# # This code is part of Ansible, but is an independent component. # # This particular file snippet, and this file snippet only, is BSD licensed. # Modules you write using this snippet, which is embedded dynamically by Ansible # still belong to the author of the module, and may assign their own license # to the complete work. # # (c) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE # USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # import json import os import time from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_native from ansible.module_utils.basic import env_fallback, return_values from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection, ConnectionError from ansible.module_utils.network.common.config import NetworkConfig, dumps from ansible.module_utils.network.common.utils import to_list, ComplexList from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url _DEVICE_CONNECTION = None eos_provider_spec = { 'host': dict(), 'port': dict(type='int'), 'username': dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME'])), 'password': dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD']), no_log=True), 'ssh_keyfile': dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_NET_SSH_KEYFILE']), type='path'), 'authorize': dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_NET_AUTHORIZE']), type='bool'), 'auth_pass': dict(no_log=True, fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_NET_AUTH_PASS'])), 'use_ssl': dict(default=True, type='bool'), 'use_proxy': dict(default=True, type='bool'), 'validate_certs': dict(default=True, type='bool'), 'timeout': dict(type='int'), 'transport': dict(default='cli', choices=['cli', 'eapi']) } eos_argument_spec = { 'provider': dict(type='dict', options=eos_provider_spec), } eos_top_spec = { 'host': dict(removed_in_version=2.9), 'port': dict(removed_in_version=2.9, type='int'), 'username': dict(removed_in_version=2.9), 'password': dict(removed_in_version=2.9, no_log=True), 'ssh_keyfile': dict(removed_in_version=2.9, type='path'), 'authorize': dict(fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_NET_AUTHORIZE']), type='bool'), 'auth_pass': dict(removed_in_version=2.9, no_log=True), 'use_ssl': dict(removed_in_version=2.9, type='bool'), 'validate_certs': dict(removed_in_version=2.9, type='bool'), 'timeout': dict(removed_in_version=2.9, type='int'), 'transport': dict(removed_in_version=2.9, choices=['cli', 'eapi']) } eos_argument_spec.update(eos_top_spec) def get_provider_argspec(): return eos_provider_spec def check_args(module, warnings): pass def load_params(module): provider = module.params.get('provider') or dict() for key, value in iteritems(provider): if key in eos_argument_spec: if module.params.get(key) is None and value is not None: module.params[key] = value def get_connection(module): global _DEVICE_CONNECTION if not _DEVICE_CONNECTION: load_params(module) if is_local_eapi(module): conn = LocalEapi(module) else: connection_proxy = Connection(module._socket_path) cap = json.loads(connection_proxy.get_capabilities()) if cap['network_api'] == 'cliconf': conn = Cli(module) elif cap['network_api'] == 'eapi': conn = HttpApi(module) _DEVICE_CONNECTION = conn return _DEVICE_CONNECTION class Cli: def __init__(self, module): self._module = module self._device_configs = {} self._session_support = None self._connection = None def _get_connection(self): if self._connection: return self._connection self._connection = Connection(self._module._socket_path) return self._connection def get_config(self, flags=None): """Retrieves the current config from the device or cache """ flags = [] if flags is None else flags cmd = 'show running-config ' cmd += ' '.join(flags) cmd = cmd.strip() try: return self._device_configs[cmd] except KeyError: conn = self._get_connection() try: out = conn.get_config(flags=flags) except ConnectionError as exc: self._module.fail_json(msg=to_text(exc, errors='surrogate_then_replace')) cfg = to_text(out, errors='surrogate_then_replace').strip() self._device_configs[cmd] = cfg return cfg def run_commands(self, commands, check_rc=True): """Run list of commands on remote device and return results """ connection = self._get_connection() try: response = connection.run_commands(commands=commands, check_rc=check_rc) except ConnectionError as exc: self._module.fail_json(msg=to_text(exc, errors='surrogate_then_replace')) return response def load_config(self, commands, commit=False, replace=False): """Loads the config commands onto the remote device """ conn = self._get_connection() try: response = conn.edit_config(commands, commit, replace) except ConnectionError as exc: message = getattr(exc, 'err', to_text(exc)) if "check mode is not supported without configuration session" in message: self._module.warn("EOS can not check config without config session") response = {'changed': True} else: self._module.fail_json(msg="%s" % message, data=to_text(message, errors='surrogate_then_replace')) return response def get_diff(self, candidate=None, running=None, diff_match='line', diff_ignore_lines=None, path=None, diff_replace='line'): conn = self._get_connection() try: diff = conn.get_diff(candidate=candidate, running=running, diff_match=diff_match, diff_ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines, path=path, diff_replace=diff_replace) except ConnectionError as exc: self._module.fail_json(msg=to_text(exc, errors='surrogate_then_replace')) return diff class LocalEapi: def __init__(self, module): self._module = module self._enable = None self._session_support = None self._device_configs = {} host = module.params['provider']['host'] port = module.params['provider']['port'] self._module.params['url_username'] = self._module.params['username'] self._module.params['url_password'] = self._module.params['password'] if module.params['provider']['use_ssl']: proto = 'https' else: proto = 'http' module.params['validate_certs'] = module.params['provider']['validate_certs'] self._url = '%s://%s:%s/command-api' % (proto, host, port) if module.params['auth_pass']: self._enable = {'cmd': 'enable', 'input': module.params['auth_pass']} else: self._enable = 'enable' @property def supports_sessions(self): if self._session_support: return self._session_support response = self.send_request(['show configuration sessions']) self._session_support = 'error' not in response return self._session_support def _request_builder(self, commands, output, reqid=None): params = dict(version=1, cmds=commands, format=output) return dict(jsonrpc='2.0', id=reqid, method='runCmds', params=params) def send_request(self, commands, output='text'): commands = to_list(commands) if self._enable: commands.insert(0, self._enable) body = self._request_builder(commands, output) data = self._module.jsonify(body) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json-rpc'} timeout = self._module.params['timeout'] use_proxy = self._module.params['provider']['use_proxy'] response, headers = fetch_url( self._module, self._url, data=data, headers=headers, method='POST', timeout=timeout, use_proxy=use_proxy ) if headers['status'] != 200: self._module.fail_json(**headers) try: data = response.read() response = self._module.from_json(to_text(data, errors='surrogate_then_replace')) except ValueError: self._module.fail_json(msg='unable to load response from device', data=data) if self._enable and 'result' in response: response['result'].pop(0) return response def run_commands(self, commands, check_rc=True): """Runs list of commands on remote device and returns results """ output = None queue = list() responses = list() def _send(commands, output): response = self.send_request(commands, output=output) if 'error' in response: err = response['error'] self._module.fail_json(msg=err['message'], code=err['code']) return response['result'] for item in to_list(commands): if is_json(item['command']): item['command'] = str(item['command']).replace('| json', '') item['output'] = 'json' if output and output != item['output']: responses.extend(_send(queue, output)) queue = list() output = item['output'] or 'json' queue.append(item['command']) if queue: responses.extend(_send(queue, output)) for index, item in enumerate(commands): try: responses[index] = responses[index]['output'].strip() except KeyError: pass return responses def get_config(self, flags=None): """Retrieves the current config from the device or cache """ flags = [] if flags is None else flags cmd = 'show running-config ' cmd += ' '.join(flags) cmd = cmd.strip() try: return self._device_configs[cmd] except KeyError: out = self.send_request(cmd) cfg = str(out['result'][0]['output']).strip() self._device_configs[cmd] = cfg return cfg def configure(self, commands): """Sends the ordered set of commands to the device """ cmds = ['configure terminal'] cmds.extend(commands) responses = self.send_request(commands) if 'error' in responses: err = responses['error'] self._module.fail_json(msg=err['message'], code=err['code']) return responses[1:] def load_config(self, config, commit=False, replace=False): """Loads the configuration onto the remote devices If the device doesn't support configuration sessions, this will fallback to using configure() to load the commands. If that happens, there will be no returned diff or session values """ use_session = os.getenv('ANSIBLE_EOS_USE_SESSIONS', True) try: use_session = int(use_session) except ValueError: pass if not all((bool(use_session), self.supports_sessions)): if commit: return self.configure(config) else: self._module.warn("EOS can not check config without config session") result = {'changed': True} return result session = 'ansible_%s' % int(time.time()) result = {'session': session} commands = ['configure session %s' % session] if replace: commands.append('rollback clean-config') commands.extend(config) response = self.send_request(commands) if 'error' in response: commands = ['configure session %s' % session, 'abort'] self.send_request(commands) err = response['error'] error_text = [] for data in err['data']: error_text.extend(data.get('errors', [])) error_text = '\n'.join(error_text) or err['message'] self._module.fail_json(msg=error_text, code=err['code']) commands = ['configure session %s' % session, 'show session-config diffs'] if commit: commands.append('commit') else: commands.append('abort') response = self.send_request(commands, output='text') diff = response['result'][1]['output'] if len(diff) > 0: result['diff'] = diff return result # get_diff added here to support connection=local and transport=eapi scenario def get_diff(self, candidate, running=None, diff_match='line', diff_ignore_lines=None, path=None, diff_replace='line'): diff = {} # prepare candidate configuration candidate_obj = NetworkConfig(indent=3) candidate_obj.load(candidate) if running and diff_match != 'none' and diff_replace != 'config': # running configuration running_obj = NetworkConfig(indent=3, contents=running, ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines) configdiffobjs = candidate_obj.difference(running_obj, path=path, match=diff_match, replace=diff_replace) else: configdiffobjs = candidate_obj.items configdiff = dumps(configdiffobjs, 'commands') if configdiffobjs else '' diff['config_diff'] = configdiff if configdiffobjs else {} return diff class HttpApi: def __init__(self, module): self._module = module self._device_configs = {} self._session_support = None self._connection_obj = None @property def _connection(self): if not self._connection_obj: self._connection_obj = Connection(self._module._socket_path) return self._connection_obj def run_commands(self, commands, check_rc=True): """Runs list of commands on remote device and returns results """ output = None queue = list() responses = list() def run_queue(queue, output): try: response = to_list(self._connection.send_request(queue, output=output)) except Exception as exc: if check_rc: raise return to_text(exc) if output == 'json': response = [json.loads(item) for item in response] return response for item in to_list(commands): cmd_output = 'text' if isinstance(item, dict): command = item['command'] if 'output' in item: cmd_output = item['output'] else: command = item # Emulate '| json' from CLI if is_json(command): command = command.rsplit('|', 1)[0] cmd_output = 'json' if output and output != cmd_output: responses.extend(run_queue(queue, output)) queue = list() output = cmd_output queue.append(command) if queue: responses.extend(run_queue(queue, output)) return responses def get_config(self, flags=None): """Retrieves the current config from the device or cache """ flags = [] if flags is None else flags cmd = 'show running-config ' cmd += ' '.join(flags) cmd = cmd.strip() try: return self._device_configs[cmd] except KeyError: try: out = self._connection.send_request(cmd) except ConnectionError as exc: self._module.fail_json(msg=to_text(exc, errors='surrogate_then_replace')) cfg = to_text(out).strip() self._device_configs[cmd] = cfg return cfg def get_diff(self, candidate=None, running=None, diff_match='line', diff_ignore_lines=None, path=None, diff_replace='line'): diff = {} # prepare candidate configuration candidate_obj = NetworkConfig(indent=3) candidate_obj.load(candidate) if running and diff_match != 'none' and diff_replace != 'config': # running configuration running_obj = NetworkConfig(indent=3, contents=running, ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines) configdiffobjs = candidate_obj.difference(running_obj, path=path, match=diff_match, replace=diff_replace) else: configdiffobjs = candidate_obj.items diff['config_diff'] = dumps(configdiffobjs, 'commands') if configdiffobjs else {} return diff def load_config(self, config, commit=False, replace=False): """Loads the configuration onto the remote devices If the device doesn't support configuration sessions, this will fallback to using configure() to load the commands. If that happens, there will be no returned diff or session values """ return self.edit_config(config, commit, replace) def edit_config(self, config, commit=False, replace=False): """Loads the configuration onto the remote devices If the device doesn't support configuration sessions, this will fallback to using configure() to load the commands. If that happens, there will be no returned diff or session values """ session = 'ansible_%s' % int(time.time()) result = {'session': session} banner_cmd = None banner_input = [] commands = ['configure session %s' % session] if replace: commands.append('rollback clean-config') for command in config: if command.startswith('banner'): banner_cmd = command banner_input = [] elif banner_cmd: if command == 'EOF': command = {'cmd': banner_cmd, 'input': '\n'.join(banner_input)} banner_cmd = None commands.append(command) else: banner_input.append(command) continue else: commands.append(command) try: response = self._connection.send_request(commands) except Exception: commands = ['configure session %s' % session, 'abort'] response = self._connection.send_request(commands, output='text') raise commands = ['configure session %s' % session, 'show session-config diffs'] if commit: commands.append('commit') else: commands.append('abort') response = self._connection.send_request(commands, output='text') diff = response[1].strip() if diff: result['diff'] = diff return result def get_capabilities(self): """Returns platform info of the remove device """ try: capabilities = self._connection.get_capabilities() except ConnectionError as exc: self._module.fail_json(msg=to_text(exc, errors='surrogate_then_replace')) return json.loads(capabilities) def is_json(cmd): return to_text(cmd, errors='surrogate_then_replace').endswith('| json') def is_local_eapi(module): transport = module.params['transport'] provider_transport = (module.params['provider'] or {}).get('transport') return 'eapi' in (transport, provider_transport) def to_command(module, commands): if is_local_eapi(module): default_output = 'json' else: default_output = 'text' transform = ComplexList(dict( command=dict(key=True), output=dict(default=default_output), prompt=dict(type='list'), answer=dict(type='list'), sendonly=dict(type='bool', default=False), check_all=dict(type='bool', default=False), ), module) return transform(to_list(commands)) def get_config(module, flags=None): flags = None if flags is None else flags conn = get_connection(module) return conn.get_config(flags) def run_commands(module, commands, check_rc=True): conn = get_connection(module) return conn.run_commands(to_command(module, commands), check_rc=check_rc) def load_config(module, config, commit=False, replace=False): conn = get_connection(module) return conn.load_config(config, commit, replace) def get_diff(self, candidate=None, running=None, diff_match='line', diff_ignore_lines=None, path=None, diff_replace='line'): conn = self.get_connection() return conn.get_diff(candidate=candidate, running=running, diff_match=diff_match, diff_ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines, path=path, diff_replace=diff_replace)