body_format is a new optional argument that enables handling of JSON or
YAML serialization format for the body argument.
When set to either 'json' or 'yaml', the body argument can be a dict or list.
The body will be encoded, and the Content-Type HTTP header will be set,
accordingly to the body_format argument.
- name: Facette - Create memory graph
method: POST
url: http://facette/api/v1/library/graphs
status_code: 201
body_format: json
name: "{{ ansible_fqdn }} - Memory usage"
Source": "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
link: "1947a490-8ac6-4bf2-47c1-ff74272f8b32"
consider the following response body (content) of a REST/JSON webservice containing escaped quotation marks:
{ "key": "\"works\"" }
decoding this string not as raw will lose the backslash as JSON escape. later json.loads will fail to parse.
Inspired by [this thread](!topic/ansible-project/kymtiloDme4) on the mailing list and the following python shell code:
import json
string=r'{ "key": "\"works\"" }'
When using the "creates" option with the uri module, set changed
to False if the file already exists. This behavior is consistent with
other modules which use "creates", such as command and shell.