* key maps are now frozenset instead of dict objects
* FactsBase now includes utility functions for transforming json data structures
Tested on NXOS 7.3(0)D1(1)
* adds support for std network facts
* adds support for default facts subset
* adds support for config facts subset
* adds support for interface facts subset
* adds support for hardware facts subset
Tested on IOS-XR 6.0.0
* adds support for std network facts
* adds support for default facts subset
* adds support for config facts subset
* adds support for interface facts subset
* adds support for hardware facts subset
* maintains backwards capabilitity with 2.1 facts module
Tested on NXOS 7.3(0)D1(1)
* adds support for std network facts
* adds support for default facts subset
* adds support for config facts subset
* adds support for interface facts subset
* adds support for hardware facts subset
Tested on EOS 4.15.4F
* add src argument to provide path to config file
* add new choice to match used to ignore current running config
* add update argument with choices merge, replace or check
* add backup argument to backup current running config to control host
* add comment argument to provide comment to commit
* deprecated force argument, use match=none instead
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowd when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments[1]
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowd when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
[1] The commands argument will now accept a dict argument that can
specifiy the output format of the command. To specify a dict argument
use the form of { command: <str>, output: <str>, prompt: <str>,
response: <str> }.
* arguments for vyos_config for 2.2 are now complete
* adds loading config file from disk (src argument)
* removes unsupported rollback argument
* changes update_config to update with options merge or check
* changes backup_config to backup
* add state argument for state of configuration file
* adds backup argument to backup current configuration
* adds save argument to control if active config is saved to disk
* adds comment argument for setting commit comment
* adds match argument to control configuraiton match
Tested with VyOS 1.7
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments[1]
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowd when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
[1] The commands argument will now accept a dict argument that can
specifiy the output format of the command. To specify a dict argument
use the form of { command: <str>, output: <str>, prompt: <str>,
response: <str> }. Command and output are required arguments. Output
accepts valid values text and json.
* add src argument to provide path to config file
* add new choice to match used to ignore current running config
* add update argument with choices merge, replace or check
* add backup argument to backup current running config to control host
* add defaults argument to control collection of config with or without defaults
* add save argument to save current running config to startup config
* add state argument to control state of config file
* deprecated force argument, use match=none instead
The CommandRunner will not allow duplicate commands to be added to the
command stack. This fix will now catch the exception and continue if
a duplicate command is attempting to be added to the runner instance.
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments[1]
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowd when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
[1] The commands argument will now accept a dict argument that can
specifiy the output format of the command. To specify a dict argument
use the form of { command: <str>, output: <str>, prompt: <str>,
response: <str> }. Command and output are required arguments. Output
accepts valid values text and json.
* add src argument to provide path to config file
* add new choice to match used to ignore current running config
* add update argument with choices merge or check
* add backup argument to backup current running config to control host
* add defaults argument to control collection of config with or without defaults
* add save argument to save current running config to startup config
* add state argument to control state of config file
* deprecated force argument, use match=none instead
* merge changes from ios shared module functions into ios_config.
* add src argument to provide path to config file
* add new choice to match used to ignore current running config
* add update argument with choices merge or check
* add backup argument to backup current running config to control host
* add defaults argument to control collection of config with or withoutdefaults
* add save argument to save current running config to startup config
* add state argument to control state of config file
* deprecated force argument, use match=none instead
* commands argument now accepts a dict arguments[1]
* waitfor has been renamed to wait_for with an alias to waitfor
* only show commands are allowd when check mode is specified
* config mode is no longer allowed in the command stack
* add argument match with valid values any, all
[1] The commands argument will now accept a dict argument that can
specifiy the output format of the command. To specify a dict argument
use the form of { command: <str>, output: <str>, prompt: <str>,
response: <str> }. Command and output are required arguments. Output
accepts valid values text and json.
The module would raise a KeyError trying to find the save_config key
which is not present in the argument_spec. This was caused by the
check_args() function. Since the ios shared argument spec isn't used
the check_args function is not needed and has been removed.
This removes the get_module() factory function and directly creates
an instance of NetworkModule. This commit includes some minor clean
up to transition to the ios shared module for 2.2
* using check mode will now block all commands except show commands
* module will no longer allow config mode commands
* check args for unused values and issue warning
This refactors the ios_config module to use the network module added
in 2.2 to simplify common network functions
new features
* add src, dest arguments for working with config
* results now return flag if the config was saved or not
* adds append argument for updating the dest file (when dest is used)
* This adds support the CommandRunner to handle executing commands on
the remote device.
* It also changes the waitfor argument to wait_for to remain compatable
with other modules and adds an alias for waitfor.
* Restricts commands to show commands only when check mode is specified.
* add version_added to wait_for doc string
This fix passing the update variable to the str()
so that it avoids the exception when ops.dc.read()
returns a dictionary which contains non-string keys.
This is due to the fact that some of the key types in
OpenSwitch schema are actually defined as integer
and ops.dc declerative config module encode those
in integer inside the dictionary. This could be
the right encoding from the schema point of view
but someone needs to convert it to the string
somewhere, as JSON key should be string.
Prior to the switch to the urls.py code, non-200 responses contained
a 'json' value when the content-type was JSON. This fix restores that
field upon a non-2xx response.
This adds a new module for collect device facts from remote devices
running OpenSwitch. This module is useful when collecting fact information
over CLI transport.
this change adds config_format argument with choices of xml, set or text to
specify the desired format of the config returned from the remote device. The
default value is text
This update adds exception handling to catch errors when trying to parse
command output to json. It also removes the dependency on importing json
opting to use the AnsibleModule methods instead
This commit adds a new module, ops_command, that handles executing commands
on OpenSwitch over the CLI. Since this module is designed to work with the
OpenSwitch CLI, it only supports the CLI transport option
This commit adds a new module, ops_config, that allows playbook designers
to create tasks for configuring OpenSwitch over the CLI. The module
is designed to work directly with configuration mode in OpenSwitch and
therefore only supports the CLI transport option
This commit address a bug in the ios_config module when using the
match: strict argument. When the argument is used, the module will
compare the configuration block same as match: exact which is not the
intended behavior. This commit updates the behavior to propertly handle
the strict argument.
This commit refactors the arugments used in ops_template to be strictly
typed and handle by declarative / rest and cli based configurations. It
also removes old arguments not supported and cleans up the documentation
Since our validation does conversion as well as validation, I'm not sure
this is entirely correct. May need to take a look at our conversion
code and re-examine to be sure we're doing it right.
This adds a new module, iosxr_config, that can be used for configuring
Cisco IOS XR devices. It is provides a set of arguments for sending
configuration commands to the device over cli
This adds a new module, iosxr_template, that can be used to template
configurations for IOS XR devices. Templates are then loaded into the
target device over cli
- clarify docs on body_json behaviour
- only tranform into json if body input is not a string
users keep passing json string and expecint it to not be jsonified again
- fixed issue with removes not handling path expansion correctly
- switched all path variables to 'type path' to handle expansions
This adds a new module, junos_config, useed to configure Juniper JUNOS based
devices. The config module can be used to set an ordered set of set and
delete statements over a cli transport
This adds a new module, junos_template, that can read in a template
config and push the changes to the device. It can also backup the
current config. This module is implemented over cli
This adds a new module, junos_command that can be used for sending commands
to Juniper JUNOS based devices. The junos_command module is implemented
over a cli transport
This change update the return values from eos_config to be consistent with
all network config modules. This will now return updates and responses
from the module
This change updates the returns values from eos_command to be consistent
with network modules. It now returns stdout, stdout_lines and failed_conditionals
This updates the nxos_template doc string to unify the return values
across all network modules. This change now returns stdout, stdout_lines
and failed_conditionals
This modifies the return values to make them consistent across all
network command modules. The module now returns stdout, stdout_lines
and failed_conditionals
This addresses a bug in the eos_config module that would prevent it
from running properly. The module should now properly process the config
and the candidate
The eos_config module has a bug where its trying to pass an argument
that doesn't exist. This fixes that problem, removing the offending
keywork argment
The eos_template module works by allowing configurations to be pushed
to Arista EOS devices that can be templated by the Ansible Jinja2
template engine
The nxos_template module worksw by allowing configurations to be pushed
to Cisco NXOS devices over CLI or NXAPI and templated using the Ansible
Jinja2 template engine
This adds a new module nxos_command that can be used to send arbitrary
commands to NXOS devices. The module includes an argument that allows
the responses to be evaluated and causes the module not to return
control to the playbook until a set of conditions has been met.
This adds a new module eos_command to network/eos. The eos_command module
is used for sending arbitrary commands to Arista EOS devices. It includes
arguments that allow the module to wait for specific values before the
module returns control to the playbook or fails
This adds a new module for pushing configuraitons to eos devices in a
reliable and repeatable fashion. It includes support for templating
configurations and backing up the current config prior to pushing out
changes. This module works over either CLI or EAPI.
This PR has a dependency on ansible/ansible PR #14009 being merged
This adds a new module for managing configuraiton files for Cisco NXOS
devices. It provides configuration file management including templating
and backing up the current configuration.
This PR has a dependency on ansible/ansible PR # 14012
body_format is a new optional argument that enables handling of JSON or
YAML serialization format for the body argument.
When set to either 'json' or 'yaml', the body argument can be a dict or list.
The body will be encoded, and the Content-Type HTTP header will be set,
accordingly to the body_format argument.
- name: Facette - Create memory graph
method: POST
url: http://facette/api/v1/library/graphs
status_code: 201
body_format: json
name: "{{ ansible_fqdn }} - Memory usage"
Source": "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
link: "1947a490-8ac6-4bf2-47c1-ff74272f8b32"
consider the following response body (content) of a REST/JSON webservice containing escaped quotation marks:
{ "key": "\"works\"" }
decoding this string not as raw will lose the backslash as JSON escape. later json.loads will fail to parse.
Inspired by [this thread](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ansible-project/kymtiloDme4) on the mailing list and the following python shell code:
import json
string=r'{ "key": "\"works\"" }'
When using the "creates" option with the uri module, set changed
to False if the file already exists. This behavior is consistent with
other modules which use "creates", such as command and shell.