* merge changes from ios shared module functions into ios_config.
* add src argument to provide path to config file
* add new choice to match used to ignore current running config
* add update argument with choices merge or check
* add backup argument to backup current running config to control host
* add defaults argument to control collection of config with or withoutdefaults
* add save argument to save current running config to startup config
* add state argument to control state of config file
* deprecated force argument, use match=none instead
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments[1]
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowd when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
[1] The commands argument will now accept a dict argument that can
specifiy the output format of the command. To specify a dict argument
use the form of { command: <str>, output: <str>, prompt: <str>,
response: <str> }. Command and output are required arguments. Output
accepts valid values text and json.
The module would raise a KeyError trying to find the save_config key
which is not present in the argument_spec. This was caused by the
check_args() function. Since the ios shared argument spec isn't used
the check_args function is not needed and has been removed.
This removes the get_module() factory function and directly creates
an instance of NetworkModule. This commit includes some minor clean
up to transition to the ios shared module for 2.2
* using check mode will now block all commands except show commands
* module will no longer allow config mode commands
* check args for unused values and issue warning
This refactors the ios_config module to use the network module added
in 2.2 to simplify common network functions
new features
* add src, dest arguments for working with config
* results now return flag if the config was saved or not
* adds append argument for updating the dest file (when dest is used)
This commit address a bug in the ios_config module when using the
match: strict argument. When the argument is used, the module will
compare the configuration block same as match: exact which is not the
intended behavior. This commit updates the behavior to propertly handle
the strict argument.