# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2020, SCC France, Eric Belhomme # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' author: - Eric Belhomme (@eric-belhomme) version_added: '0.2.0' name: etcd3 short_description: Get key values from etcd3 server description: - Retrieves key values and/or key prefixes from etcd3 server using its native gRPC API. - Try to reuse M(community.general.etcd3) options for connection parameters, but add support for some C(ETCDCTL_*) environment variables. - See U(https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/tree/master/Documentation/op-guide) for etcd overview. options: _terms: description: - The list of keys (or key prefixes) to look up on the etcd3 server. type: list elements: str required: true prefix: description: - Look for key or prefix key. type: bool default: false endpoints: description: - Counterpart of E(ETCDCTL_ENDPOINTS) environment variable. Specify the etcd3 connection with and URL form, for example V(https://hostname:2379), or V(:) form. - The V(host) part is overwritten by O(host) option, if defined. - The V(port) part is overwritten by O(port) option, if defined. env: - name: ETCDCTL_ENDPOINTS default: '' type: str host: description: - etcd3 listening client host. - Takes precedence over O(endpoints). type: str port: description: - etcd3 listening client port. - Takes precedence over O(endpoints). type: int ca_cert: description: - etcd3 CA authority. env: - name: ETCDCTL_CACERT type: str cert_cert: description: - etcd3 client certificate. env: - name: ETCDCTL_CERT type: str cert_key: description: - etcd3 client private key. env: - name: ETCDCTL_KEY type: str timeout: description: - Client timeout. default: 60 env: - name: ETCDCTL_DIAL_TIMEOUT type: int user: description: - Authenticated user name. env: - name: ETCDCTL_USER type: str password: description: - Authenticated user password. env: - name: ETCDCTL_PASSWORD type: str notes: - O(host) and O(port) options take precedence over (endpoints) option. - The recommended way to connect to etcd3 server is using E(ETCDCTL_ENDPOINT) environment variable and keep O(endpoints), O(host), and O(port) unused. seealso: - module: community.general.etcd3 - plugin: community.general.etcd plugin_type: lookup requirements: - "etcd3 >= 0.10" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: "a value from a locally running etcd" ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ lookup('community.general.etcd3', 'foo/bar') }}" - name: "values from multiple folders on a locally running etcd" ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ lookup('community.general.etcd3', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz') }}" - name: "look for a key prefix" ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ lookup('community.general.etcd3', '/foo/bar', prefix=True) }}" - name: "connect to etcd3 with a client certificate" ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ lookup('community.general.etcd3', 'foo/bar', cert_cert='/etc/ssl/etcd/client.pem', cert_key='/etc/ssl/etcd/client.key') }}" ''' RETURN = ''' _raw: description: - List of keys and associated values. type: list elements: dict contains: key: description: The element's key. type: str value: description: The element's value. type: str ''' import re from ansible.errors import AnsibleLookupError from ansible.module_utils.basic import missing_required_lib from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase from ansible.utils.display import Display try: import etcd3 HAS_ETCD = True except ImportError: HAS_ETCD = False display = Display() etcd3_cnx_opts = ( 'host', 'port', 'ca_cert', 'cert_key', 'cert_cert', 'timeout', 'user', 'password', # 'grpc_options' Etcd3Client() option currently not supported by lookup module (maybe in future ?) ) def etcd3_client(client_params): try: etcd = etcd3.client(**client_params) etcd.status() except Exception as exp: raise AnsibleLookupError(f'Cannot connect to etcd cluster: {to_native(exp)}') return etcd class LookupModule(LookupBase): def run(self, terms, variables, **kwargs): self.set_options(var_options=variables, direct=kwargs) if not HAS_ETCD: display.error(missing_required_lib('etcd3')) return None # create the etcd3 connection parameters dict to pass to etcd3 class client_params = {} # etcd3 class expects host and port as connection parameters, so endpoints # must be mangled a bit to fit in this scheme. # so here we use a regex to extract server and port match = re.compile( r'^(https?://)?(?P(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})|([-_\d\w\.]+))(:(?P\d{1,5}))?/?$' ).match(self.get_option('endpoints')) if match: if match.group('host'): client_params['host'] = match.group('host') if match.group('port'): client_params['port'] = match.group('port') for opt in etcd3_cnx_opts: if self.get_option(opt): client_params[opt] = self.get_option(opt) cnx_log = dict(client_params) if 'password' in cnx_log: cnx_log['password'] = '' display.verbose(f"etcd3 connection parameters: {cnx_log}") # connect to etcd3 server etcd = etcd3_client(client_params) ret = [] # we can pass many keys to lookup for term in terms: if self.get_option('prefix'): try: for val, meta in etcd.get_prefix(term): if val and meta: ret.append({'key': to_native(meta.key), 'value': to_native(val)}) except Exception as exp: display.warning(f'Caught except during etcd3.get_prefix: {to_native(exp)}') else: try: val, meta = etcd.get(term) if val and meta: ret.append({'key': to_native(meta.key), 'value': to_native(val)}) except Exception as exp: display.warning(f'Caught except during etcd3.get: {to_native(exp)}') return ret