#!powershell # Copyright: (c) 2014, Trond Hindenes # Copyright: (c) 2017, Dag Wieers # Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.ArgvParser #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.CommandUtil #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # As of chocolatey 0.9.10, non-zero success exit codes can be returned # See https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/issues/512#issuecomment-214284461 $successexitcodes = (0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010) $params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true $check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -type "bool" -default $false $verbosity = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_verbosity" -type "int" -default 0 $name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "name" -type "list" -failifempty $true $allow_empty_checksums = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "allow_empty_checksums" -type "bool" -default $false $allow_prerelease = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "allow_prerelease" -type "bool" -default $false $architecture = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "architecture" -type "str" -default "default" -validateset "default", "x86" $install_args = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "install_args" -type "str" $ignore_checksums = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "ignore_checksums" -type "bool" -default $false $ignore_dependencies = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "ignore_dependencies" -type "bool" -default $false $force = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "force" -type "bool" -default $false $package_params = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "package_params" -type "str" -aliases "params" $proxy_url = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "proxy_url" -type "str" $proxy_username = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "proxy_username" -type "str" $proxy_password = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "proxy_password" -type "str" -failifempty ($null -ne $proxy_username) $skip_scripts = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "skip_scripts" -type "bool" -default $false $source = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "source" -type "str" $source_username = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "source_username" -type "str" $source_password = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "source_password" -type "str" -failifempty ($null -ne $source_username) $state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "state" -type "str" -default "present" -validateset "absent","downgrade","latest","present","reinstalled" $timeout = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "timeout" -type "int" -default 2700 -aliases "execution_timeout" $validate_certs = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "validate_certs" -type "bool" -default $true $version = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "version" -type "str" $result = @{ changed = $false rc = 0 } if (-not $validate_certs) { [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true } } Function Get-CommonChocolateyArguments { # uses global vars like check_mode and verbosity to control the common args # run with Chocolatey $arguments = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@("--yes", "--no-progress") # global vars that control the arguments if ($check_mode) { $arguments.Add("--what-if") > $null } if ($verbosity -gt 4) { $arguments.Add("--debug") > $null $arguments.Add("--verbose") > $null } elseif ($verbosity -gt 3) { $arguments.Add("--verbose") > $null } else { $arguments.Add("--limit-output") > $null } return ,$arguments } Function Get-InstallChocolateyArguments { param( [bool]$allow_downgrade, [bool]$allow_empty_checksums, [bool]$allow_prerelease, [String]$architecture, [bool]$force, [bool]$ignore_dependencies, [String]$install_args, [String]$package_params, [String]$proxy_url, [String]$proxy_username, [String]$proxy_password, [bool]$skip_scripts, [String]$source, [String]$source_usename, [String]$source_password, [int]$timeout, [String]$version ) # returns an ArrayList of common arguments for install/updated a Chocolatey # package $arguments = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@("--fail-on-unfound") $common_args = Get-CommonChocolateyArguments $arguments.AddRange($common_args) if ($allow_downgrade) { $arguments.Add("--allow-downgrade") > $null } if ($allow_empty_checksums) { $arguments.Add("--allow-empty-checksums") > $null } if ($allow_prerelease) { $arguments.Add("--prerelease") > $null } if ($architecture -eq "x86") { $arguments.Add("--x86") > $null } if ($force) { $arguments.Add("--force") > $null } if ($ignore_checksums) { $arguments.Add("--ignore-checksums") > $null } if ($ignore_dependencies) { $arguments.Add("--ignore-dependencies") > $null } if ($install_args) { $arguments.Add("--install-arguments") > $null $arguments.add($install_args) > $null } if ($package_params) { $arguments.Add("--package-parameters") > $null $arguments.Add($package_params) > $null } if ($proxy_url) { $arguments.Add("--proxy") > $null $arguments.Add($proxy_url) > $null } if ($proxy_username) { $arguments.Add("--proxy-user") > $null $arguments.Add($proxy_username) > $null } if ($proxy_password) { $arguments.Add("--proxy-password") > $null $arguments.Add($proxy_password) > $null } if ($skip_scripts) { $arguments.Add("--skip-scripts") > $null } if ($source) { $arguments.Add("--source") > $null $arguments.Add($source) > $null } if ($source_username) { $arguments.Add("--user") > $null $arguments.Add($source_username) > $null $arguments.Add("--password") > $null $arguments.Add($source_password) > $null } if ($null -ne $timeout) { $arguments.Add("--timeout") > $null $arguments.Add($timeout) > $null } if ($version) { $arguments.Add("--version") > $null $arguments.Add($version) > $null } return ,$arguments } Function Install-Chocolatey { param( [String]$proxy_url, [String]$proxy_username, [String]$proxy_password, [String]$source, [String]$source_username, [String]$source_password ) $choco_app = Get-Command -Name choco.exe -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $choco_app) { # We need to install chocolatey # Enable TLS1.1/TLS1.2 if they're available but disabled (eg. .NET 4.5) $security_protocols = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault if ([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls11").Count -gt 0) { $security_protocols = $security_protcols -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 } if ([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls12").Count -gt 0) { $security_protocols = $security_protcols -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $security_protocols $client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient $environment = @{} if ($proxy_url) { # the env values are used in the install.ps1 script when getting # external dependencies $environment.chocolateyProxyLocation = $proxy_url $web_proxy = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebProxy -ArgumentList $proxy_url, $true $client.Proxy = $web_proxy if ($proxy_username -and $proxy_password) { $environment.chocolateyProxyUser = $proxy_username $environment.chocolateyProxyPassword = $proxy_password $sec_proxy_password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $proxy_password -AsPlainText -Force $web_proxy.Credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $proxy_username, $sec_proxy_password } } if ($source) { # check if the URL already contains the path to install.ps1 if ($source.EndsWith("install.ps1")) { $script_url = $source } else { # chocolatey server automatically serves a script at # http://host/install.ps1, we rely on this behaviour when a # user specifies the choco source URL. If a custom URL or file # path is desired, they should use win_get_url/win_shell # manually # we need to strip the path off the URL and append install.ps1 $uri_info = [System.Uri]$source $script_url = "$($uri_info.Scheme)://$($uri_info.Authority)/install.ps1" } if ($source_username) { # while the choco-server does not require creds on install.ps1, # Net.WebClient will only send the credentials if the initial # req fails so we will add the creds in case the source URL # is not choco-server and requires authentication $sec_source_password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $source_password -AsPlainText -Force $client.Credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $source_username, $sec_source_password } } else { $script_url = "https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1" } try { $install_script = $client.DownloadString($script_url) } catch { Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to download Chocolatey script from '$script_url': $($_.Exception.Message)" } if (-not $check_mode) { $res = Run-Command -command "powershell.exe -" -stdin $install_script -environment $environment if ($res.rc -ne 0) { $result.rc = $res.rc $result.stdout = $res.stdout $result.stderr = $res.stderr Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Chocolatey bootstrap installation failed." } Add-Warning -obj $result -message "Chocolatey was missing from this system, so it was installed during this task run." } $result.changed = $true # locate the newly installed choco.exe $choco_app = Get-Command -Name choco.exe -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $choco_app) { $choco_path = $env:ChocolateyInstall if ($null -ne $choco_path) { $choco_path = "$choco_path\bin\choco.exe" } else { $choco_path = "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\ProgramData\Chocolatey\bin\choco.exe" } $choco_app = Get-Command -Name $choco_path -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } if ($check_mode -and $null -eq $choco_app) { $result.skipped = $true $result.msg = "Skipped check mode run on win_chocolatey as choco.exe cannot be found on the system" Exit-Json -obj $result } if (-not (Test-Path -Path $choco_app.Path)) { Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to find choco.exe, make sure it is added to the PATH or the env var 'ChocolateyInstall' is set" } $actual_version = Get-ChocolateyPackageVersion -choco_path $choco_app.Path -name chocolatey if ([Version]$actual_version -lt [Version]"0.10.5") { if ($check_mode) { $result.skipped = $true $result.msg = "Skipped check mode run on win_chocolatey as choco.exe is too old, a real run would have upgraded the executable. Actual: '$actual_version', Minimum Version: '0.10.5'" Exit-Json -obj $result } Add-Warning -obj $result -message "Chocolatey was older than v0.10.5 so it was upgraded during this task run." Update-ChocolateyPackage -choco_path $choco_app.Path -packages @("chocolatey") ` -proxy_url $proxy_url -proxy_username $proxy_username ` -proxy_password $proxy_password -source $source ` -source_username $source_username -source_password $source_password } return $choco_app.Path } Function Get-ChocolateyPackageVersion { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$choco_path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$name ) $command = Argv-ToString -arguments @($choco_path, "list", "--local-only", "--exact", "--limit-output", $name) $res = Run-Command -command $command if ($res.rc -ne 0) { $result.command = $command $result.rc = $res.rc $result.stdout = $res.stdout $result.stderr = $res.stderr Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error checking installation status for the package '$name'" } $stdout = $res.stdout.Trim() $version = $null if ($stdout) { # if a match occurs it is in the format of "package|version" we split # by the last | to get the version in case package contains a pipe char $pipe_index = $stdout.LastIndexOf("|") $version = $stdout.Substring($pipe_index + 1) } return $version } Function Update-ChocolateyPackage { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$choco_path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String[]]$packages, [bool]$allow_downgrade, [bool]$allow_empty_checksums, [bool]$allow_prerelease, [String]$architecture, [bool]$force, [bool]$ignore_checksums, [bool]$ignore_dependencies, [String]$install_args, [String]$package_params, [String]$proxy_url, [String]$proxy_username, [String]$proxy_password, [bool]$skip_scripts, [String]$source, [String]$source_username, [String]$source_password, [int]$timeout, [String]$version ) $arguments = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@($choco_path, "upgrade") $arguments.AddRange($packages) $common_args = Get-InstallChocolateyArguments -allow_downgrade $allow_downgrade ` -allow_empty_checksums $allow_empty_checksums -allow_prerelease $allow_prerelease ` -architecture $architecture -force $force -ignore_checksums $ignore_checksums ` -ignore_dependencies $ignore_dependencies -install_args $install_args ` -package_params $package_params -proxy_url $proxy_url -proxy_username $proxy_username ` -proxy_password $proxy_password -skip_scripts $skip_scripts -source $source ` -source_username $source_username -source_password $source_password -timeout $timeout ` -version $version $arguments.AddRange($common_args) $command = Argv-ToString -arguments $arguments $res = Run-Command -command $command $result.rc = $res.rc if ($res.rc -notin $successexitcodes) { $result.command = $command $result.stdout = $res.stdout $result.stderr = $res.stderr Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error updating package(s) '$($packages -join ", ")'" } if ($verbosity -gt 1) { $result.stdout = $res.stdout } if ($res.stdout -match ' upgraded (\d+)/\d+ package') { if ($Matches[1] -gt 0) { $result.changed = $true } } # need to set to false in case the rc is not 0 and a failure didn't actually occur $result.failed = $false } Function Install-ChocolateyPackage { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$choco_path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String[]]$packages, [bool]$allow_downgrade, [bool]$allow_empty_checksums, [bool]$allow_prerelease, [String]$architecture, [bool]$force, [bool]$ignore_checksums, [bool]$ignore_dependencies, [String]$install_args, [String]$package_params, [String]$proxy_url, [String]$proxy_username, [String]$proxy_password, [bool]$skip_scripts, [String]$source, [String]$source_username, [String]$source_password, [int]$timeout, [String]$version ) $arguments = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@($choco_path, "install") $arguments.AddRange($packages) $common_args = Get-InstallChocolateyArguments -allow_downgrade $allow_downgrade ` -allow_empty_checksums $allow_empty_checksums -allow_prerelease $allow_prerelease ` -architecture $architecture -force $force -ignore_checksums $ignore_checksums ` -ignore_dependencies $ignore_dependencies -install_args $install_args ` -package_params $package_params -proxy_url $proxy_url -proxy_username $proxy_username ` -proxy_password $proxy_password -skip_scripts $skip_scripts -source $source ` -source_username $source_username -source_password $source_password -timeout $timeout ` -version $version $arguments.AddRange($common_args) $command = Argv-ToString -arguments $arguments $res = Run-Command -command $command $result.rc = $res.rc if ($res.rc -notin $successexitcodes) { $result.command = $command $result.stdout = $res.stdout $result.stderr = $res.stderr Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error installing package(s) '$($packages -join ', ')'" } if ($verbosity -gt 1) { $result.stdout = $res.stdout } $result.changed = $true # need to set to false in case the rc is not 0 and a failure didn't actually occur $result.failed = $false } Function Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$choco_path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String[]]$packages, [bool]$force, [String]$package_params, [bool]$skip_scripts, [int]$timeout, [String]$version ) $arguments = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@($choco_path, "uninstall") $arguments.AddRange($packages) $common_args = Get-CommonChocolateyArguments $arguments.AddRange($common_args) if ($force) { $arguments.Add("--force") > $null } if ($package_params) { $arguments.Add("--package-params") > $null $arguments.Add($package_params) > $null } if ($skip_scripts) { $arguments.Add("--skip-scripts") > $null } if ($null -ne $timeout) { $arguments.Add("--timeout") > $null $arguments.Add($timeout) > $null } if ($version) { $arguments.Add("--version") > $null $arguments.Add($version) > $null } $command = Argv-ToString -arguments $arguments $res = Run-Command -command $command $result.rc = $res.rc if ($res.rc -notin $successexitcodes) { $result.command = $command $result.stdout = $res.stdout $result.stderr = $res.stderr Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Error uninstalling package(s) '$($packages -join ", ")'" } if ($verbosity -gt 1) { $result.stdout = $res.stdout } $result.changed = $true # need to set to false in case the rc is not 0 and a failure didn't actually occur $result.failed = $false } # get the full path to choco.exe, otherwise install/upgrade to at least 0.10.5 $choco_path = Install-Chocolatey -proxy_url $proxy_url -proxy_username $proxy_username ` -proxy_password $proxy_password -source $source -source_username $source_username ` -source_password $source_password # get the version of all specified packages $package_info = @{} foreach ($package in $name) { # all is a special package name that means all installed packages, we set # a dummy version so absent, latest, and downgrade will run with all if ($package -eq "all") { if ($state -in @("present", "reinstalled")) { Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Cannot specify the package name as 'all' when state=$state" } $package_version = "0.0.0" } else { $package_version = Get-ChocolateyPackageVersion -choco_path $choco_path -name $package } $package_info.$package = $package_version } if ($state -in "absent", "reinstalled") { $installed_packages = ($package_info.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.Value }).Key if ($null -ne $installed_packages) { Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage -choco_path $choco_path -packages $installed_packages ` -force $force -package_params $package_params -skip_scripts $skip_scripts ` -timeout $timeout -version $version } # ensure the package info for the uninstalled versions has been removed # so state=reinstall will install them in the next step foreach ($package in $installed_packages) { $package_info.$package = $null } } if ($state -in @("downgrade", "latest", "present", "reinstalled")) { if ($state -eq "present" -and $force) { # when present and force, we just run the install step with the packages specified $missing_packages = $name } else { # otherwise only install the packages that are not installed $missing_packages = ($package_info.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $null -eq $_.Value }).Key } # if version is specified and installed version does not match, throw error # ignore this if force or is set if ($state -eq "present" -and $null -ne $version -and -not $force) { foreach ($package in $name) { $package_version = ($package_info.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $name -eq $_.Key -and $null -ne $_.Value }).Value if ($null -ne $package_version -and $package_version -ne $version) { Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Chocolatey package '$package' is already installed at version '$package_version' but was expecting '$version'. Either change the expected version, set state=latest, or set force=yes to continue" } } } $common_args = @{ choco_path = $choco_path allow_downgrade = ($state -eq "downgrade") allow_empty_checksums = $allow_empty_checksums allow_prerelease = $allow_prerelease architecture = $architecture force = $force ignore_checksums = $ignore_checksums ignore_dependencies = $ignore_dependencies install_args = $install_args package_params = $package_params proxy_url = $proxy_url proxy_username = $proxy_username proxy_password = $proxy_password skip_scripts = $skip_scripts source = $source source_username = $source_username source_password = $source_password timeout = $timeout version = $version } if ($null -ne $missing_packages) { Install-ChocolateyPackage -packages $missing_packages @common_args } if ($state -eq "latest" -or ($state -eq "downgrade" -and $null -ne $version)) { # when in a downgrade/latest situation, we want to run choco upgrade on # the remaining packages that were already installed, don't run this if # state=downgrade and a version isn't specified (this will actually # upgrade a package) $installed_packages = ($package_info.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.Value }).Key if ($null -ne $installed_packages) { Update-ChocolateyPackage -packages $installed_packages @common_args } } } Exit-Json -obj $result