One can install alternate packages managers on debuntu machines.
However, doing so doesn't mean you want to suddenly start using them.
Add in a check similar to the fedora yum/dnf check that sets apt as the
pkg_mgr if the ansible_os_family is Debian.
they dropped the Linux so now it only shows as ALT, it should still be backwards compatible
pkg_mgr detection relies on `Altlinux` string, so properly setting os_distribution should take care of it as side effect
* fix fedora version dnf fact, default pkg_mgr detection per distro family
* loop over possible dnf/yum paths in case there are multiple canonical sources later in life
Signed-off-by: Adam Miller <>
* Properly handle default package manager vs apt
For distros where apt might be installed but is not the default
package manager for the distro, properly identify the default distro
package manager during fact finding and re-use fact finding from
DistributionFactCollector and instead of reimplementing small
portions of it in PkgMgrFactCollector
Add unit test to always check the apt + Fedora combination to test
the new code.
Signed-off-by: Adam Miller <>
* remove q debugging output I accidentally left behind
Signed-off-by: Adam Miller <>
* add os_family to the conditional so we're only hitting that code path when needed
Signed-off-by: Adam Miller <>
* setup for a _check* pattern for general os_family group pkg_mgr checking
Signed-off-by: Adam Miller <>
* use Mock.patch decorator for os.path.exists in TestPkgMgrFactsAptFedora
Signed-off-by: Adam Miller <>
When parsing the distribution files such as /etc/os-release, we extract
the full distribution version but not the major version. As such, the
ansible_distribution_major_version ends up being 'NA' whereas the
ansible_distribution_version contains the full version.
Before this patch we get this on openSUSE Leap 15
ansible -o localhost -m setup -a filter=ansible_distribution_major_version
localhost | SUCCESS => {"ansible_facts": {"ansible_distribution_major_version": "NA"}, "changed": false}
After this patch we get this
ansible -o localhost -m setup -a filter=ansible_distribution_major_version
localhost | SUCCESS => {"ansible_facts": {"ansible_distribution_major_version": "15"}, "changed": false}
This also fixes the Tumbleweed distribution test to report a proper
major version and also adds a test for openSUSE Leap 15.0 to avoid
potential future regressions.
Fixes: #41410
In the current state of the code, the nvme partitions are returned as empty as in :
"ansible_devices": {
"nvme0n1": {
"model": "SAMSUNG MZVLW256HEHP-000L7",
"partitions": {},
The parsing of the /sys/block/<diskname> try to find a disk named like :
<diskname><x> as in sda1 for sda
But in the nvme context, the partition of nvme0n1 is named nvme0n1p1.
This add a possible 'p' between the diskname and the partname.
This patch simply add the option of having a 'p' between the diskname
and the partname.
The patch works on my host :
"model": "INTEL SSDPEDMD400G4",
"partitions": {
"nvme0n1p1": {
"size": "93.13 GB",
Signed-off-by: Erwan Velu <>
* continue fact gathering even without dmidecode
If dmidecode is not available we still wan to continue with fact
On certain platforms dmidecode just won't work
The product string (used as the DMI product name) changed from
"OpenStack Nova" to "OpenStack Compute" between Mitaka and Newton
in the OpenStack RDO packaging.
This fixes an indention bug introduced in
that was causing the virtualization_role to be set to 'host'
for many cases incorrectly.
(the issue mentioned in the pr)
Add deps/requires for fact collectors
Fact collectors can now set a required_facts
class attribute that will be a set of the names
of fact collectors they require to be run first.
ie, if a collector needs to know the ansible_distribution,
it should set it's required_facts to include 'distribution'
required_facts = set(['distribution'])
If a collector requires another collector, it gets added
to the selected collector names.
We then topological sort the ordering of the collectors
so that deps work out (ie, 'distribution' will run before
required_facts were added to the collectors for:
- network (requires 'distribution', 'platform')
- hardware (requires 'platform')
- service_mgr (requires 'distribution', 'platform')
Fix name references for facts (need 'ansible_' prefix)
is service_mgr
* add documentation around commonly-used Facts for Conditionals
There are a few Facts that are often used for Conditionals, so
documenting them on the Conditionals page with their possible values.
* Edit
The accumulated collected_facts was being update
with new facts _after_ filtering them. So only
facts that pass the filter would ever be passed
to other fact collectors.
For 'filter=ansible_service_mgr', even though it requires
the platform and distribution facts and even collects them,
they would get filtered out and never passed to the other
collectors that need them (service_mgr for ex).
Fix is just to add the unfiltered facts to collected_facts.
Adds unit tests for fact filter and collected_facts.
The search string used to look for Clear Linux
was changed in 45a9f96774 to
be more specific, but was too specific. Now finding
a substring match for 'Clear Linux' in /usr/lib/os-release
is enough to consider a match.
Since the details of the full name in os-release varies
('Clear Linux Software for Intel Architecture',
'Clear Linux OS for Intel Architecture', etc) the
search string match was failing and would fall back to the
'first word in the release file' method resulting in
Also add a meta fact indicating which search string
was matched.
Test case info from:
This fixes fact gathering of VMware guest machines with
older Linux Kernel versions. These older Kernels do not support /sys
filesystem which is used to gather virtualization related facts.
'dmidecode' is the safest option to find out virtualization related facts.
Fixes: #21573
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <>
On Fedora Atomic Host, there is no yum or dnf, but the module ot use to
install package should be atomic_container. We verify that this is
a Fedora Atomic Host with rpm-ostree, not atomic since atomic
can be used on a regular non ostree distribution.
The platform/distro/etc facts were being passed in
correctly, but was looking up the
wrong names ('system' vs 'ansible_system') resulting
in service_mgr falling back to default 'service' result.
Fixes#30753, #31095
* Make ansible_selinux facts a consistent type
Rather than returning a bool if the Python library is missing, return a dict with one key containing a message explaining there is no way to tell the status of SELinux on the system becasue the Python library is not present.
* Fix unit test
* Add new lines to end of config file lines
* Properly write out selinux config file
Change module behavior to not always report a change but warn if a reboot is needed and return reboot_required.
Improve the output messages.
Add strip parameter to get_file_lines utility to help with parsing the selinux config file.
* Add return documentation
* Add integration tests for selinux module
* Use consistent capitalization for SELinux
* Use atomic_move in selinux module
* Don't copy the config file initially
There's no need to make a copy just for reading.
* Put message after set_config_policy in case the change fails
* Add aliases to selinux tests
The /etc/os-release based distro detection doesn't
seem to work for Ubuntu 10.04 (no /etc/os-release?).
So it was testing the next case which was /etc/lsb-release to
see if it is 'Mandriva'. Since the check for existence of
(/etc/lsb-release, Mandrive) was the first non-empty dist
file match, 'ansible_distribution' was being set to 'Mandriva'
expecting to be corrected by the data from the dist file content.
But since the dist file parsing for Mandriva didn't match for
Ubuntu 10.04 /etc/lsb-release _and_ there is no Debian specific
lsb-release check, 'ansible_distribution' stayed at 'Mandriva'
and the dist file checking loop keeps going and eventually off
the end of the list before finding a better match.
Adding a debian/ubuntu specific check for /etc/lsb-release after
the debian os-release sets the info correctly and stops further
checking of dist files.
'distribution' facts were being set after checking
the existence of the dist file, and then being set
again with more detail after they were succesfully parsed.
But if the dist file was not succesfully parsed and
matched the required names, the loop continues
without resetting the earlier set facts. This is
how 'Mandriva' would end up being the 'distribution'
file for unrelated cases (it would find /etc/lsb-release,
set distro to 'Mandriva', then fail to parse/match and
continue the loop. If no other checks worked, 'Mandriva'
would stick).
* parse_dist_file_NA should check 'name' not distro for NA
parse_distribution_file_NA was checking the incoming
'distribution' fact to be 'NA', but the fact itself can
be specific at that point ('KDE Neon', for ex) but the
check is really if the 'name' it was passed is NA.
* for matches on OS_RELEASE_ALIAS (ie, 'Archlinux') do
not continue if the dist file content doesn't match. Previously
it had to because of the 'Mandriva' bug mentioned above.
This is a more general fix for #30693 than #30723
Fixes #30693
Related to #30600
* Fix fact failures cause by ordering of collectors
Some fact collectors need info collected by other facts.
(for ex, service_mgr needs to know 'ansible_system').
This info is passed to the Collector.collect method via
the 'collected_facts' info.
But, the order the fact collectors were running in is
not a set order, so collectors like service_mgr could
run before the PlatformFactCollect ('ansible_system', etc),
so the 'ansible_system' fact would not exist yet.
Depending on the collector and the deps, this can result
in incorrect behavior and wrong or missing facts.
To make the ordering of the collectors more consistent
and predictable, the code that builds that list is now
driven by the order of collectors in,
and the rest of the code tries to preserve it.
* Flip the loops when building collector names
iterate over the ordered default_collectors list
selecting them for the final list in order instead
of driving it from the unordered collector_names set.
This lets the list returned by select_collector_classes
to stay in the same order as default_collectors.collectors
For collectors that have implicit deps on other fact collectors,
the default collectors can be ordered to include those early.
* now uses a handful of sub lists of
collectors that can be ordered in default_collectors.collectors.
* Fix 'distribution' fact for ArchLinux
Allow empty wasn't breaking out of the process_dist_files
loop, so a empty /etc/arch-release would continue searching
and eventually try /etc/os-release. The os-release parsing
works, but the distro name there is 'Arch Linux' which does
not match the 2.3 behavior of 'Archlinux'
Add a OS_RELEASE_ALIAS map for the cases where we need to get
the distro name from os-release but use an alias.
We can't include 'Archlinux' in SEARCH_STRING because a name match on its keys
but without a match on the content causes a fallback to using the first
whitespace seperated item from the file content as the name.
For os-release, that is in form 'NAME=Arch Linux'
With os-release returning the right name, this also supports the
case where there is no /etc/arch-release, but there is a /etc/os-release
* pep8 and comment cleanup