* module_utils #Requires should not have .psm1 extension if "real" Powershell will ever execute them
* updated validate-modules to enforce this
* added check to disallow multi-module syntax on Ansible.ModuleUtils #Requires
As discussed before we selected win_environment to the documentation,
and point to win_uri for a more advanced module.
If we want to make this the reference module, we have to get this one
absolutely right in every possible way.
This PR cleans up both win_environment and win_uri, and makes the
required changes to the windows module development section.
* win_environment: Clean up, check-mode and diff support
Changes include:
- Remove trailing semi-colons
- Replaced PSObjects into normal hashes
- Make use of Get-AnsibleParam and types
- Added check-mode support
- Added diff support
* Improve diff-support by using standard naming
I started to use the variable $diff_support for the boolean that takes
care of diff output support.