sub-resources definition in the module,
rather than combining os_listener, os_pool and os_member modules.
When removing an instance via its ID, it is not clearly explained that one should use the `name` parameter.
Also a simple example is provided.
+label: docsite_pr
Many OpenStack modules provide the ability to register a resource in a
project other than the one being used to authenticate with, by adding a
project parameter to the module. Examples include os_network, os_subnet,
and os_router. This change adds a project parameter to the
os_security_group module.
Fixes: #34467Fixes: #30292