# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2024, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type from contextlib import contextmanager from ansible_collections.community.general.tests.unit.compat import unittest from ansible_collections.community.general.tests.unit.compat.mock import patch from ansible_collections.community.general.tests.unit.plugins.modules.utils import AnsibleExitJson, ModuleTestCase, set_module_args from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.modules import keycloak_userprofile from itertools import count from json import dumps from ansible.module_utils.six import StringIO @contextmanager def patch_keycloak_api(get_components=None, get_component=None, create_component=None, update_component=None, delete_component=None): """Mock context manager for patching the methods in KeycloakAPI """ obj = keycloak_userprofile.KeycloakAPI with patch.object(obj, 'get_components', side_effect=get_components) as mock_get_components: with patch.object(obj, 'get_component', side_effect=get_component) as mock_get_component: with patch.object(obj, 'create_component', side_effect=create_component) as mock_create_component: with patch.object(obj, 'update_component', side_effect=update_component) as mock_update_component: with patch.object(obj, 'delete_component', side_effect=delete_component) as mock_delete_component: yield mock_get_components, mock_get_component, mock_create_component, mock_update_component, mock_delete_component def get_response(object_with_future_response, method, get_id_call_count): if callable(object_with_future_response): return object_with_future_response() if isinstance(object_with_future_response, dict): return get_response(object_with_future_response[method], method, get_id_call_count) if isinstance(object_with_future_response, list): call_number = next(get_id_call_count) return get_response(object_with_future_response[call_number], method, get_id_call_count) return object_with_future_response def build_mocked_request(get_id_user_count, response_dict): def _mocked_requests(*args, **kwargs): url = args[0] method = kwargs['method'] future_response = response_dict.get(url, None) return get_response(future_response, method, get_id_user_count) return _mocked_requests def create_wrapper(text_as_string): """Allow to mock many times a call to one address. Without this function, the StringIO is empty for the second call. """ def _create_wrapper(): return StringIO(text_as_string) return _create_wrapper def mock_good_connection(): token_response = { 'http://keycloak.url/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token': create_wrapper('{"access_token": "alongtoken"}'), } return patch( 'ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.identity.keycloak.keycloak.open_url', side_effect=build_mocked_request(count(), token_response), autospec=True ) class TestKeycloakUserprofile(ModuleTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestKeycloakUserprofile, self).setUp() self.module = keycloak_userprofile def test_create_when_absent(self): """Add a new userprofile""" module_args = { "auth_keycloak_url": "http://keycloak.url/auth", "auth_realm": "master", "auth_username": "admin", "auth_password": "admin", "parent_id": "realm-name", "state": "present", "provider_id": "declarative-user-profile", "config": { "kc_user_profile_config": [ { "attributes": [ { "annotations": {}, "displayName": "${username}", "multivalued": False, "name": "username", "permissions": { "edit": [ "admin", "user" ], "view": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "required": None, "validations": { "length": { "max": 255, "min": 3 }, "up_username_not_idn_homograph": {}, "username_prohibited_characters": {} } }, { "annotations": {}, "displayName": "${email}", "multivalued": False, "name": "email", "permissions": { "edit": [ "admin", "user" ], "view": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "validations": { "email": {}, "length": { "max": 255 } } }, { "annotations": {}, "displayName": "${firstName}", "multivalued": False, "name": "firstName", "permissions": { "edit": [ "admin", "user" ], "view": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "validations": { "length": { "max": 255 }, "person_name_prohibited_characters": {} } }, { "annotations": {}, "displayName": "${lastName}", "multivalued": False, "name": "lastName", "permissions": { "edit": [ "admin", "user" ], "view": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "validations": { "length": { "max": 255 }, "person_name_prohibited_characters": {} } } ], "groups": [ { "displayDescription": "Attributes, which refer to user metadata", "displayHeader": "User metadata", "name": "user-metadata" } ], } ] } } return_value_component_create = [ { "id": "4ba43451-6bb4-4b50-969f-e890539f15e3", "parentId": "realm-name", "providerId": "declarative-user-profile", "providerType": "org.keycloak.userprofile.UserProfileProvider", "config": { "kc.user.profile.config": [ { "attributes": [ { "name": "username", "displayName": "${username}", "validations": { "length": { "min": 3, "max": 255 }, "username-prohibited-characters": {}, "up-username-not-idn-homograph": {} }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {}, "required": None }, { "name": "email", "displayName": "${email}", "validations": { "email": {}, "length": { "max": 255 } }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {} }, { "name": "firstName", "displayName": "${firstName}", "validations": { "length": { "max": 255 }, "person-name-prohibited-characters": {} }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {} }, { "name": "lastName", "displayName": "${lastName}", "validations": { "length": { "max": 255 }, "person-name-prohibited-characters": {} }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {} } ], "groups": [ { "name": "user-metadata", "displayHeader": "User metadata", "displayDescription": "Attributes, which refer to user metadata", } ], } ] } } ] return_value_get_components_get = [ [], [] ] changed = True set_module_args(module_args) # Run the module with mock_good_connection(): with patch_keycloak_api(get_components=return_value_get_components_get, create_component=return_value_component_create) as ( mock_get_components, mock_get_component, mock_create_component, mock_update_component, mock_delete_component): with self.assertRaises(AnsibleExitJson) as exec_info: self.module.main() self.assertEqual(len(mock_get_components.mock_calls), 1) self.assertEqual(len(mock_get_component.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(mock_create_component.mock_calls), 1) self.assertEqual(len(mock_update_component.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(mock_delete_component.mock_calls), 0) # Verify that the module's changed status matches what is expected self.assertIs(exec_info.exception.args[0]['changed'], changed) def test_create_when_present(self): """Update existing userprofile""" module_args = { "auth_keycloak_url": "http://keycloak.url/auth", "auth_realm": "master", "auth_username": "admin", "auth_password": "admin", "parent_id": "realm-name", "state": "present", "provider_id": "declarative-user-profile", "config": { "kc_user_profile_config": [ { "attributes": [ { "annotations": {}, "displayName": "${username}", "multivalued": False, "name": "username", "permissions": { "edit": [ "admin", "user" ], "view": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "required": None, "validations": { "length": { "max": 255, "min": 3 }, "up_username_not_idn_homograph": {}, "username_prohibited_characters": {} } }, { "annotations": {}, "displayName": "${email}", "multivalued": False, "name": "email", "permissions": { "edit": [ "admin", "user" ], "view": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "validations": { "email": {}, "length": { "max": 255 } } }, { "annotations": {}, "displayName": "${firstName}", "multivalued": False, "name": "firstName", "permissions": { "edit": [ "admin", "user" ], "view": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "validations": { "length": { "max": 255 }, "person_name_prohibited_characters": {} } }, { "annotations": {}, "displayName": "${lastName}", "multivalued": False, "name": "lastName", "permissions": { "edit": [ "admin", "user" ], "view": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "validations": { "length": { "max": 255 }, "person_name_prohibited_characters": {} } } ], "groups": [ { "displayDescription": "Attributes, which refer to user metadata", "displayHeader": "User metadata", "name": "user-metadata" } ], } ] } } return_value_get_components_get = [ [ { "id": "4ba43451-6bb4-4b50-969f-e890539f15e3", "parentId": "realm-1", "providerId": "declarative-user-profile", "providerType": "org.keycloak.userprofile.UserProfileProvider", "config": { "kc.user.profile.config": [ dumps({ "attributes": [ { "name": "username", "displayName": "${username}", "validations": { "length": { "min": 3, "max": 255 }, "username-prohibited-characters": {}, "up-username-not-idn-homograph": {} }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {}, "required": None }, { "name": "email", "displayName": "${email}", "validations": { "email": {}, "length": { "max": 255 } }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {} }, { "name": "firstName", "displayName": "${firstName}", "validations": { "length": { "max": 255 }, "person-name-prohibited-characters": {} }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {} }, { "name": "lastName", "displayName": "${lastName}", "validations": { "length": { "max": 255 }, "person-name-prohibited-characters": {} }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {} } ], "groups": [ { "name": "user-metadata", "displayHeader": "User metadata", "displayDescription": "Attributes, which refer to user metadata", } ], }) ] } } ], [] ] return_value_component_update = [ None ] changed = True set_module_args(module_args) # Run the module with mock_good_connection(): with patch_keycloak_api(get_components=return_value_get_components_get, update_component=return_value_component_update) as ( mock_get_components, mock_get_component, mock_create_component, mock_update_component, mock_delete_component): with self.assertRaises(AnsibleExitJson) as exec_info: self.module.main() self.assertEqual(len(mock_get_components.mock_calls), 1) self.assertEqual(len(mock_get_component.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(mock_create_component.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(mock_update_component.mock_calls), 1) self.assertEqual(len(mock_delete_component.mock_calls), 0) # Verify that the module's changed status matches what is expected self.assertIs(exec_info.exception.args[0]['changed'], changed) def test_delete_when_absent(self): """Remove an absent userprofile""" module_args = { 'auth_keycloak_url': 'http://keycloak.url/auth', 'auth_realm': 'master', 'auth_username': 'admin', 'auth_password': 'admin', 'parent_id': 'realm-name', 'provider_id': 'declarative-user-profile', 'state': 'absent', } return_value_get_components_get = [ [] ] changed = False set_module_args(module_args) # Run the module with mock_good_connection(): with patch_keycloak_api(get_components=return_value_get_components_get) as ( mock_get_components, mock_get_component, mock_create_component, mock_update_component, mock_delete_component): with self.assertRaises(AnsibleExitJson) as exec_info: self.module.main() self.assertEqual(len(mock_get_components.mock_calls), 1) self.assertEqual(len(mock_get_component.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(mock_create_component.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(mock_update_component.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(mock_delete_component.mock_calls), 0) # Verify that the module's changed status matches what is expected self.assertIs(exec_info.exception.args[0]['changed'], changed) def test_delete_when_present(self): """Remove an existing userprofile""" module_args = { 'auth_keycloak_url': 'http://keycloak.url/auth', 'auth_realm': 'master', 'auth_username': 'admin', 'auth_password': 'admin', 'parent_id': 'realm-name', 'provider_id': 'declarative-user-profile', 'state': 'absent', } return_value_get_components_get = [ [ { "id": "4ba43451-6bb4-4b50-969f-e890539f15e3", "parentId": "realm-1", "providerId": "declarative-user-profile", "providerType": "org.keycloak.userprofile.UserProfileProvider", "config": { "kc.user.profile.config": [ dumps({ "attributes": [ { "name": "username", "displayName": "${username}", "validations": { "length": { "min": 3, "max": 255 }, "username-prohibited-characters": {}, "up-username-not-idn-homograph": {} }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {}, "required": None }, { "name": "email", "displayName": "${email}", "validations": { "email": {}, "length": { "max": 255 } }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {} }, { "name": "firstName", "displayName": "${firstName}", "validations": { "length": { "max": 255 }, "person-name-prohibited-characters": {} }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {} }, { "name": "lastName", "displayName": "${lastName}", "validations": { "length": { "max": 255 }, "person-name-prohibited-characters": {} }, "required": { "roles": [ "user" ] }, "permissions": { "view": [ "admin", "user" ], "edit": [ "admin", "user" ] }, "multivalued": False, "annotations": {} } ], "groups": [ { "name": "user-metadata", "displayHeader": "User metadata", "displayDescription": "Attributes, which refer to user metadata", } ], }) ] } } ], [] ] return_value_component_delete = [ None ] changed = True set_module_args(module_args) # Run the module with mock_good_connection(): with patch_keycloak_api(get_components=return_value_get_components_get, delete_component=return_value_component_delete) as ( mock_get_components, mock_get_component, mock_create_component, mock_update_component, mock_delete_component): with self.assertRaises(AnsibleExitJson) as exec_info: self.module.main() self.assertEqual(len(mock_get_components.mock_calls), 1) self.assertEqual(len(mock_get_component.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(mock_create_component.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(mock_update_component.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(mock_delete_component.mock_calls), 1) # Verify that the module's changed status matches what is expected self.assertIs(exec_info.exception.args[0]['changed'], changed) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()