"""CloudStack plugin for integration tests.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import os import time from lib.cloud import ( CloudProvider, CloudEnvironment, ) from lib.util import ( find_executable, ApplicationError, display, SubprocessError, is_shippable, ) from lib.http import ( HttpClient, urlparse, ) from lib.docker_util import ( docker_run, docker_rm, docker_inspect, docker_pull, ) try: # noinspection PyPep8Naming import ConfigParser as configparser except ImportError: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import configparser class CsCloudProvider(CloudProvider): """CloudStack cloud provider plugin. Sets up cloud resources before delegation.""" DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME = 'cloudstack-sim' def __init__(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ super(CsCloudProvider, self).__init__(args, config_extension='.ini') self.image = 'resmo/cloudstack-sim' self.container_name = '' self.endpoint = '' self.host = '' self.port = 0 def filter(self, targets, exclude): """Filter out the cloud tests when the necessary config and resources are not available. :type targets: tuple[TestTarget] :type exclude: list[str] """ if os.path.isfile(self.config_static_path): return docker = find_executable('docker') if docker: return super(CsCloudProvider, self).filter(targets, exclude) def setup(self): """Setup the cloud resource before delegation and register a cleanup callback.""" super(CsCloudProvider, self).setup() if self._use_static_config(): self._setup_static() else: self._setup_dynamic() def get_remote_ssh_options(self): """Get any additional options needed when delegating tests to a remote instance via SSH. :rtype: list[str] """ if self.managed: return ['-R', '8888:localhost:8888'] return [] def get_docker_run_options(self): """Get any additional options needed when delegating tests to a docker container. :rtype: list[str] """ if self.managed: return ['--link', self.DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME] return [] def cleanup(self): """Clean up the cloud resource and any temporary configuration files after tests complete.""" if self.container_name: if is_shippable(): docker_rm(self.args, self.container_name) elif not self.args.explain: display.notice('Remember to run `docker rm -f %s` when finished testing.' % self.container_name) super(CsCloudProvider, self).cleanup() def _setup_static(self): """Configure CloudStack tests for use with static configuration.""" parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() parser.read(self.config_static_path) self.endpoint = parser.get('cloudstack', 'endpoint') parts = urlparse(self.endpoint) self.host = parts.hostname if not self.host: raise ApplicationError('Could not determine host from endpoint: %s' % self.endpoint) if parts.port: self.port = parts.port elif parts.scheme == 'http': self.port = 80 elif parts.scheme == 'https': self.port = 443 else: raise ApplicationError('Could not determine port from endpoint: %s' % self.endpoint) display.info('Read cs host "%s" and port %d from config: %s' % (self.host, self.port, self.config_static_path), verbosity=1) self._wait_for_service() def _setup_dynamic(self): """Create a CloudStack simulator using docker.""" config = self._read_config_template() self.container_name = self.DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME results = docker_inspect(self.args, self.container_name) if results and not results[0]['State']['Running']: docker_rm(self.args, self.container_name) results = [] if results: display.info('Using the existing CloudStack simulator docker container.', verbosity=1) else: display.info('Starting a new CloudStack simulator docker container.', verbosity=1) docker_pull(self.args, self.image) docker_run(self.args, self.image, ['-d', '-p', '8888:8888', '--name', self.container_name]) display.notice('The CloudStack simulator will probably be ready in 5 - 10 minutes.') self.host = 'localhost' self.port = 8888 self.endpoint = 'http://%s:%d' % (self.host, self.port) self._wait_for_service() if self.args.explain: values = dict( HOST=self.host, PORT=str(self.port), ) else: credentials = self._get_credentials() if self.args.docker: host = self.DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME else: host = self.host values = dict( HOST=host, PORT=str(self.port), KEY=credentials['apikey'], SECRET=credentials['secretkey'], ) config = self._populate_config_template(config, values) self._write_config(config) def _wait_for_service(self): """Wait for the CloudStack service endpoint to accept connections.""" if self.args.explain: return client = HttpClient(self.args, always=True) endpoint = self.endpoint for _ in range(1, 90): display.info('Waiting for CloudStack service: %s' % endpoint, verbosity=1) try: client.get(endpoint) return except SubprocessError: pass time.sleep(10) raise ApplicationError('Timeout waiting for CloudStack service.') def _get_credentials(self): """Wait for the CloudStack simulator to return credentials. :rtype: dict[str, str] """ client = HttpClient(self.args, always=True) endpoint = '%s/admin.json' % self.endpoint for _ in range(1, 90): display.info('Waiting for CloudStack credentials: %s' % endpoint, verbosity=1) response = client.get(endpoint) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() time.sleep(10) raise ApplicationError('Timeout waiting for CloudStack credentials.') class CsCloudEnvironment(CloudEnvironment): """CloudStack cloud environment plugin. Updates integration test environment after delegation.""" def configure_environment(self, env, cmd): """ :type env: dict[str, str] :type cmd: list[str] """ changes = dict( CLOUDSTACK_CONFIG=self.config_path, ) env.update(changes) cmd.append('-e') cmd.append('cs_resource_prefix=%s' % self.resource_prefix)