Fixes bugs related to creating Templar() objects on the fly, where
the shared loader objects (serialized to TaskExecutor) aren't used
so information loaded into plugin loaders after forking is lost.
This is unsafe and we debated re-adding it to the v2/2.0 codebase,
however it is a common-enough feature that we will simply mark it
as deprecated for now and remove it at some point in the future.
- now obeys global undefined var setting and allows override (mostly for with_ )
- moved environment instanciation to init instead of each template call
- removed hardcoded template token matching and now use actually configured tokens, now it won't break if someone changes default configs in ansible.cfg
- made reenetrant template calls now pass the same data it got, dictionary and lists were loosing existing and new params
- moved fail_on_undeinfed parameter to template call, as it should only realky be set to false on specific templates and not globally
- added overrides, which will allow template to implement jinja2 header override features
- added filter list to overrides to disallow possibly insecure ones, TODO: check if this is still needed as facts should not be templated anymore
- TODO: actually implement jinja2 header overrides