The rest of ansible uses validate_certs, so make that the main
documented parameter. However, leave verify as an alias since that's the
passthrough value to the underlying libraries.
- become constants inherit existing sudo/su ones
- become command line options, marked sudo/su as deprecated and moved sudo/su passwords to runas group
- changed method signatures as privlege escalation is collapsed to become
- added tests for su and become, diabled su for lack of support in
- updated playbook,play and task objects to become
- added become to runner
- added whoami test for become/sudo/su
- added home override dir for plugins
- removed useless method from ask pass
- forced become pass to always be string also uses to_bytes
- fixed fakerunner for tests
- corrected reference in synchronize action plugin
- added pfexec (needs testing)
- removed unused sudo/su in runner init
- removed deprecated info
- updated pe tests to allow to run under sudo and not need root
- normalized become options into a funciton to avoid duplication and inconsistencies
- pushed suppored list to connection classs property
- updated all connection plugins to latest 'become' pe
- includes fixes from feedback (including typos)
- added draft docs
- stub of become_exe, leaving for future v2 fixes
There is an old PR that shows a great use case for having a different
set of states for the server module. Before the other modules start
being in real use, pull this out so that we don't get ourselves into a
We have been caching the paths to the plugins but before we would only
cache the specific plugin that we were looking for. This meant that we
might search through all of the plugin directories before finding the
specific module we were interested in. The next plugin we needed we
might again search through all the plugin directories before finding the
plugin we wanted.
This new code will cache all the potential plugins in each directory
searched. For a play that only uses one plugin we'll only search
through directories until we encounter the directory that has the proper
plugin. For a large playbook with many plugins used we'll search
through each directory at most once each.
This should alleviate #10165