#!powershell # Copyright: (c) 2018, Varun Chopra (@chopraaa) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) #AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic #AnsibleRequires -OSVersion 6.2 Set-StrictMode -Version 2 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $spec = @{ options = @{ state = @{ type = "str"; choices = "absent", "present"; default = "present" } drive_letter = @{ type = "str" } disk_number = @{ type = "int" } partition_number = @{ type = "int" } partition_size = @{ type = "str" } read_only = @{ type = "bool" } active = @{ type = "bool" } hidden = @{ type = "bool" } offline = @{ type = "bool" } mbr_type = @{ type = "str"; choices = "fat12", "fat16", "extended", "huge", "ifs", "fat32" } gpt_type = @{ type = "str"; choices = "system_partition", "microsoft_reserved", "basic_data", "microsoft_recovery" } } supports_check_mode = $true } $module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec) $state = $module.Params.state $drive_letter = $module.Params.drive_letter $disk_number = $module.Params.disk_number $partition_number = $module.Params.partition_number $partition_size = $module.Params.partition_size $read_only = $module.Params.read_only $active = $module.Params.active $hidden = $module.Params.hidden $offline = $module.Params.offline $mbr_type = $module.Params.mbr_type $gpt_type = $module.Params.gpt_type $size_is_maximum = $false $ansible_partition = $false $ansible_partition_size = $null $partition_style = $null $gpt_styles = @{ system_partition = "c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b" microsoft_reserved = "e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215ae" basic_data = "ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7" microsoft_recovery = "de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac" } $mbr_styles = @{ fat12 = 1 fat16 = 4 extended = 5 huge = 6 ifs = 7 fat32 = 12 } function Convert-SizeToBytes { param( $Size, $Units ) switch ($Units) { "B" { return $Size } "KB" { return 1000 * $Size } "KiB" { return 1024 * $Size } "MB" { return [Math]::Pow(1000, 2) * $Size } "MiB" { return [Math]::Pow(1024, 2) * $Size } "GB" { return [Math]::Pow(1000, 3) * $Size } "GiB" { return [Math]::Pow(1024, 3) * $Size } "TB" { return [Math]::Pow(1000, 4) * $Size } "TiB" { return [Math]::Pow(1024, 4) * $Size } } } if ($null -ne $partition_size) { if ($partition_size -eq -1) { $size_is_maximum = $true } elseif ($partition_size -match '^(?[0-9]+)[ ]*(?b|kb|kib|mb|mib|gb|gib|tb|tib)$') { $ansible_partition_size = Convert-SizeToBytes -Size $Matches.Size -Units $Matches.Units } else { $module.FailJson("Invalid partition size. B, KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB, TB, TiB are valid partition size units") } } # If partition_exists, we can change or delete it; otherwise we only need the disk to create a new partition if ($null -ne $disk_number -and $null -ne $partition_number) { $ansible_partition = Get-Partition -DiskNumber $disk_number -PartitionNumber $partition_number -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } # Check if drive_letter is either auto-assigned or a character from A-Z elseif ($drive_letter -and -not ($disk_number -and $partition_number)) { if ($drive_letter -eq "auto" -or $drive_letter -match "^[a-zA-Z]$") { $ansible_partition = Get-Partition -DriveLetter $drive_letter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { $module.FailJson("Incorrect usage of drive_letter: specify a drive letter from A-Z or use 'auto' to automatically assign a drive letter") } } elseif ($disk_number) { try { Get-Disk -Number $disk_number | Out-Null } catch { $module.FailJson("Specified disk does not exist") } } else { $module.FailJson("You must provide disk_number, partition_number") } # Partition can't have two partition styles if ($null -ne $gpt_type -and $null -ne $mbr_type) { $module.FailJson("Cannot specify both GPT and MBR partition styles. Check which partition style is supported by the disk") } function New-AnsiblePartition { param( $DiskNumber, $Letter, $SizeMax, $Size, $MbrType, $GptType, $Style ) $parameters = @{ DiskNumber = $DiskNumber } if ($null -ne $Letter) { switch ($Letter) { "auto" { $parameters.Add("AssignDriveLetter", $True) } default { $parameters.Add("DriveLetter", $Letter) } } } switch ($SizeMax) { $True { $parameters.Add("UseMaximumSize", $True) } $False { $parameters.Add("Size", $Size) } } if ($null -ne $MbrType) { $parameters.Add("MbrType", $Style) } if ($null -ne $GptType) { $parameters.Add("GptType", $Style) } try { $new_partition = New-Partition @parameters } catch { $module.FailJson("Unable to create a new partition: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) } return $new_partition } function Set-AnsiblePartitionState { param( $hidden, $read_only, $active, $partition ) $parameters = @{ DiskNumber = $partition.DiskNumber PartitionNumber = $partition.PartitionNumber } if ($hidden -NotIn ($null, $partition.IsHidden)) { $parameters.Add("IsHidden", $hidden) } if ($read_only -NotIn ($null, $partition.IsReadOnly)) { $parameters.Add("IsReadOnly", $read_only) } if ($active -NotIn ($null, $partition.IsActive)) { $parameters.Add("IsActive", $active) } try { Set-Partition @parameters } catch { $module.FailJson("Error changing state of partition: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) } } if ($ansible_partition) { if ($state -eq "absent") { try { Remove-Partition -DiskNumber $ansible_partition.DiskNumber -PartitionNumber $ansible_partition.PartitionNumber -Confirm:$false -WhatIf:$module.CheckMode } catch { $module.FailJson("There was an error removing the partition: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) } $module.Result.changed = $true } else { if ($null -ne $gpt_type -and $gpt_styles.$gpt_type -ne $partition.GptType) { $module.FailJson("gpt_type is not a valid parameter for existing partitions") } if ($null -ne $mbr_type -and $mbr_styles.$mbr_type -ne $partition.MbrType) { $module.FailJson("mbr_type is not a valid parameter for existing partitions") } if ($partition_size) { try { $max_supported_size = (Get-PartitionSupportedSize -DiskNumber $ansible_partition.DiskNumber -PartitionNumber $ansible_partition.PartitionNumber).SizeMax } catch { $module.FailJson("Unable to get maximum supported partition size: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) } if ($size_is_maximum) { $ansible_partition_size = $max_supported_size } if ($ansible_partition_size -ne $ansible_partition.Size -and $ansible_partition_size -le $max_supported_size) { if ($ansible_partition.IsReadOnly) { $module.FailJson("Unable to resize partition: Partition is read only") } else { try { Resize-Partition -DiskNumber $ansible_partition.DiskNumber -PartitionNumber $ansible_partition.PartitionNumber -Size $ansible_partition_size -WhatIf:$module.CheckMode } catch { $module.FailJson("Unable to change partition size: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) } $module.Result.changed = $true } } elseif ($ansible_partition_size -gt $max_supported_size) { $module.FailJson("Specified partition size exceeds size supported by the partition") } } if ($drive_letter -NotIn ("auto", $null, $ansible_partition.DriveLetter)) { if (-not $module.CheckMode) { try { Set-Partition -DiskNumber $ansible_partition.DiskNumber -PartitionNumber $ansible_partition.PartitionNumber -NewDriveLetter $drive_letter } catch { $module.FailJson("Unable to change drive letter: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) } } $module.Result.changed = $true } } } else { if ($state -eq "present") { if ($null -eq $disk_number) { $module.FailJson("Missing required parameter: disk_number") } if ($null -eq $ansible_partition_size -and -not $size_is_maximum){ $module.FailJson("Missing required parameter: partition_size") } if (-not $size_is_maximum) { try { $max_supported_size = (Get-Disk -Number $disk_number).LargestFreeExtent } catch { $module.FailJson("Unable to get maximum size supported by disk: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) } if ($ansible_partition_size -gt $max_supported_size) { $module.FailJson("Partition size is not supported by disk. Use partition_size: -1 to get maximum size") } } $supp_part_type = (Get-Disk -Number $disk_number).PartitionStyle if ($null -ne $mbr_type) { if ($supp_part_type -eq "MBR" -and $mbr_styles.ContainsKey($mbr_type)) { $partition_style = $mbr_styles.$mbr_type } else { $module.FailJson("Incorrect partition style specified") } } if ($null -ne $gpt_type) { if ($supp_part_type -eq "GPT" -and $gpt_styles.ContainsKey($gpt_type)) { $partition_style = $gpt_styles.$gpt_type } else { $module.FailJson("Incorrect partition style specified") } } if (-not $module.CheckMode) { $ansible_partition = New-AnsiblePartition -DiskNumber $disk_number -Letter $drive_letter -SizeMax $size_is_maximum -Size $ansible_partition_size -MbrType $mbr_type -GptType $gpt_type -Style $partition_style } $module.Result.changed = $true } } if ($state -eq "present" -and $ansible_partition) { if ($offline -NotIn ($null, $ansible_partition.IsOffline)) { if (-not $module.CheckMode) { try { Set-Partition -DiskNumber $ansible_partition.DiskNumber -PartitionNumber $ansible_partition.PartitionNumber -IsOffline $offline } catch { $module.FailJson("Error setting partition offline: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) } } $module.Result.changed = $true } if ($hidden -NotIn ($null, $ansible_partition.IsHidden) -or $read_only -NotIn ($null, $ansible_partition.IsReadOnly) -or $active -NotIn ($null, $ansible_partition.IsActive)) { if (-not $module.CheckMode) { Set-AnsiblePartitionState -hidden $hidden -read_only $read_only -active $active -partition $ansible_partition } $module.Result.changed = $true } } $module.ExitJson()