* Add SQS queue policy attachment functionality
SQS queue has no attribute 'Policy' until one is attached, so this special
case must be handled uniquely
SQS queue Policy can now be passed in as json
Do a sorted comparison of the list of security groups supplied via `module.params.get('security_groups')` and the list of security groups fetched via `get_sec_group_list(eni.groups)`. This fixes an incorrect "The specified address is already in use" error if the order of security groups in those lists differ.
Currently the module doesn't explicitly close the file handle. This
wraps the reading of the private key in a try/finally block to ensure
the file is properly closed.
cloudstack: cs_instance: fix do not require name to be set to avoid clashes
Require one of display_name or name. If both is given, name is used as identifier.
cloudstack: fix name is not case insensitive
cloudstack: cs_template: implement state=extracted
Update f5 validate_certs functionality to do the right thing on multiple python versions
This requires the implementation in the module_utils code here
https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/13667 to funciton
fixed domain_id to actually be supported
also added domain as an alias
alt fixes#1437
Simplify the code and remove use_unsafe_shell=True
While there is no security issue with this shell snippet, it
is better to not rely on shell and avoid use_unsafe_shell.
Fix for issue #1074. Now able to create volume without replica's.
Improved fix for #1074. Both None and '' transform to fqdn.
Fix for ansible-modules-extras issue #1080
Loop compatibility for dry run exception handling
Route table deletion dry run handler
Fixing regression in propagating_vgw_ids default value
Adjusting truthiness of changed attribute for route manipulation
Updating propagating_vgw_ids default in docstring
Some do not use the json module directly so don't need import json.
Some needed to fallback to simplejson with no traceback if neither was installed