Since c8f2483d, expects to always be passed in a pre-created list
of groups, and can no longer deal sensibly with an empty list; this just
makes that expectation clear.
This fixes a corner case where ini files live in a subdir
of the main inventory directory.
Reproducing the original error:
mkdir -p inventory/ini
cat > inventory/ini/hosts << EOF
$ ansible -i inventory/ all -m ping
ERROR! 'all'
(or without the [www] group, it would complain about 'ungrouped')
On Python 2, shlex.split() raises if you pass it a unicode object with
non-ASCII characters in it. The Ansible codebase copes by explicitly
converting the string using to_bytes() before passing it to
On Python 3, shlex.split() raises ('bytes' object has no attribute 'read')
if you pass a bytes object. Oops.
This commit introduces a new wrapper function, shlex_split, that
transparently performs the to_bytes/to_unicode conversions only on
Python 2.
Currently I've only converted one call site (the one that was causing a
unit test to fail on Python 3). If this approach is deemed suitable,
I'll convert them all.
The earlier distinction was never used; .ipv6_address was always a copy
of .ipv4_address, and the latter was always used to set the remote_addr
field in the PlayContext.
Also uses the canonical ansible_host/ansible_port names when setting the
address and port from variables.
The earlier-recommended "pat1:pat2:pat3[x:y]" notation doesn't work well
with IPv6 addresses, so we recommend ',' as a separator instead. We know
that commas can't occur within a pattern, so we can just split on it.
We still have to accept the "foo:bar" notation because it's so commonly
used, but we issue a deprecation warning for it.
This adds a parse_address(pattern) utility function that returns
(host,port), and uses it wherever where we accept IPv4 and IPv6
addresses and hostnames (or host patterns): the inventory parser
the the add_host action plugin.
It also introduces a more extensive set of unit tests that supersedes
the old add_host unit tests (which didn't actually test add_host, but
only the parsing function).
Required some rewiring in inventory code to make sure we're using
the DataLoader class for some data file operations, which makes mocking
them much easier.
Also identified two corner cases not currently handled by the code, related
to inventory variable sources and which one "wins". Also noticed we weren't
properly merging variables from multiple group/host_var file locations
(inventory directory vs. playbook directory locations) so fixed as well.
Replace .iteritems() with six.iteritems() everywhere except in
module_utils (because there's no 'six' on the remote host). And except
in lib/ansible/galaxy/data/metadata_template.j2, because I'm not sure
six is available there.
This commit deprecates the earlier groupname[x-y] syntax in favour of
the inclusive groupname[x:y] syntax. It also makes the subscripting
code simpler and adds explanatory comments.
One problem addressed by the cleanup is that _enumeration_info used to
be called twice, and its results discarded the first time because of the
convoluted control flow.
The possibilities are complicated enough that I didn't want to make
changes without having a complete description of what it actually
accepts/matches. Note that this text documents current behaviour, not
necessarily the behaviour we want. Some of this is undocumented and may
not be intended.
Now we accept IPv6 addresses _with port numbers_ only in the standard
[xxx]:NN notation (though bare IPv6 addresses may be given, as before,
and non-IPv6 addresses may also be placed in square brackets), and any
other host identifiers (IPv4/hostname/host pattern) as before, with an
optional :NN suffix.
The new code parses INI-format inventory files in a single pass using a
well-documented state machine that reports precise errors and eliminates
the duplications and inconsistencies and outright errors in the earlier
three-phase parsing code (e.g. three ways to skip comments). It is also
much easier now to follow what decisions are being taken on the basis of
the parsed data. The comments point out various potential improvements,
particularly in the area of consistent IPv6 handling.
On the ornate marble tombstone of the old code, the following
inscription is one last baffling memento from a bygone age:
- def _before_comment(self, msg):
- ''' what's the part of a string before a comment? '''
- msg = msg.replace("\#","**NOT_A_COMMENT**")
- msg = msg.split("#")[0]
- msg = msg.replace("**NOT_A_COMMENT**","#")
- return msg
first off, we add an oddly slow basic test of 10k item inventory
Ran 229 tests in 13.214s
real 0m13.403s
user 0m12.106s
sys 0m1.155s
Ran 230 tests in 21.328s
real 0m21.516s
user 0m20.099s
sys 0m1.275s
since that seems like a bit long for the test to add to runtime, lets profile
`python -m cProfile -s time ./bin/ansible all -i test/units/inventory_test_data/huge_range --list-hosts`
1272607 function calls (1259689 primitive calls) in 8.497 seconds
Ordered by: internal time
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
10000 4.393 0.000 4.396 0.000
20000 2.695 0.000 2.697 0.000
40369 0.113 0.000 0.113 0.000 {posix.lstat}
50006 0.102 0.000 0.153 0.000
40008 0.089 0.000 0.202 0.000
20195 0.088 0.000 0.088 0.000 {posix.stat}
10011 0.087 0.000 0.087 0.000 {posix.getcwd}
The top two lines are promising optimization targets
- populate Inventory's host cache more in _get_host, as we are looping
over all the groups anyways.
- eliminate duplicate check of whether we've already included a host
in the construction around __append_host_to_results we can infer
presence of a host in the results list implies the presence of its
name in the hostnames set, allowing us to only to the less expensive
of the two checks
1252610 function calls (1239692 primitive calls) in 1.320 seconds
Ordered by: internal time
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
40369 0.105 0.000 0.105 0.000 {posix.lstat}
50006 0.094 0.000 0.141 0.000
40008 0.081 0.000 0.184 0.000
10011 0.080 0.000 0.080 0.000 {posix.getcwd}
20195 0.074 0.000 0.074 0.000 {posix.stat}
10002 0.069 0.000 0.261 0.000
This function takes a string like 'foo:bar[1:2]:baz[x:y]-quux' and
returns a list of patterns ['foo', 'bar[1:2]', 'baz[x:y]-quux'], i.e.
splits the string on colons that are not part of a range specification.
get_hosts → used externally, not changed
_get_hosts → _evaluate_patterns (takes a list, evaluates ! and &)
__get_hosts → _match_one_pattern (takes one pattern only, ignores !&)
This function takes a string like 'foo:bar[1:2]:baz[x:y]-quux' and
returns a list of patterns ['foo', 'bar[1:2]', 'baz[x:y]-quux'], i.e.
splits the string on colons that are not part of a range specification.
This was used earlier to implement serial, but that's now done using
restrict_to_hosts() (whose docstring is also suitably adjusted here)
and there are no more callers.
This is a slightly different fix than we originally committed, but fixes
the problem in a less invasive way (and I believe it's generally better
that we don't deal with relative paths internally past this point)
* Moving connection creation until after the task is post_validated,
to make sure all fields are properly templated (#11230)
* Fixing problems related to the connection method and remote address
lookup on the delegated-to host