* allow users to control group var merge order
With ansible_group_priority var at each group will determine merge order with siblings,
falling back to sorted names when priority is equal as it did before.
Parent/children relationships still work as they did and have higher precedence than priority
* move priority setting to groups, sourc indep
* now both inventory and play group follow priority
* removed double exception handling
>>> timeit.timeit("uuid.uuid4()", setup="import uuid")
>>> timeit.timeit("get_unique_id()", setup="from __main__ import get_unique_id")
This will mainly be beneficial when a very large inventory is being
used, however it may also help with some very large playbooks.
The earlier distinction was never used; .ipv6_address was always a copy
of .ipv4_address, and the latter was always used to set the remote_addr
field in the PlayContext.
Also uses the canonical ansible_host/ansible_port names when setting the
address and port from variables.
Required some rewiring in inventory code to make sure we're using
the DataLoader class for some data file operations, which makes mocking
them much easier.
Also identified two corner cases not currently handled by the code, related
to inventory variable sources and which one "wins". Also noticed we weren't
properly merging variables from multiple group/host_var file locations
(inventory directory vs. playbook directory locations) so fixed as well.
* Moving connection creation until after the task is post_validated,
to make sure all fields are properly templated (#11230)
* Fixing problems related to the connection method and remote address
lookup on the delegated-to host