# (c) 2017, Red Hat, inc # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import hashlib import os import string from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError from ansible.inventory.group import to_safe_group_name as original_safe from ansible.parsing.utils.addresses import parse_address from ansible.plugins import AnsiblePlugin from ansible.plugins.cache import CachePluginAdjudicator as CacheObject from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native from ansible.module_utils.common._collections_compat import Mapping from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.template import Templar from ansible.utils.display import Display from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars display = Display() # Helper methods def to_safe_group_name(name): # placeholder for backwards compat return original_safe(name, force=True, silent=True) def detect_range(line=None): ''' A helper function that checks a given host line to see if it contains a range pattern described in the docstring above. Returns True if the given line contains a pattern, else False. ''' return '[' in line def expand_hostname_range(line=None): ''' A helper function that expands a given line that contains a pattern specified in top docstring, and returns a list that consists of the expanded version. The '[' and ']' characters are used to maintain the pseudo-code appearance. They are replaced in this function with '|' to ease string splitting. References: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/intro_inventory.html#hosts-and-groups ''' all_hosts = [] if line: # A hostname such as db[1:6]-node is considered to consists # three parts: # head: 'db' # nrange: [1:6]; range() is a built-in. Can't use the name # tail: '-node' # Add support for multiple ranges in a host so: # db[01:10:3]node-[01:10] # - to do this we split off at the first [...] set, getting the list # of hosts and then repeat until none left. # - also add an optional third parameter which contains the step. (Default: 1) # so range can be [01:10:2] -> 01 03 05 07 09 (head, nrange, tail) = line.replace('[', '|', 1).replace(']', '|', 1).split('|') bounds = nrange.split(":") if len(bounds) != 2 and len(bounds) != 3: raise AnsibleError("host range must be begin:end or begin:end:step") beg = bounds[0] end = bounds[1] if len(bounds) == 2: step = 1 else: step = bounds[2] if not beg: beg = "0" if not end: raise AnsibleError("host range must specify end value") if beg[0] == '0' and len(beg) > 1: rlen = len(beg) # range length formatting hint if rlen != len(end): raise AnsibleError("host range must specify equal-length begin and end formats") def fill(x): return str(x).zfill(rlen) # range sequence else: fill = str try: i_beg = string.ascii_letters.index(beg) i_end = string.ascii_letters.index(end) if i_beg > i_end: raise AnsibleError("host range must have begin <= end") seq = list(string.ascii_letters[i_beg:i_end + 1:int(step)]) except ValueError: # not an alpha range seq = range(int(beg), int(end) + 1, int(step)) for rseq in seq: hname = ''.join((head, fill(rseq), tail)) if detect_range(hname): all_hosts.extend(expand_hostname_range(hname)) else: all_hosts.append(hname) return all_hosts def get_cache_plugin(plugin_name, **kwargs): try: cache = CacheObject(plugin_name, **kwargs) except AnsibleError as e: if 'fact_caching_connection' in to_native(e): raise AnsibleError("error, '%s' inventory cache plugin requires the one of the following to be set " "to a writeable directory path:\nansible.cfg:\n[default]: fact_caching_connection,\n" "[inventory]: cache_connection;\nEnvironment:\nANSIBLE_INVENTORY_CACHE_CONNECTION,\n" "ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN_CONNECTION." % plugin_name) else: raise e if plugin_name != 'memory' and kwargs and not getattr(cache._plugin, '_options', None): raise AnsibleError('Unable to use cache plugin {0} for inventory. Cache options were provided but may not reconcile ' 'correctly unless set via set_options. Refer to the porting guide if the plugin derives user settings ' 'from ansible.constants.'.format(plugin_name)) return cache class BaseInventoryPlugin(AnsiblePlugin): """ Parses an Inventory Source""" TYPE = 'generator' _sanitize_group_name = staticmethod(to_safe_group_name) def __init__(self): super(BaseInventoryPlugin, self).__init__() self._options = {} self.inventory = None self.display = display def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True): ''' Populates inventory from the given data. Raises an error on any parse failure :arg inventory: a copy of the previously accumulated inventory data, to be updated with any new data this plugin provides. The inventory can be empty if no other source/plugin ran successfully. :arg loader: a reference to the DataLoader, which can read in YAML and JSON files, it also has Vault support to automatically decrypt files. :arg path: the string that represents the 'inventory source', normally a path to a configuration file for this inventory, but it can also be a raw string for this plugin to consume :arg cache: a boolean that indicates if the plugin should use the cache or not you can ignore if this plugin does not implement caching. ''' self.loader = loader self.inventory = inventory self.templar = Templar(loader=loader) def verify_file(self, path): ''' Verify if file is usable by this plugin, base does minimal accessibility check :arg path: a string that was passed as an inventory source, it normally is a path to a config file, but this is not a requirement, it can also be parsed itself as the inventory data to process. So only call this base class if you expect it to be a file. ''' valid = False b_path = to_bytes(path, errors='surrogate_or_strict') if (os.path.exists(b_path) and os.access(b_path, os.R_OK)): valid = True else: self.display.vvv('Skipping due to inventory source not existing or not being readable by the current user') return valid def _populate_host_vars(self, hosts, variables, group=None, port=None): if not isinstance(variables, Mapping): raise AnsibleParserError("Invalid data from file, expected dictionary and got:\n\n%s" % to_native(variables)) for host in hosts: self.inventory.add_host(host, group=group, port=port) for k in variables: self.inventory.set_variable(host, k, variables[k]) def _read_config_data(self, path): ''' validate config and set options as appropriate :arg path: path to common yaml format config file for this plugin ''' config = {} try: # avoid loader cache so meta: refresh_inventory can pick up config changes # if we read more than once, fs cache should be good enough config = self.loader.load_from_file(path, cache=False) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleParserError(to_native(e)) if not config: # no data raise AnsibleParserError("%s is empty" % (to_native(path))) elif config.get('plugin') != self.NAME: # this is not my config file raise AnsibleParserError("Incorrect plugin name in file: %s" % config.get('plugin', 'none found')) elif not isinstance(config, Mapping): # configs are dictionaries raise AnsibleParserError('inventory source has invalid structure, it should be a dictionary, got: %s' % type(config)) self.set_options(direct=config) if 'cache' in self._options and self.get_option('cache'): cache_option_keys = [('_uri', 'cache_connection'), ('_timeout', 'cache_timeout'), ('_prefix', 'cache_prefix')] cache_options = dict((opt[0], self.get_option(opt[1])) for opt in cache_option_keys if self.get_option(opt[1])) self._cache = get_cache_plugin(self.get_option('cache_plugin'), **cache_options) return config def _consume_options(self, data): ''' update existing options from alternate configuration sources not normally used by Ansible. Many API libraries already have existing configuration sources, this allows plugin author to leverage them. :arg data: key/value pairs that correspond to configuration options for this plugin ''' for k in self._options: if k in data: self._options[k] = data.pop(k) def _expand_hostpattern(self, hostpattern): ''' Takes a single host pattern and returns a list of hostnames and an optional port number that applies to all of them. ''' # Can the given hostpattern be parsed as a host with an optional port # specification? try: (pattern, port) = parse_address(hostpattern, allow_ranges=True) except Exception: # not a recognizable host pattern pattern = hostpattern port = None # Once we have separated the pattern, we expand it into list of one or # more hostnames, depending on whether it contains any [x:y] ranges. if detect_range(pattern): hostnames = expand_hostname_range(pattern) else: hostnames = [pattern] return (hostnames, port) class BaseFileInventoryPlugin(BaseInventoryPlugin): """ Parses a File based Inventory Source""" TYPE = 'storage' def __init__(self): super(BaseFileInventoryPlugin, self).__init__() class DeprecatedCache(object): def __init__(self, real_cacheable): self.real_cacheable = real_cacheable def get(self, key): display.deprecated('InventoryModule should utilize self._cache as a dict instead of self.cache. ' 'When expecting a KeyError, use self._cache[key] instead of using self.cache.get(key). ' 'self._cache is a dictionary and will return a default value instead of raising a KeyError ' 'when the key does not exist', version='2.12') return self.real_cacheable._cache[key] def set(self, key, value): display.deprecated('InventoryModule should utilize self._cache as a dict instead of self.cache. ' 'To set the self._cache dictionary, use self._cache[key] = value instead of self.cache.set(key, value). ' 'To force update the underlying cache plugin with the contents of self._cache before parse() is complete, ' 'call self.set_cache_plugin and it will use the self._cache dictionary to update the cache plugin', version='2.12') self.real_cacheable._cache[key] = value self.real_cacheable.set_cache_plugin() def __getattr__(self, name): display.deprecated('InventoryModule should utilize self._cache instead of self.cache', version='2.12') return self.real_cacheable._cache.__getattribute__(name) class Cacheable(object): _cache = CacheObject() @property def cache(self): return DeprecatedCache(self) def load_cache_plugin(self): plugin_name = self.get_option('cache_plugin') cache_option_keys = [('_uri', 'cache_connection'), ('_timeout', 'cache_timeout'), ('_prefix', 'cache_prefix')] cache_options = dict((opt[0], self.get_option(opt[1])) for opt in cache_option_keys if self.get_option(opt[1])) self._cache = get_cache_plugin(plugin_name, **cache_options) def get_cache_key(self, path): return "{0}_{1}".format(self.NAME, self._get_cache_prefix(path)) def _get_cache_prefix(self, path): ''' create predictable unique prefix for plugin/inventory ''' m = hashlib.sha1() m.update(to_bytes(self.NAME, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) d1 = m.hexdigest() n = hashlib.sha1() n.update(to_bytes(path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) d2 = n.hexdigest() return 's_'.join([d1[:5], d2[:5]]) def clear_cache(self): self._cache.flush() def update_cache_if_changed(self): self._cache.update_cache_if_changed() def set_cache_plugin(self): self._cache.set_cache() class Constructable(object): def _compose(self, template, variables): ''' helper method for plugins to compose variables for Ansible based on jinja2 expression and inventory vars''' t = self.templar t.set_available_variables(variables) return t.template('%s%s%s' % (t.environment.variable_start_string, template, t.environment.variable_end_string), disable_lookups=True) def _set_composite_vars(self, compose, variables, host, strict=False): ''' loops over compose entries to create vars for hosts ''' if compose and isinstance(compose, dict): for varname in compose: try: composite = self._compose(compose[varname], variables) except Exception as e: if strict: raise AnsibleError("Could not set %s for host %s: %s" % (varname, host, to_native(e))) continue self.inventory.set_variable(host, varname, composite) def _add_host_to_composed_groups(self, groups, variables, host, strict=False): ''' helper to create complex groups for plugins based on jinja2 conditionals, hosts that meet the conditional are added to group''' # process each 'group entry' if groups and isinstance(groups, dict): variables = combine_vars(variables, self.inventory.get_host(host).get_vars()) self.templar.set_available_variables(variables) for group_name in groups: conditional = "{%% if %s %%} True {%% else %%} False {%% endif %%}" % groups[group_name] group_name = self._sanitize_group_name(group_name) try: result = boolean(self.templar.template(conditional)) except Exception as e: if strict: raise AnsibleParserError("Could not add host %s to group %s: %s" % (host, group_name, to_native(e))) continue if result: # ensure group exists, use sanitized name group_name = self.inventory.add_group(group_name) # add host to group self.inventory.add_child(group_name, host) def _add_host_to_keyed_groups(self, keys, variables, host, strict=False): ''' helper to create groups for plugins based on variable values and add the corresponding hosts to it''' if keys and isinstance(keys, list): for keyed in keys: if keyed and isinstance(keyed, dict): variables = combine_vars(variables, self.inventory.get_host(host).get_vars()) try: key = self._compose(keyed.get('key'), variables) except Exception as e: if strict: raise AnsibleParserError("Could not generate group for host %s from %s entry: %s" % (host, keyed.get('key'), to_native(e))) continue if key: prefix = keyed.get('prefix', '') sep = keyed.get('separator', '_') raw_parent_name = keyed.get('parent_group', None) if raw_parent_name: try: raw_parent_name = self.templar.template(raw_parent_name) except AnsibleError as e: if strict: raise AnsibleParserError("Could not generate parent group %s for group %s: %s" % (raw_parent_name, key, to_native(e))) continue new_raw_group_names = [] if isinstance(key, string_types): new_raw_group_names.append(key) elif isinstance(key, list): for name in key: new_raw_group_names.append(name) elif isinstance(key, Mapping): for (gname, gval) in key.items(): name = '%s%s%s' % (gname, sep, gval) new_raw_group_names.append(name) else: raise AnsibleParserError("Invalid group name format, expected a string or a list of them or dictionary, got: %s" % type(key)) for bare_name in new_raw_group_names: gname = self._sanitize_group_name('%s%s%s' % (prefix, sep, bare_name)) result_gname = self.inventory.add_group(gname) self.inventory.add_child(result_gname, host) if raw_parent_name: parent_name = self._sanitize_group_name(raw_parent_name) self.inventory.add_group(parent_name) self.inventory.add_child(parent_name, result_gname) else: # exclude case of empty list and dictionary, because these are valid constructions # simply no groups need to be constructed, but are still falsy if strict and key not in ([], {}): raise AnsibleParserError("No key or key resulted empty for %s in host %s, invalid entry" % (keyed.get('key'), host)) else: raise AnsibleParserError("Invalid keyed group entry, it must be a dictionary: %s " % keyed)