# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2016 Dimension Data # # This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this software. If not, see . # # Authors: # - Aimon Bustardo # - Mark Maglana # - Adam Friedman # # Common methods to be used by versious module components import os from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser from ansible.module_utils.pycompat24 import get_exception from os.path import expanduser from uuid import UUID try: from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import \ API_ENDPOINTS, DimensionDataAPIException HAS_LIBCLOUD = True except ImportError: HAS_LIBCLOUD = False # Custom Exceptions class LibcloudNotFound(Exception): pass class MissingCredentialsError(Exception): pass class UnknownNetworkError(Exception): pass class UnknownVLANError(Exception): pass def check_libcloud_or_fail(): """ Checks if libcloud is installed and fails if not """ if not HAS_LIBCLOUD: raise LibcloudNotFound("apache-libcloud is required.") def get_credentials(module): """ Get user_id and key from module configuration, environment, or dotfile. Order of priority is module, environment, dotfile. To set in environment: export MCP_USER='myusername' export MCP_PASSWORD='mypassword' To set in dot file place a file at ~/.dimensiondata with the following contents: [dimensiondatacloud] MCP_USER: myusername MCP_PASSWORD: mypassword """ if not HAS_LIBCLOUD: module.fail_json(msg='libcloud is required for this module.') return None user_id = None key = None # First, try the module configuration if 'mcp_user' in module.params: if 'mcp_password' not in module.params: module.fail_json( '"mcp_user" parameter was specified, but not "mcp_password" ' + '(either both must be specified, or neither).' ) return None user_id = module.params['mcp_user'] key = module.params['mcp_password'] # Fall back to environment if not user_id or not key: user_id = os.environ.get('MCP_USER', None) key = os.environ.get('MCP_PASSWORD', None) # Finally, try dotfile (~/.dimensiondata) if not user_id or not key: home = expanduser('~') config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read("%s/.dimensiondata" % home) try: user_id = config.get("dimensiondatacloud", "MCP_USER") key = config.get("dimensiondatacloud", "MCP_PASSWORD") except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): pass # One or more credentials not found. Function can't recover from this # so it has to raise an error instead of fail silently. if not user_id: raise MissingCredentialsError("Dimension Data user id not found") elif not key: raise MissingCredentialsError("Dimension Data key not found") # Both found, return data return dict(user_id=user_id, key=key) def get_dd_regions(): """ Get the list of available regions whose vendor is Dimension Data. """ check_libcloud_or_fail() # Get endpoints all_regions = API_ENDPOINTS.keys() # Only Dimension Data endpoints (no prefix) regions = [region[3:] for region in all_regions if region.startswith('dd-')] return regions def get_network_domain_by_name(driver, name, location): """ Get a network domain object by its name """ networks = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location) found_networks = [network for network in networks if network.name == name] if not found_networks: raise UnknownNetworkError("Network '%s' could not be found" % name) return found_networks[0] def get_network_domain(driver, locator, location): """ Get a network domain object by its name or id """ if is_uuid(locator): net_id = locator else: name = locator networks = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location) found_networks = [network for network in networks if network.name == name] if not found_networks: raise UnknownNetworkError("Network '%s' could not be found" % name) net_id = found_networks[0].id return driver.ex_get_network_domain(net_id) def get_vlan(driver, locator, location, network_domain): """ Get a VLAN object by its name or id """ if is_uuid(locator): vlan_id = locator else: vlans = driver.ex_list_vlans(location=location, network_domain=network_domain) found_vlans = [vlan for vlan in vlans if vlan.name == locator] if not found_vlans: raise UnknownVLANError("VLAN '%s' could not be found" % locator) vlan_id = found_vlans[0].id return driver.ex_get_vlan(vlan_id) def get_mcp_version(driver, location): """ Get a locations MCP version """ # Get location to determine if MCP 1.0 or 2.0 location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(location) if 'MCP 2.0' in location.name: return '2.0' return '1.0' def is_uuid(u, version=4): """ Test if valid v4 UUID """ try: uuid_obj = UUID(u, version=version) return str(uuid_obj) == u except: return False def expand_ip_block(block): """ Expand public IP block to show all addresses """ addresses = [] ip_r = block.base_ip.split('.') last_quad = int(ip_r[3]) address_root = "%s.%s.%s." % (ip_r[0], ip_r[1], ip_r[2]) for i in range(int(block.size)): addresses.append(address_root + str(last_quad + i)) return addresses def get_public_ip_block(module, driver, network_domain, block_id=False, base_ip=False): """ Get public IP block details """ # Block ID given, try to use it. if block_id is not False: try: block = driver.ex_get_public_ip_block(block_id) except DimensionDataAPIException: e = get_exception() # 'UNEXPECTED_ERROR' should be removed once upstream bug is fixed. # Currently any call to ex_get_public_ip_block where the block does # not exist will return UNEXPECTED_ERROR rather than # 'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND'. if e.code == "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND" or e.code == 'UNEXPECTED_ERROR': module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="Public IP Block does " "not exist") else: module.fail_json(msg="Unexpected error while retrieving " "block: %s" % e.code) module.fail_json(msg="Error retreving Public IP Block " + "'%s': %s" % (block.id, e.message)) # Block ID not given, try to use base_ip. else: blocks = list_public_ip_blocks(module, driver, network_domain) if blocks is not False: block = next(block for block in blocks if block.base_ip == base_ip) else: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="IP block starting with " "'%s' does not exist." % base_ip) return block def list_nat_rules(module, driver, network_domain): """ Get list of NAT rules for domain """ try: return driver.ex_list_nat_rules(network_domain) except DimensionDataAPIException: e = get_exception() module.fail_json(msg="Failed to list NAT rules: %s" % e.message) def list_public_ip_blocks(module, driver, network_domain): """ Get list of public IP blocks for a domain """ try: blocks = driver.ex_list_public_ip_blocks(network_domain) return blocks except DimensionDataAPIException: e = get_exception() module.fail_json(msg="Error retreving Public IP Blocks: %s" % e) def get_block_allocation(module, cp_driver, lb_driver, network_domain, block): """ Get public IP block allocation details. Shows all ips in block and if they are allocated. Example: {'id': 'eb8b16ca-3c91-45fb-b04b-5d7d387a9f4a', 'addresses': [{'address': '', 'allocated': True }, {'address': '', 'allocated': False } ] } """ nat_rules = list_nat_rules(module, cp_driver, network_domain) balancers = list_balancers(module, lb_driver) pub_ip_block = get_public_ip_block(module, cp_driver, network_domain, block.id, False) pub_ips = expand_ip_block(pub_ip_block) block_detailed = {'id': block.id, 'addresses': []} for ip in pub_ips: allocated = False nat_match = [nat_rule for nat_rule in nat_rules if nat_rule.external_ip == ip] lb_match = [balancer for balancer in balancers if balancer.ip == ip] if len(nat_match) > 0 or len(lb_match) > 0: allocated = True else: allocated = False block_detailed['addresses'].append({'address': ip, 'allocated': allocated}) return block_detailed def list_balancers(module, lb_driver): try: return lb_driver.list_balancers() except DimensionDataAPIException: e = get_exception() module.fail_json(msg="Failed to list Load Balancers: %s" % e.message) def get_blocks_with_unallocated(module, cp_driver, lb_driver, network_domain): """ Gets ip blocks with one or more unallocated IPs. ex: {'unallocated_count': , 'ip_blocks': [], 'unallocated_addresses': [] } """ total_unallocated_ips = 0 all_blocks = list_public_ip_blocks(module, cp_driver, network_domain) unalloc_blocks = [] unalloc_addresses = [] for block in all_blocks: d_blocks = get_block_allocation(module, cp_driver, lb_driver, network_domain, block) i = 0 for addr in d_blocks['addresses']: if addr['allocated'] is False: if i == 0: unalloc_blocks.append(d_blocks) unalloc_addresses.append(addr['address']) total_unallocated_ips += 1 i += 1 return {'unallocated_count': total_unallocated_ips, 'ip_blocks': unalloc_blocks, 'unallocated_addresses': unalloc_addresses} def get_unallocated_public_ips(module, cp_driver, lb_driver, network_domain, reuse_free, count=0): """ Get and/or provision unallocated public IPs """ free_ips = [] if reuse_free is True: blocks_with_unallocated = get_blocks_with_unallocated(module, cp_driver, lb_driver, network_domain) free_ips = blocks_with_unallocated['unallocated_addresses'] if len(free_ips) < count: num_needed = count - len(free_ips) for i in range(num_needed): block = cp_driver.ex_add_public_ip_block_to_network_domain( network_domain) block_dict = get_block_allocation(module, cp_driver, lb_driver, network_domain, block) for addr in block_dict['addresses']: free_ips.append(addr['address']) if len(free_ips) >= count: break return {'changed': True, 'msg': 'Allocated public IP block(s)', 'addresses': free_ips[:count]} else: return {'changed': False, 'msg': 'Found enough unallocated IPs' + ' without provisioning.', 'addresses': free_ips} def is_ipv4_addr(ip): """ Simple way to check if IPv4 address """ parts = ip.split('.') try: return len(parts) == 4 and all(0 <= int(part) < 256 for part in parts) except: return False def get_node_by_name_and_ip(module, lb_driver, name, ip): """ Nodes do not have unique names, we need to match name and IP to be sure we get the correct one """ nodes = lb_driver.ex_get_nodes() found_nodes = [] if not is_ipv4_addr(ip): module.fail_json(msg="Node '%s' ip is not a valid IPv4 address" % ip) found_nodes = [node for node in nodes if node.name == name and node.ip == ip] if len(found_nodes) == 0: return None elif len(found_nodes) == 1: return found_nodes[0] else: module.fail_json(msg="More than one node of name '%s' found." % name)