* Moved JSON-RPC client IPAClient class to ansible.module_utils.ipa, which is extended by all ipa modules
* IPAClient: Changed to 2-clause BSD license
* IPAClient (lines 37-39): Added some additional imports for use with Python 3
* IPAClient (line 41): Explicitly extend Python base object
* IPAClient (line 57): Properly URL quoted the username/password form data as per https://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-
* IPAClient (line 62): Data should be bytes or bytearray in Python 3 (still str in Python 2)
* IPAClient (line 65): Print error message, not returned body
* IPAClient (line 70): getheader() is not present in Python 3 version of HTTPMessage; get() is present in both Python 2/3
* IPAClient (line 88): Convert form data to bytes for Python 3 again
* IPAClient (line 91): Print error message, not returned body
* IPAClient (line 96-104): json.loads() requires a string; HTTPResponse.read() returns bytes in Python 3 and str in Python 2, so decode the bytes/string using the HTTPResponse returned charset (default to 'latin-1')
* Add author/copyright notice