* PR Candidate for FortiManager Connection Plugin, plus associated Utilities.
* Update fortimanager.py
Adding additional comments
* Committing changes for PR as requested by Ansible Staff
* Minor doc change to kick off new shippable test. Unrelated code (not our stuff) caused a failure on the last test.
* Removed generic methods for get/set/etc. Moved a copy of FMGRLockCTX into the plugin for portability, and to left the original in the mod_utils/fortimanager.py as deprecated code for pre-2.7 customers still running on pyFMG and not the plugin.
Tested all playbooks and all modules, and all appears well.
* Adding new code for new module and new module_utils with the pip pyfmg package
* Changed login and logout functionality and renamed mod_utils file as well as cleaned up PEP8 syntax
* Removing extra Ansible parameters and fixing more syntax issues
* Fixing more syntax issues and comparing against previous FTNT script module
* Changing import location to pass syntax checks
* Fixing pylint errors
* Removing test files
* Add unit tests and enabling a login session check within main in order to throw error if network connection exception
* Fixing syntax issues for adding unit tests
* Changing case for pip package requirements
* adding comments
* adding version restriction on pip package for testing
* adding version restriction on pip package for testing
* More comments
* Fixing documentation errors and add the ability to skip a test if it isn't present
* Fixing Pep8 error with whitespace (tab) in the row