subscription-manager currently does not have a way to get credentials
(username, password, activation keys, organization ID) in a secure way:
the existing command line parameters can be easily spotted when running
a process listing while 'subscription-manager register' runs.
There is a D-Bus service, which is used by e.g. cockpit and Anaconda to
interface with RHSM (at least for registration and common queries).
Try to perform the registration using D-Bus, in a way very similar to
the work done in convert2rhel [1] (with my help):
- try to do a simple signal test to check whether the system bus works;
inspired by the login in the dconf module
- pass most of the options as registration options; for the few that are
not part of the registration, execute 'subscription-manager' manually
- add quirks for differently working (or not) registration options for
the D-Bus Register*() methods depending on the version of RHEL
- 'subscription-manager register' is used only in case the signal test
is not working; silent fallback in case of D-Bus errors during the
registration is not done on purpose to avoid silent fallback to a less
secure registration
Add the `server_proxy_scheme` parameter to configure the scheme used for
the proxy server. This completes the configuration parameters for the
proxy server.
Fixes#3486. From the man-pages of subscription-manager, none of the
parameters used are tied to the activationkey except the two that remain
in its else-clause.
Note that type is not mentioned in the man-pages on 7.6 (at least), but
is still present and available.
Co-authored-by: Thor K. H <>
Stop passing all the "rhsm_", and "server_" module arguments to
"Rhsm.register()", and thus as arguments for
"subscription-manager register":
- right before calling "Rhsm.register()", "Rhsm.configure()" is called
to configure subscription-manager with all the "rhsm_", and "server_"
arguments; hence, they are already configured
- the passed argument to "--serverurl" is partially wrong:
"Rhsm.register()" passes only the hostname, whereas the other bits
(port and prefix) are supported too; this "works" because port and
prefix were already configured previously, and the lax parsing that
subscription-manager does allows for missing bits
- the parsing done by subscription-manager for "--baseurl" strips out
the URL scheme and always uses https: this means that specifying
"rhsm_baseurl: http://server" as module parameter will be taken as
"https://server" by subscription-manager; since "rhsm_baseurl" is
already configured by "Rhsm.configure()", this issue is gone
Do not mention an explicit version of Satellite for an environment to
use; future versions of Satellite will support that, and older versions
are long EOL.
Also mention Katello next to Red Hat Satellite.