* fixes #26623 * Test-Path (and thus `-type path` in Get-AnsibleParam) fail on a nonexistent drive letter, since it can't be mapped to a PSProvider. * added support and basic smoke tests for
* Added powershell SID utils for shared common code * rebased from upstream and fixed up module util after change
* Added camel case to snake case converters * removed uneeded shebang * renamed util to remove PowerShell from the name
* supports custom module_utils loads (anything in module prefaced with `#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.*`) * supports all usual PluginLoader module_utils locations (built-in lib/ansible/module_utils/, custom path from config, playbook module_utils/, ~/.ansible/module_utils, role module_utils, etc), * moves Powershell module_utils from module_utils/powershell.ps1 to module_utils/powershell/Ansible.ModuleUtils.PowerShellLegacy.psm1