* smarter function to figure out relative paths
takes list of paths in order of relevance to current task
and does the dwim magic on them
* shared function for action plugins using new dwim
unify path construction and error info/messaging
made include and role non exclusive
corrected order and now smarter about tasks
includes inside roles are currently broken as they don't provide the correct role data
make dirname full match to avoid corner cases
* migrated action plugins to new dwim function
reported plugins to use exceptions instead of info
* clarified needle
* Catch DistributionNotFound when pycrypto is absent
On Solaris 11, module `pkg_resources` throws `DistributionNotFound` on import if `cryptography` is installed but `pycrypto` is not. This change causes that situation to be handled gracefully.
I'm not using Paramiko or Vault, so I my understanding is that I don't
need `pycrpto`. I could install `pycrypto` to make the error go away, but:
- The latest released version of `pycrypto` doesn't build cleanly on Solaris (https://github.com/dlitz/pycrypto/issues/184).
- Solaris includes an old version of GMP that triggers warnings every time Ansible runs (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/6941). I notice that I can silence these warnings with `system_warnings` in `ansible.cfg`, but not installing `pycrypto` seems like a safer solution.
* Ignore only `pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound`, not other exceptions.
rm _del_ as it might leak memory
renamed to tmp file cleanup
added exception handling when traversing file list, even if one fails try rest
added cleanup to finally to ensure removal in most cases
- get_real_file will decrypt vault encrypted files and return a path to
a temporary file.
- cleanup_real_file will remove a temporary file created previously with
Previously, split_args() was not taking print/block/comment depth into account
when splitting things, meaning that if there was a quote character inside an
un-quoted variable (ie. {{ foo | some_filter(' ') }}), it was incorrectly
splitting on the quotes instead of continuing to append to the previous param.
Note that this will break if we deal with non-utf8 paths. Fixing this
way because converting everythig to byte strings instead is a very
invasive task so it should be done as a specific feature to provide
support for non-utf8 paths at some point in the future (if needed).
* Changed parse_addresses to throw exceptions instead of passing None
* Switched callers to trap and pass through the original values.
* Added very verbose notice
* Look at deprecating this and possibly validate at plugin instead