* remove leading dot in efs_facts mountpoint
* remove leading dot in efs_facts mountpoint
* remove leading dot in efs.py
* introduce filesystem_address var in efs* modules and revert changes to mount_point
* Use https:// for docs.aws.amazon.com in aws_s3 module
* Support Amazon S3 Dual-Stack Endpoints in aws_module
The default S3 endpoint only resolves to IPv4 addresses. By enabling
the dual-stack endpoint IPv6 too get added as an option.
* Convert to AnsibleAWSModule and support IAM permission boundaries
* Handle adding boundary to existing role that lacks one
* Properly clean up role boundary associations on delete
* Handle case when policy boundary is `""` but does not exist
* Add parameter to keep elb rules
Does not purge elb rules. This is usefull if running the elb_application_lb
role and there is the desire to keep existing rules.
* Change variable name keep_rules to purge_rules
The descriptor purge has been used in the past.
* Changed default for purge_rules
Default is purge_rules. This is how the module has functioned previously. This change maintains
the previous behavior.
* Add integration test for purge_rules flag
* Change wording of test task
* Fix merge conflcit
* Changed default for purge_rules
Default is purge_rules. This is how the module has functioned previously. This change maintains
the previous behavior.
* merge conflcit
* Change wording of test task
* Add purge_rules option to test
* Change test description wording
* Expand purge_rules documentation
* Clarifies documentation for purge_rules option
* ec2.py:
* source_dest_check default value is now None, updated docs
* Refactor restart_instances and startstop_instances -> Two new functions to prevent repetition: check_source_dest_attr and check_termination_protection
Ensure that FieldLevelEncryptionId is properly handled - passing it if
set, and keeping it if returned by GetDistribution
Update cloudfront_distribution tests to remove references to
test_identifier so test suite actually works
* Delete all versions and deletemarkers in S3_Bucket when force parameter is passed
* Fix PEP8 style conformance
* Clarify explanation of force parameter
* __file__ won't work if we want to invoke modules via -m or if we
figure out how to keep modules from hitting the disk with pipelining.
* module.tmpdir is the new way to place a file where it will be cleaned
Change format string to not depend on __file__:
* cloud/amazon/ec2_elb_lb.py
* cloud/amazon/elb_classic_lb.py
Use module.tempdir:
* packaging/os/apt.py
* files/unarchive.py
* aws_eks_cluster: Improve output documentation
This data is already returned by the module, it just wasn't documented. These
fields are required for accessing the created Kubernetes API with e.g. the
k8s_raw module.
* aws_eks_cluster: Add wait functionality
This enables further cluster configuration once it's created and active.
20 minutes was chosen as an arbitrary default, so that if it takes longer than
the documented "usually less than 10 minutes" it's still likely to succeed.
* Correct security group name in aws_eks tests
* Improve teardown of aws_eks tests
Fix minor teardown issues. The `pause` step is a placeholder until
a waiter for `state: absent`
* Add execution_role_arn parameter
* Change ecs_taskdefinition to use AnsibleAWSmodule
Botocore version checking is becomming more common. Changing the ecs_taskdefinition
to use AnsibleAWSmodule allows more easily for this.
* Change launch type check to use botocore_at_least function
* Remove execution_role_arn param from params dict
* Change check to use parameter
* Fix typo
* Add test for old botocore version
* Add test for execution role parameter
* Remove iam_role_facts task
Task was unecessary. The same information could be gathered by registering
the iam_role task.
* add check description update
* Ensure 'Description' is in the role so KeyError isn't caused
* Fix changed when modifying the description with check mode
[AWS iam_policy] Avoid the _undefined name_ by catching the raised exception into the variable __e__ so it can be reported on the following line.
flake8 testing of https://github.com/ansible/ansible on Python 3.6.3
$ __flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics__
./lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/iam_policy.py:305:16: F821 undefined name 'e'
if e.errno == 2:
./lib/ansible/modules/cloud/misc/rhevm.py:594:24: F821 undefined name 'e'
./lib/ansible/modules/files/archive.py:391:92: F821 undefined name 'e'
module.fail_json(dest=dest, msg='Error deleting some source files: ' + str(e), files=errors)
3 F821 undefined name 'e'
* Add a module parameter to configure the max fetched AWS CFN stack events
* Add version documentation for new configuration option
* Increase default in order to make sure that enough are fetched by default. This align roughly with the limit of manageable resources in CloudFormation.