# Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # used by Convert-DictToSnakeCase to convert a string in camelCase # format to snake_case Function Convert-StringToSnakeCase($string) { # cope with pluralized abbreaviations such as TargetGroupARNs if ($string -cmatch "[A-Z]{3,}s") { $replacement_string = $string -creplace $matches[0], "_$($matches[0].ToLower())" # handle when there was nothing before the plural pattern if ($replacement_string.StartsWith("_") -and -not $string.StartsWith("_")) { $replacement_string = $replacement_string.Substring(1) } $string = $replacement_string } $string = $string -creplace "(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", '$1_$2' $string = $string -creplace "([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", '$1_$2' $string = $string.ToLower() return $string } # used by Convert-DictToSnakeCase to covert list entries from camelCase # to snake_case Function Convert-ListToSnakeCase($list) { $snake_list = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ($value in $list) { if ($value -is [Hashtable]) { $new_value = Convert-DictToSnakeCase -dict $value } elseif ($value -is [Array] -or $value -is [System.Collections.ArrayList]) { $new_value = Convert-ListToSnakeCase -list $value } else { $new_value = $value } [void]$snake_list.Add($new_value) } return ,$snake_list } # converts a dict/hashtable keys from camelCase to snake_case # this is to keep the return values consistent with the Ansible # way of working. Function Convert-DictToSnakeCase($dict) { $snake_dict = @{} foreach ($dict_entry in $dict.GetEnumerator()) { $key = $dict_entry.Key $snake_key = Convert-StringToSnakeCase -string $key $value = $dict_entry.Value if ($value -is [Hashtable]) { $snake_dict.$snake_key = Convert-DictToSnakeCase -dict $value } elseif ($value -is [Array] -or $value -is [System.Collections.ArrayList]) { $snake_dict.$snake_key = Convert-ListToSnakeCase -list $value } else { $snake_dict.$snake_key = $value } } return ,$snake_dict } # this line must stay at the bottom to ensure all defined module parts are exported Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function * -Cmdlet *