* Fix for 36950. Added support for missing options capabilities and root_device in properties of os_ironic.py ansible module
* Updated docstring to pass documentation validation
* Updated review comments from juliakreger
* version_added: "2.8"
* openstack: fix parameter handling when cloud provided as dict
If a cloud is provided as dictionary:
* Do not assert that 'interface' parameter is None. Instead,
assert that it is 'public'.
* Assert that 'auth_type' parameter is not set.
* os_user: Include domain parameter in user lookup
If a "domain" parameter is provided, use it in looking up
whether the user already exists.
* os_user: Include domain parameter in user deletion
If a "domain" parameter is provided, use it in deleting
the user also.
os_server was trying to access `[sg.name for sg in
server.security_groups]`, but the items in `server.security_groups`
are dictionaries, so that should be `sg['name']`.
The description of the `name` and `id` options are updated to highlight the fact that the `name` (which is required and leads to failures if several images exist with the same name) argument can also contain the image `id`.
+label: docsite_pr
shade is not used anymore by the `os_*` modules.
PR #40532 replaces `shade` library by `openstacksdk`. This commit clean
up some references to the old library. It's similiar to what has been
done in PR #40784.
* add filters variable to allow servers to be selected based on arbitrary nova properties
* update docs to fix yaml
* add required info for filters variable in the docs
* bump version number
* clean up documentation
If a "domain" parameter is provided, use it in looking up the user ID.
Additionally, if both a domain and project parameter are provided, then
remove the domain ID from the list of filter criteria after having used
it to look up both the user and the project. OpenStack will not allow us
to apply both a project ID (which implies a domain) and a domain ID as a
search filter.
If enable_snat is False, this should be used to build the
request, because the default value in the OpenStack Networking
API is True.
Fixes the issue #45915.
The user can use os_loadbalancer module to configure a fully functional
load balancer by specifying the sub-resources definition in the module,
rather than combining os_listener, os_pool and os_member modules.
When removing an instance via its ID, it is not clearly explained that one should use the `name` parameter.
Also a simple example is provided.
+label: docsite_pr
Many OpenStack modules provide the ability to register a resource in a
project other than the one being used to authenticate with, by adding a
project parameter to the module. Examples include os_network, os_subnet,
and os_router. This change adds a project parameter to the
os_security_group module.
Fixes: #34467Fixes: #30292
Certain project functions are not available on the openstack public api. Creating and deleting projects are examples where you must use the admin api.
In most devstack or simple openstack deployments the public, internal and admin apis may live at the IP. However in most production deployments the admin APIs are on a separate network than the public APIs. Therefore for these examples to consistently work, we must specify the admin endpoint_type.
The openstack modules do not support python 2.6 as the underlying
library dependency (openstacksdk) does not support python 2.6. Update
the docs to make this clear.
PR #39373
* Add extra_specs to os_subnet module
This change removes the parameter limitation on `os_subnet` module for
Neutron subnet creation.
This way, any key value passed via `extra_specs` argument is included in
shade's API call.
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Set default value of extra_specs to None
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Raise ValueError in case of duplicate keys found
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Update docs default value of extra_specs to {}
* Move cidr to kwargs to avoid positional argument
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Print explicit list of duplicate keys
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Fix precedence on the dict merge
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Bump version_added of the extra_specs parameter
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Establish connection through openstacksdk
* Switch from shade to openstacksdk
* fix typo in link to openstacksdk
* remove nova_client usage
* further remove of min_version from openstack modules
* os_project_access: correct example tasks
The example task does not work. Fix it so that it does.
* os_project_access: Remove unused function
The _get_allowed_projects function is not used anywhere,
so we can remove it and be free of nova_client for this
The os_server module uses the deprecated nova_client function, and
therefore ends up requiring python-novaclient installed. In this
patch we switch the ip detachment to make use of a shade function,
removing the need for python-novaclient.
* Add new OpenStack module for changing metadata of compute instances
* Add missing RETURN documentation
* Fix API calls to match shade's implementation.
API was changed in the following PR (openstack-infra/shade):
* Replace type by isinstance when type checking
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Bump the ansible version
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Add support for check_mode
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Fix sanity tests
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Force the meta parameter to be a string
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Use short GPL license
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>
* Change meta argument to dict
Signed-off-by: Mário Santos <mario.rf.santos@gmail.com>