* Fix bug #5328 apache module loading
Currently, the apache2_module module parses apache configs
for correctness when enabling or disabling apache2 modules.
This behavior introduced a conflict condition when transitioning
between mpm modules, such as mpm_worker and mpm_event.
This change accounts for the specific error condition raised
by ``apachectl -M``:
``AH00534: apache2: Configuration error: No MPM loaded.``
When loading or unloading a module with a name that contains 'mpm_',
apache2_module will ignore the error raised by apachectl if stderr
contains 'AH00534'.
* Add AH00534 warning
* Added changes from PR #5629
* Modified ignore_configcheck behavior
* Change example syntax on authorized_key module
* Change example syntax on cron module
* Change example syntax on group module
* Change example syntax on hostname module
* Change example syntax on seboolean module
* Change example syntax on selinux module
* Change example syntax on service module
* Change example syntax on sysctl module
* Change example syntax on systemd module
* Change example syntax on user module
* Change example syntax on debug module
* Change example syntax on fail module
* Change example syntax on include module
* Change example syntax on include_role module
* Change example syntax on include_vars module
* Change example syntax on pause module
* Change example syntax on wait_for module
* Change example syntax on apache2_module module
* > Change example syntax on django_manage module
* Change example syntax on htpasswd module
- httpd removed from control_binaries
- check for enabled module after running a2enmod/a2dismod
- fail, if user has no permissions to run control_binary
- reduce code duplication
* Add optional force parameter for apache2_module
* Add documentation for the force parameter
* Clarify in description that -f(orce) is a Debian parameter
Add a word boundary \b to the regexp for checking the output of a2{en,dis}mod,
to avoid a false positive for a module that ends with the same text as the
module we're working on.
For example, the previous regexp r'.*spam already enabled' would also match
against 'eggs_spam already enabled'.
Also, get rid of the redundant '.*' from the end of the regexp.