Looks like #6881 is also affected by this bug.
Currently when using lineinfile insertafter=EOF for a file that has no newline then the added line is not prefixed with a newline.
As a concrete example, ubuntu distro default /etc/ssh/sshd_config has no newline so lineinfile module cannot be used to add a new line to the end of the file.
Addresses multiple issues when using su on freebsd including
* su prompt differs between platforms, so turned that check into a
regex comparison instead of a simple string comparison
* not using '-c' after su causes problems, so added that for all
* fixed quoting issues due to multiple uses of '-c' introduced by
the above fix
Remove 'python-apt' before testing the 'apt_repository' module. The
'apt_repository' module has the smarts to auto-install python-apt. The
integration test will now assert the correct auto-install behavior.
* the current state of the ELB was not reflected properly when checking
the status after a change was made.
* invalid zones caused a traceback when enabling/disabling zones
Make sure all hosts and groups are unique objects
and that those are referenced uniquely everywhere.
Also fixes test_dir_inventory unit tests which were broken after previous
modified: lib/ansible/inventory/dir.py
Changes include:
* Update Makefile to use credentials.yml when it exists
* Add details on the use of the credentials.yml file to README.md.
* Update credentials.template comments
The `apt` and `yum` modules will automatically install python dependencies.
This change updates the existing integration tests to test whether auto-install
of dependencies is functioning properly.
- unified set attribute functions ... not sure why 2 identical functions
exist with diff names, now there are 3 while i repoint all modules to 1
- fixed issue with symlinks being created w/o existing src when force=no
- refactored conditionals, simplified where possible
- added tests for symlink to nonexistant source, with both force options
- made symlink on existing attomic (force)
Tests several ways to specify the repository. For every repo added, the test
asserts that:
* the apt-cache was updated as expected (depends on `update_cache` parameter)
* the PPA key was installed (depends on `repo` format)
To support parallel cloud test execution, create and provide a random string to
cloud integration tests. The variable 'resource_prefix' can be used in cloud
roles and during resource cleanup to safely create/destroy cloud-based
Additional changes include:
* The roles test_ec2_key and test_ec2_group were updated to use to
* Additionally, the Makefile was updated to set resource_prefix to a random
string. The Makefile will also use 'resource_prefix' during cloud_cleanup.
* All test_ec2* roles were updated to add 'setup_ec2' as a role dependency.
The 'service' utility was unable to find the 'ansible_test' service due to an
unexpected filename. This patch corrects the filename and adjusts the
permissions to match other service scripts within /etc/init/.
tests issue #5749
same host defined in different groups which in turn are defined
in different ini files in an inventory directory
0. Uncomment the test.
1. Test fails.
2. Make vars unique per file in test inventory files.
3. Modify token addition to not ast.literal_eval(v) a variable containing a hash.
4. Modify vars to have an escape in test inventory file.
5. Catch exceptions explicitly. Any unknown exceptions should be a bug.
6. Test passes.
tests issue #5749
same host defined in different groups which in turn are defined
in different ini files in an inventory directory
It came up that fixing this unit test may relate to another ticket that is open. This work allows us to uncomment this unit test by fixing how we pars variables allowing a quoted variable to contain a '#'.
Work also went into cleaning up some of the test data to clarify what was working.
Lastly work went into cleaning up formatting so that the code is easily read.
The unit test infrastructure will remain for things that are mocked out and testable with out filesystem
side effects, and a few cases of things that might not be quite so much (like inventory) that can still
benefit from heavy access to the API.
See the 'tests_new/integration' directory, this will soon fold into tests_new.
We run into some problems because tar --diff will take into account the file ownership and fail if they don't match.
The real-world implication of this is that we could be doing more unarchives then we need to be doing.
There is a bit going on with the changes here. Most of the changes are cleanup of files so that they line up with the standard files.
PR #5136 was merged into the current devel and brought up to working order. A few bug fixes had to be done to get the code to test correctly. Thanks out to @pib!
Issue #5431 was not able to be confirmed as it behaved as expected with a sudo user.
Tests were added via a playbook with archive files to verify functionality.
All tests fire clean including custom playbooks across multiple linux and solaris systems.
assert 'changed' in result
doesn't actually check if something is changed, which is presumably
the reason for the assertion. What is actually needed is
assert result.get('changed')
which checks that changed is set and not False. Tests still pass after
this change
This adds two parameters to the git module:
bare (boolean)
Indicates this is to be a bare repositori
reference (string)
Indicates the path or url to the reference repo.
Check out the "--reference" option in the "git clone"
man page
Added appropriate tests.
The validate option is constructed similarly to the template command's
validate option. TestRunner.py has been updated to include two new
tests, one for passing and one for failing validation.
Still compatible with user: but deprecating it so we can have
a matching remote_user: in tasks, cannot be user: because of the
module of the same name. #3932
Signed-off-by: Brian Coca <briancoca+dev@gmail.com>
The 'always_run' task clause allows one to execute a task even in
check mode.
While here implement Runner.noop_on_check() to check if a runner
really should execute its task, with respect to check mode option
and 'always_run' clause.
Also add the optional 'jinja2' argument to check_conditional() :
it allows to give this function a jinja2 expression without exposing
the 'jinja2_compare' implementation mechanism.
Tests `test_playbook_undefined_varsX_fail` check if ansible detects
undefined variables when `error_on_undefined_vars` is enabled. These
tests fail without "Improve behavior with error_on_undefined_vars
enabled" patch.
Tests `test_playbook_undefined_varsX_ignore` check if ansible ignores
undefined variables when `error_on_undefined_vars` is disabled.
Also modify PlayBook._run_task_internal() so error_on_undefined_vars is
ansible.constants was calling expanduser (by way of shell_expand_path)
on the entire configured value for the library and *_plugins
configuration values, but these values have always been interpreted as
multiple directories separated by os.pathsep. Thus, if you supplied
multiple directories for one of these values, typically only the first
(at least on *nix) would have e.g. "~" expanded to HOME.
Now PluginLoader does expansion on each individual path in each of
these variables.
If someone has a " #" in a quoted var string, it
will interpret that as a comment and refuse to
load the inventory file due to an unbalanced
quote. Noisy failure > unexpected behavior.
PluginLoader._get_paths, as of 391fb98e, was only finding plug-ins that
were in a subdirectory of one of the basedirs (i.e. in a category
directory). For example, action_plugins/foo.py would never be loaded,
but action_plugins/bar/foo.py would work.
This makes it so that "uncategorized" plug-ins in the top level of a
directory such as action_plugins will be loaded, though plug-ins in a
"category" subdirectory will still be preferred. For example,
action_plugins/bar/foo.py would be preferred over action_plugins/foo.py.
The copy action accepts force=no, which tells it not to replace an
existing file even if it differs from the source. The copy action
plug-in wasn't respecting this option when operated in check mode, so it
would report that changes are necessary in check mode even though copy
would make no changes when run normally.
Runner._remote_md5 was changed to make the logic for setting rc perhaps
a little more clear, and to make sure that rc=0 when the file does not
As documented in #2623, early variable substitution causes when_
tests to fail and possibly other side effects.
I can see the reason for this early substitution, likely introduced
in 1dfe60a6, to allow many playbook parameters to be templated.
This is a valid goal, but the recursive nature of the utils.template
function means that it goes too far.
At this point removing tasks from the list of parameters to be
substituted seems sufficient to make my tests pass. It may be the
case that other parameters should be excluded, but I suspect not.
Adding a test case. I would prefer to analyse not just the aggregate
statistics but also whether the results are as expected - I can't
see an easy way to do that with the available callbacks at present.
When operating on a unicode string in python 2.6, shlex.split returns
a result that does not work with the file constructor.
To reproduce this requires a task include that is templated (this is
because the templated string is a unicode result, whereas a non-
templated string is a non-unicode string)
[will@centos6.3] $ python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 11 2012, 08:34:23)
[GCC 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import shlex
>>> shlex.split(u'abc')
[will@fedora17] $ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Jul 24 2012, 10:05:38)
[GCC 4.7.0 20120507 (Red Hat 4.7.0-5)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import shlex
>>> shlex.split(u'abc')
The proposed fix (coercing the include parameters to string before the
shlex.split) may not be ideal but it does fix the bug for my test case.
- added cron_file attribute: if specified, the file with appropriate
job is created in /etc/cron.d directory. Also, you can store multiple
jobs in one file. state='absent' attribute is handled in the following
way in this case: if after the deletion of the job from the file specified
by cron_file variable the file is empty, the file is deleted, otherwise
- fixed the behaviour, when the backupfile is saved forever in /tmp
folder, even if the backup= atribute is not set (os.unlink() is called if
backup is not True).
- added some comments to the unobvious places
Instead of having to remember when to use which one, rename template_ds
to template and move the last bit of code from template to varReplace
(which gets used for all string replacements, in the end).
This means that you can template any data type without worrying about
whether it's a string or not, and the right thing will happen.
Pretty straightforward. Give it a URL with an exported GPG key for signing an
Apt repository. It downloads it and will install it using apt-key. It's even
smart enough to tell if it's already there (i.e. actually tells you if it
changed or not).
At the moment Ansible prefers yes/no for module booleans, however booleans in playbooks are still using True/False, rather than yes/no. This changes modifies boolean uses in playbooks (and man pages) to favor yes/no rather than True/False.
This change includes:
- Adaptation of documentation and examples to favor yes/no
- Modification to manpage output to favor yes/no (the docsite output already favors yes/no)
This allows patterns such as webservers:!debian:&datacenter1 to target
hosts in the webservers group, that are not in the debian group, but are
in the datacenter1 group. It also parses patterns left to right.
Test for when environment variable and configuration file
variable both set now tests that the environment variable takes
Removed logic that would never be triggered from
pipes.quote is a bit overzealous for what we want to do, quoting ;
and other characters that you most likely want to use in your shell
invocations. The regexp is the best I could come up with to be able
to only replace the parts of the arguments that shouldn't be
Automatic quoting of variables in only_if breaks existing playbooks
where entire statements are put in a variable, and other cases. See
issue #1120 for details.
This fixes a few issues,
- ${foo}${bar} would be parsed as a variable named foo}${bar,
which wouldn't be easily fixed without breaking ${foo.${bar}}
- allows escaping . in variable parts so e.g.
${hostvars.{test.example.com}.foo} works
This is slower than using re. 3 million templating calls take about
about twice as long to complete with this compared to the regexp,
from ~65 seconds to ~115 seconds on my laptop.
This fixes e.g. only_if: ${task.changed} which would always
evaluate to true due to it having been replaced by a string for its
boolean value. Also adds a test case to ensure it doesn't get
missed again.
When the output of a command is stored in a register, this will create a
stdout_lines field in the result object that contains stdout split into a list
of lines. This list can then be iterated over using with_items.
date still issues warning and ignores TZ
- Updated tests to work inside bsd jails (127 addresses are an issue)
Signed-off-by: Brian Coca <briancoca+ansible@gmail.com>
on_skipped callback being passed an extra item parameter that it wasn't
Fixed it so that on_skipped in TestCallbacks accepts and ignores the
extra parameter
Extra parameter was added in 4b9b9a8a5b
but not really clear why from commit message
as it is /bin/false on many systems but /usr/bin/false on OS X
test/playbook1.yml now just does command true, rather than command /bin/true,
again so that it works on OS X
Changed from using which false to just using command false to
make it simpler and also match how playbook1.yml works
commit 4430ce3eefcdff0b0ceffea0ef66ea8e876a807d
Merge: 631783b 649963c
Author: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jul 12 01:28:43 2012 -0400
Merge branch 'host-groups' of https://github.com/dagwieers/ansible into daggroups
commit 649963ca2c2610b97a90d2449132a57ae6b39ec9
Author: Dag Wieërs <dag@wieers.com>
Date: Thu Jul 12 23:01:00 2012 +0200
Added comments in the example yaml file as requested
commit 7f9718f185ec991bc165c4a52b2468cf41f4c349
Author: Dag Wieërs <dag@wieers.com>
Date: Thu Jul 12 22:49:38 2012 +0200
Add the default nose color too, to test specific overrides
commit eb63b9e899318ce0c26902ca73af50135a6224e4
Author: Dag Wieërs <dag@wieers.com>
Date: Thu Jul 12 22:44:35 2012 +0200
Introduce comics and cartoons to test yaml groups defined on a per-node basis
commit aa13d233078b825a8057bebf35ed478342cf4e43
Author: Dag Wieërs <dag@wieers.com>
Date: Thu Jul 12 19:33:15 2012 +0200
A small fix to revert to old state
commit 264ebaa77c4243f2e9117e8d1168dc2f2eed7ee2
Author: Dag Wieërs <dag@wieers.com>
Date: Thu Jul 12 19:31:51 2012 +0200
Combine both yaml unit tests into one example file
commit 7db49a8048e78402c4c9a0a6cb2604689280fbbb
Author: Dag Wieërs <dag@wieers.com>
Date: Thu Jul 12 16:46:53 2012 +0200
Might as well fix this too
commit f36c6c8c5b419865939c7e2b0b26f6c97255fdc8
Author: Dag Wieërs <dag@wieers.com>
Date: Thu Jul 12 16:42:00 2012 +0200
Added unit tests for host-groups patch
For the unit test I chose to keep the original yaml file in place as a reference.
This patch also includes a fix.
commit a96f6813522c5ae8b2be4514a2de56a775c6b7b0
Author: Dag Wieërs <dag@wieers.com>
Date: Thu Jul 12 12:30:43 2012 +0200
Allow groups to be defined on a per-host basis
This makes it possible to define on a per-host basis what groups a host is in.
When managing a large set of systems it makes it easier to ensure each of the
systems is defined in a set of groups (e.g. production/qa/development,
linux/solaris/aix) rather than having to add systems to multiple disconnected
- host: system01
- host: system02
- host: system03
- group: linux
- system01
- system02
- group: solaris
- system03
- group: production
- system01
- system03
- group: qa
- system02
- group: dbserver
- system01
- group: ntpserver
- system02
- group: webserver
- system03
Can be redefined as:
- host: system01
groups: [ linux, production, dbserver ]
- host: system02
groups: [ linux, qa, ntpserver ]
- host: system03
groups: [ solaris, production, webserver ]
This flag will show playbook output from non-failing commands. -v is also added to /usr/bin/ansible, but not yet used.
I also gutted some internals code dealing with 'invocations' which allowed the callback to know what module invoked
it. This is not something 0.5 does or needed, so callbacks have been simplified.
This adds a module that concatenates (ie. assembles) a file from
fragments in a directory in alphabetical order. It chains the file
module afterward to fix up ownership and permission. This also adds
tests for the assemble module with fragments in assemble.d.