#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) Ansible project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r""" module: keycloak_identity_provider short_description: Allows administration of Keycloak identity providers using Keycloak API version_added: 3.6.0 description: - This module allows you to add, remove or modify Keycloak identity providers using the Keycloak REST API. It requires access to the REST API using OpenID Connect; the user connecting and the client being used must have the requisite access rights. In a default Keycloak installation, admin-cli and an admin user would work, as would a separate client definition with the scope tailored to your needs and a user having the expected roles. - The names of module options are snake_cased versions of the camelCase ones found in the Keycloak API and its documentation at U(https://www.keycloak.org/docs-api/15.0/rest-api/index.html). attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: full action_group: version_added: 10.2.0 options: state: description: - State of the identity provider. - On V(present), the identity provider will be created if it does not yet exist, or updated with the parameters you provide. - On V(absent), the identity provider will be removed if it exists. default: 'present' type: str choices: - present - absent realm: description: - The Keycloak realm under which this identity provider resides. default: 'master' type: str alias: description: - The alias uniquely identifies an identity provider and it is also used to build the redirect URI. required: true type: str display_name: description: - Friendly name for identity provider. aliases: - displayName type: str enabled: description: - Enable/disable this identity provider. type: bool store_token: description: - Enable/disable whether tokens must be stored after authenticating users. aliases: - storeToken type: bool add_read_token_role_on_create: description: - Enable/disable whether new users can read any stored tokens. This assigns the C(broker.read-token) role. aliases: - addReadTokenRoleOnCreate type: bool trust_email: description: - If enabled, email provided by this provider is not verified even if verification is enabled for the realm. aliases: - trustEmail type: bool link_only: description: - If true, users cannot log in through this provider. They can only link to this provider. This is useful if you do not want to allow login from the provider, but want to integrate with a provider. aliases: - linkOnly type: bool first_broker_login_flow_alias: description: - Alias of authentication flow, which is triggered after first login with this identity provider. aliases: - firstBrokerLoginFlowAlias type: str post_broker_login_flow_alias: description: - Alias of authentication flow, which is triggered after each login with this identity provider. aliases: - postBrokerLoginFlowAlias type: str authenticate_by_default: description: - Specifies if this identity provider should be used by default for authentication even before displaying login screen. aliases: - authenticateByDefault type: bool provider_id: description: - Protocol used by this provider (supported values are V(oidc) or V(saml)). aliases: - providerId type: str config: description: - Dict specifying the configuration options for the provider; the contents differ depending on the value of O(provider_id). Examples are given below for V(oidc) and V(saml). It is easiest to obtain valid config values by dumping an already-existing identity provider configuration through check-mode in the RV(existing) field. type: dict suboptions: hide_on_login_page: description: - If hidden, login with this provider is possible only if requested explicitly, for example using the C(kc_idp_hint) parameter. aliases: - hideOnLoginPage type: bool gui_order: description: - Number defining order of the provider in GUI (for example, on Login page). aliases: - guiOrder type: int sync_mode: description: - Default sync mode for all mappers. The sync mode determines when user data will be synced using the mappers. aliases: - syncMode type: str issuer: description: - The issuer identifier for the issuer of the response. If not provided, no validation will be performed. type: str authorizationUrl: description: - The Authorization URL. type: str tokenUrl: description: - The Token URL. type: str logoutUrl: description: - End session endpoint to use to logout user from external IDP. type: str userInfoUrl: description: - The User Info URL. type: str clientAuthMethod: description: - The client authentication method. type: str clientId: description: - The client or client identifier registered within the identity provider. type: str clientSecret: description: - The client or client secret registered within the identity provider. type: str defaultScope: description: - The scopes to be sent when asking for authorization. type: str validateSignature: description: - Enable/disable signature validation of external IDP signatures. type: bool useJwksUrl: description: - If the switch is on, identity provider public keys will be downloaded from given JWKS URL. type: bool jwksUrl: description: - URL where identity provider keys in JWK format are stored. See JWK specification for more details. type: str entityId: description: - The Entity ID that will be used to uniquely identify this SAML Service Provider. type: str singleSignOnServiceUrl: description: - The URL that must be used to send authentication requests (SAML AuthnRequest). type: str singleLogoutServiceUrl: description: - The URL that must be used to send logout requests. type: str backchannelSupported: description: - Does the external IDP support backchannel logout? type: str nameIDPolicyFormat: description: - Specifies the URI reference corresponding to a name identifier format. type: str principalType: description: - Way to identify and track external users from the assertion. type: str mappers: description: - A list of dicts defining mappers associated with this Identity Provider. type: list elements: dict suboptions: id: description: - Unique ID of this mapper. type: str name: description: - Name of the mapper. type: str identityProviderAlias: description: - Alias of the identity provider for this mapper. type: str identityProviderMapper: description: - Type of mapper. type: str config: description: - Dict specifying the configuration options for the mapper; the contents differ depending on the value of O(mappers[].identityProviderMapper). type: dict extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.keycloak - community.general.keycloak.actiongroup_keycloak - community.general.attributes author: - Laurent Paumier (@laurpaum) """ EXAMPLES = r""" - name: Create OIDC identity provider, authentication with credentials community.general.keycloak_identity_provider: state: present auth_keycloak_url: https://auth.example.com/auth auth_realm: master auth_username: admin auth_password: admin realm: myrealm alias: oidc-idp display_name: OpenID Connect IdP enabled: true provider_id: oidc config: issuer: https://idp.example.com authorizationUrl: https://idp.example.com/auth tokenUrl: https://idp.example.com/token userInfoUrl: https://idp.example.com/userinfo clientAuthMethod: client_secret_post clientId: my-client clientSecret: secret syncMode: FORCE mappers: - name: first_name identityProviderMapper: oidc-user-attribute-idp-mapper config: claim: first_name user.attribute: first_name syncMode: INHERIT - name: last_name identityProviderMapper: oidc-user-attribute-idp-mapper config: claim: last_name user.attribute: last_name syncMode: INHERIT - name: Create SAML identity provider, authentication with credentials community.general.keycloak_identity_provider: state: present auth_keycloak_url: https://auth.example.com/auth auth_realm: master auth_username: admin auth_password: admin realm: myrealm alias: saml-idp display_name: SAML IdP enabled: true provider_id: saml config: entityId: https://auth.example.com/auth/realms/myrealm singleSignOnServiceUrl: https://idp.example.com/login wantAuthnRequestsSigned: true wantAssertionsSigned: true mappers: - name: roles identityProviderMapper: saml-user-attribute-idp-mapper config: user.attribute: roles attribute.friendly.name: User Roles attribute.name: roles syncMode: INHERIT """ RETURN = r""" msg: description: Message as to what action was taken. returned: always type: str sample: "Identity provider my-idp has been created" proposed: description: Representation of proposed identity provider. returned: always type: dict sample: { "config": { "authorizationUrl": "https://idp.example.com/auth", "clientAuthMethod": "client_secret_post", "clientId": "my-client", "clientSecret": "secret", "issuer": "https://idp.example.com", "tokenUrl": "https://idp.example.com/token", "userInfoUrl": "https://idp.example.com/userinfo" }, "displayName": "OpenID Connect IdP", "providerId": "oidc" } existing: description: Representation of existing identity provider. returned: always type: dict sample: { "addReadTokenRoleOnCreate": false, "alias": "my-idp", "authenticateByDefault": false, "config": { "authorizationUrl": "https://old.example.com/auth", "clientAuthMethod": "client_secret_post", "clientId": "my-client", "clientSecret": "**********", "issuer": "https://old.example.com", "syncMode": "FORCE", "tokenUrl": "https://old.example.com/token", "userInfoUrl": "https://old.example.com/userinfo" }, "displayName": "OpenID Connect IdP", "enabled": true, "firstBrokerLoginFlowAlias": "first broker login", "internalId": "4d28d7e3-1b80-45bb-8a30-5822bf55aa1c", "linkOnly": false, "providerId": "oidc", "storeToken": false, "trustEmail": false, } end_state: description: Representation of identity provider after module execution. returned: on success type: dict sample: { "addReadTokenRoleOnCreate": false, "alias": "my-idp", "authenticateByDefault": false, "config": { "authorizationUrl": "https://idp.example.com/auth", "clientAuthMethod": "client_secret_post", "clientId": "my-client", "clientSecret": "**********", "issuer": "https://idp.example.com", "tokenUrl": "https://idp.example.com/token", "userInfoUrl": "https://idp.example.com/userinfo" }, "displayName": "OpenID Connect IdP", "enabled": true, "firstBrokerLoginFlowAlias": "first broker login", "internalId": "4d28d7e3-1b80-45bb-8a30-5822bf55aa1c", "linkOnly": false, "providerId": "oidc", "storeToken": false, "trustEmail": false, } """ from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.identity.keycloak.keycloak import KeycloakAPI, camel, \ keycloak_argument_spec, get_token, KeycloakError from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from copy import deepcopy def sanitize(idp): idpcopy = deepcopy(idp) if 'config' in idpcopy: if 'clientSecret' in idpcopy['config']: idpcopy['config']['clientSecret'] = '**********' return idpcopy def get_identity_provider_with_mappers(kc, alias, realm): idp = kc.get_identity_provider(alias, realm) if idp is not None: idp['mappers'] = sorted(kc.get_identity_provider_mappers(alias, realm), key=lambda x: x.get('name')) # clientSecret returned by API when using `get_identity_provider(alias, realm)` is always ********** # to detect changes to the secret, we get the actual cleartext secret from the full realm info if 'config' in idp: if 'clientSecret' in idp['config']: for idp_from_realm in kc.get_realm_by_id(realm).get('identityProviders', []): if idp_from_realm['internalId'] == idp['internalId']: cleartext_secret = idp_from_realm.get('config', {}).get('clientSecret') if cleartext_secret: idp['config']['clientSecret'] = cleartext_secret if idp is None: idp = {} return idp def main(): """ Module execution :return: """ argument_spec = keycloak_argument_spec() mapper_spec = dict( id=dict(type='str'), name=dict(type='str'), identityProviderAlias=dict(type='str'), identityProviderMapper=dict(type='str'), config=dict(type='dict'), ) meta_args = dict( state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), realm=dict(type='str', default='master'), alias=dict(type='str', required=True), add_read_token_role_on_create=dict(type='bool', aliases=['addReadTokenRoleOnCreate']), authenticate_by_default=dict(type='bool', aliases=['authenticateByDefault']), config=dict(type='dict'), display_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['displayName']), enabled=dict(type='bool'), first_broker_login_flow_alias=dict(type='str', aliases=['firstBrokerLoginFlowAlias']), link_only=dict(type='bool', aliases=['linkOnly']), post_broker_login_flow_alias=dict(type='str', aliases=['postBrokerLoginFlowAlias']), provider_id=dict(type='str', aliases=['providerId']), store_token=dict(type='bool', aliases=['storeToken']), trust_email=dict(type='bool', aliases=['trustEmail']), mappers=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=mapper_spec), ) argument_spec.update(meta_args) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, required_one_of=([['token', 'auth_realm', 'auth_username', 'auth_password']]), required_together=([['auth_realm', 'auth_username', 'auth_password']]), required_by={'refresh_token': 'auth_realm'}, ) result = dict(changed=False, msg='', diff={}, proposed={}, existing={}, end_state={}) # Obtain access token, initialize API try: connection_header = get_token(module.params) except KeycloakError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) kc = KeycloakAPI(module, connection_header) realm = module.params.get('realm') alias = module.params.get('alias') state = module.params.get('state') # Filter and map the parameters names that apply to the identity provider. idp_params = [x for x in module.params if x not in list(keycloak_argument_spec().keys()) + ['state', 'realm', 'mappers'] and module.params.get(x) is not None] # See if it already exists in Keycloak before_idp = get_identity_provider_with_mappers(kc, alias, realm) # Build a proposed changeset from parameters given to this module changeset = {} for param in idp_params: new_param_value = module.params.get(param) old_value = before_idp[camel(param)] if camel(param) in before_idp else None if new_param_value != old_value: changeset[camel(param)] = new_param_value # special handling of mappers list to allow change detection if module.params.get('mappers') is not None: for change in module.params['mappers']: change = {k: v for k, v in change.items() if v is not None} if change.get('id') is None and change.get('name') is None: module.fail_json(msg='Either `name` or `id` has to be specified on each mapper.') if before_idp == dict(): old_mapper = dict() elif change.get('id') is not None: old_mapper = kc.get_identity_provider_mapper(change['id'], alias, realm) if old_mapper is None: old_mapper = dict() else: found = [x for x in kc.get_identity_provider_mappers(alias, realm) if x['name'] == change['name']] if len(found) == 1: old_mapper = found[0] else: old_mapper = dict() new_mapper = old_mapper.copy() new_mapper.update(change) if changeset.get('mappers') is None: changeset['mappers'] = list() # eventually this holds all desired mappers, unchanged, modified and newly added changeset['mappers'].append(new_mapper) # ensure idempotency in case module.params.mappers is not sorted by name changeset['mappers'] = sorted(changeset['mappers'], key=lambda x: x.get('id') if x.get('name') is None else x['name']) # Prepare the desired values using the existing values (non-existence results in a dict that is save to use as a basis) desired_idp = before_idp.copy() desired_idp.update(changeset) result['proposed'] = sanitize(changeset) result['existing'] = sanitize(before_idp) # Cater for when it doesn't exist (an empty dict) if not before_idp: if state == 'absent': # Do nothing and exit if module._diff: result['diff'] = dict(before='', after='') result['changed'] = False result['end_state'] = {} result['msg'] = 'Identity provider does not exist; doing nothing.' module.exit_json(**result) # Process a creation result['changed'] = True if module._diff: result['diff'] = dict(before='', after=sanitize(desired_idp)) if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(**result) # create it desired_idp = desired_idp.copy() mappers = desired_idp.pop('mappers', []) kc.create_identity_provider(desired_idp, realm) for mapper in mappers: if mapper.get('identityProviderAlias') is None: mapper['identityProviderAlias'] = alias kc.create_identity_provider_mapper(mapper, alias, realm) after_idp = get_identity_provider_with_mappers(kc, alias, realm) result['end_state'] = sanitize(after_idp) result['msg'] = 'Identity provider {alias} has been created'.format(alias=alias) module.exit_json(**result) else: if state == 'present': # Process an update # no changes if desired_idp == before_idp: result['changed'] = False result['end_state'] = sanitize(desired_idp) result['msg'] = "No changes required to identity provider {alias}.".format(alias=alias) module.exit_json(**result) # doing an update result['changed'] = True if module._diff: result['diff'] = dict(before=sanitize(before_idp), after=sanitize(desired_idp)) if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(**result) # do the update desired_idp = desired_idp.copy() updated_mappers = desired_idp.pop('mappers', []) original_mappers = list(before_idp.get('mappers', [])) kc.update_identity_provider(desired_idp, realm) for mapper in updated_mappers: if mapper.get('id') is not None: # only update existing if there is a change for i, orig in enumerate(original_mappers): if mapper['id'] == orig['id']: del original_mappers[i] if mapper != orig: kc.update_identity_provider_mapper(mapper, alias, realm) else: if mapper.get('identityProviderAlias') is None: mapper['identityProviderAlias'] = alias kc.create_identity_provider_mapper(mapper, alias, realm) for mapper in [x for x in before_idp['mappers'] if [y for y in updated_mappers if y["name"] == x['name']] == []]: kc.delete_identity_provider_mapper(mapper['id'], alias, realm) after_idp = get_identity_provider_with_mappers(kc, alias, realm) result['end_state'] = sanitize(after_idp) result['msg'] = "Identity provider {alias} has been updated".format(alias=alias) module.exit_json(**result) elif state == 'absent': # Process a deletion result['changed'] = True if module._diff: result['diff'] = dict(before=sanitize(before_idp), after='') if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(**result) # delete it kc.delete_identity_provider(alias, realm) result['end_state'] = {} result['msg'] = "Identity provider {alias} has been deleted".format(alias=alias) module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()