# (c) 2013, seth vidal red hat, inc # (c) 2017 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = """ lookup: first_found author: Seth Vidal version_added: historical short_description: return first file found from list description: - this lookup checks a list of files and paths and returns the full path to the first combination found. - As all lookups, when fed relative paths it will try use the current task's location first and go up the chain to the containing role/play/include/etc's location. - The list of files has precedence over the paths searched. i.e, A task in a role has a 'file1' in the play's relative path, this will be used, 'file2' in role's relative path will not. options: _terms: description: list of file names required: True paths: description: list of paths in which to look for the files """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: show first existing file debug: msg={{lookup('first_found', findme)}} vars: findme: - "/path/to/foo.txt" - "bar.txt" # will be looked in files/ dir relative to role and/or play - "/path/to/biz.txt" - name: | copy first existing file found to /some/file, looking in relative directories from where the task is defined and including any play objects that contain it copy: src={{lookup('first_found', findme)}} dest=/some/file vars: findme: - foo - "{{inventory_hostname}}" - bar - name: same copy but specific paths copy: src={{lookup('first_found', findme, mypaths)}} dest=/some/file vars: findme: - foo - "{{inventory_hostname}}" - bar mypaths: - /tmp/production - /tmp/staging - name: INTERFACES | Create Ansible header for /etc/network/interfaces template: src: "{{ lookup('first_found', findme)}}" dest: "/etc/foo.conf" vars: findme: - "{{ ansible_virtualization_type }}_foo.conf" - "default_foo.conf" - name: read vars from first file found, use 'vars/' relative subdir include_vars: "{{lookup('first_found', findme, paths=['vars'])}}" vars: findme: - '{{ansible_os_distribution}}.yml' - '{{ansible_os_family}}.yml' - default.yml """ RETURN = """ _raw: description: - path to file found """ import os from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError from ansible.errors import AnsibleFileNotFound, AnsibleLookupError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase class LookupModule(LookupBase): def run(self, terms, variables, **kwargs): anydict = False skip = False for term in terms: if isinstance(term, dict): anydict = True total_search = [] if anydict: for term in terms: if isinstance(term, dict): files = term.get('files', []) paths = term.get('paths', []) skip = boolean(term.get('skip', False), strict=False) filelist = files if isinstance(files, string_types): files = files.replace(',', ' ') files = files.replace(';', ' ') filelist = files.split(' ') pathlist = paths if paths: if isinstance(paths, string_types): paths = paths.replace(',', ' ') paths = paths.replace(':', ' ') paths = paths.replace(';', ' ') pathlist = paths.split(' ') if not pathlist: total_search = filelist else: for path in pathlist: for fn in filelist: f = os.path.join(path, fn) total_search.append(f) else: total_search.append(term) else: total_search = self._flatten(terms) for fn in total_search: try: fn = self._templar.template(fn) except (AnsibleUndefinedVariable, UndefinedError): continue # get subdir if set by task executor, default to files otherwise subdir = getattr(self, '_subdir', 'files') path = None path = self.find_file_in_search_path(variables, subdir, fn, ignore_missing=True) if path is not None: return [path] if skip: return [] raise AnsibleLookupError("No file was found when using with_first_found. Use the 'skip: true' option to allow this task to be skipped if no " "files are found")