* module_utils #Requires should not have .psm1 extension if "real" Powershell will ever execute them
* updated validate-modules to enforce this
* added check to disallow multi-module syntax on Ansible.ModuleUtils #Requires
Two reasons to do this:
- It provides a proper error message indicating why it failed
- It conforms to what is being done in the command and shell modules
* as a result of recent core engine changes to ignore rc, modules are responsible to set `failed` on nonzero RC if they want that behavior
* the `failed` filter currently triggers on nonzero RC, which caused the tests to false-pass
* updated tests to explicitly check both rc and failed keys, as well as using the failed filter.
* win_command/win_shell: Clean up and make coherent
Changes include:
- Make win_command and win_shell more coherent
- Make condensed one-line more readable
* Revert to original formatting
This PR is based on #20164 functionality to specify the parameter type
(e.g. as done for python modules).
In this case only -type "path" has a specific meaning, as it will expand
environment variables for paths. Which is typically done on Windows.
So you can do:
- win_copy:
src: files/some.doc
dest: '%UserProfile%\My Documents'