This commit fixes up the get_config method to match the minimum method
signature as defined by the base class. Without this patch, the
get_config method calls will fail in some cirumstances.
* Refactor common network shared and platform specific code into package (part-1)
As per proposal #76 refactor common network shared and platform specific
code into sub-package.
* - command shared functions
*{{ platform }} - where platform is platform specific shared functions
* Fix review comments
* Fix review comments
* Squashing all commits to one as suggested by John
* Adding Unit test method for the module
* Pep8 and Ylint issues addressed
* Trying again to remove blank line. Some scripts are required for this.
* Bug Fixing for interfaces
* Editing for over indenting issue
* E203 whitespace before ','
* Update
Added warnings argument as to check_args method
* Update
Added warnings to check_args method