#!/usr/bin/python # # Created on Aug 25, 2016 # @author: Gaurav Rastogi (grastogi@avinetworks.com) # Eric Anderson (eanderson@avinetworks.com) # module_check: supported # # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: avi_alertconfig author: Gaurav Rastogi (grastogi@avinetworks.com) short_description: Module for setup of AlertConfig Avi RESTful Object description: - This module is used to configure AlertConfig object - more examples at U(https://github.com/avinetworks/devops) requirements: [ avisdk ] version_added: "2.4" options: state: description: - The state that should be applied on the entity. default: present choices: ["absent","present"] action_group_ref: description: - The alert config will trigger the selected alert action, which can send notifications and execute a controlscript. - It is a reference to an object of type actiongroupconfig. alert_rule: description: - List of filters matching on events or client logs used for triggering alerts. required: true autoscale_alert: description: - This alert config applies to auto scale alerts. category: description: - Determines whether an alert is raised immediately when event occurs (realtime) or after specified number of events occurs within rolling time - window. - Enum options - REALTIME, ROLLINGWINDOW, WATERMARK. - Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as REALTIME. required: true description: description: - A custom description field. enabled: description: - Enable or disable this alert config from generating new alerts. - Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as True. expiry_time: description: - An alert is expired and deleted after the expiry time has elapsed. - The original event triggering the alert remains in the event's log. - Allowed values are 1-31536000. - Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as 86400. name: description: - Name of the alert configuration. required: true obj_uuid: description: - Uuid of the resource for which alert was raised. object_type: description: - The object type to which the alert config is associated with. - Valid object types are - virtual service, pool, service engine. - Enum options - VIRTUALSERVICE, POOL, HEALTHMONITOR, NETWORKPROFILE, APPLICATIONPROFILE, HTTPPOLICYSET, DNSPOLICY, IPADDRGROUP, STRINGGROUP, - SSLPROFILE, SSLKEYANDCERTIFICATE, NETWORKSECURITYPOLICY, APPLICATIONPERSISTENCEPROFILE, ANALYTICSPROFILE, VSDATASCRIPTSET, TENANT, PKIPROFILE, - AUTHPROFILE, CLOUD, SERVERAUTOSCALEPOLICY, AUTOSCALELAUNCHCONFIG, MICROSERVICEGROUP, IPAMPROFILE, HARDWARESECURITYMODULEGROUP, POOLGROUP, - PRIORITYLABELS, POOLGROUPDEPLOYMENTPOLICY, GSLBSERVICE, GSLBSERVICERUNTIME, SCHEDULER, GSLBGEODBPROFILE, GSLBAPPLICATIONPERSISTENCEPROFILE, - TRAFFICCLONEPROFILE, VSVIP, SERVICEENGINE, DEBUGSERVICEENGINE, DEBUGCONTROLLER, DEBUGVIRTUALSERVICE, SERVICEENGINEGROUP, SEPROPERTIES, NETWORK, - CONTROLLERNODE, CONTROLLERPROPERTIES, SYSTEMCONFIGURATION, VRFCONTEXT, USER, ALERTCONFIG, ALERTSYSLOGCONFIG, ALERTEMAILCONFIG, ALERTTYPECONFIG, - APPLICATION, ROLE, CLOUDPROPERTIES, SNMPTRAPPROFILE, ACTIONGROUPPROFILE, MICROSERVICE, ALERTPARAMS, ACTIONGROUPCONFIG, CLOUDCONNECTORUSER, GSLB, - GSLBDNSUPDATE, GSLBSITEOPS, GLBMGRWARMSTART, IPAMDNSRECORD, GSLBDNSGSSTATUS, GSLBDNSGEOFILEOPS, GSLBDNSGEOUPDATE, GSLBDNSGEOCLUSTEROPS, - GSLBDNSCLEANUP, TCPSTATRUNTIME, UDPSTATRUNTIME, IPSTATRUNTIME, ARPSTATRUNTIME, MBSTATRUNTIME, IPSTKQSTATSRUNTIME, MALLOCSTATRUNTIME, - SHMALLOCSTATRUNTIME, CPUUSAGERUNTIME, L7GLOBALSTATSRUNTIME, L7VIRTUALSERVICESTATSRUNTIME, SEAGENTVNICDBRUNTIME, SEAGENTGRAPHDBRUNTIME, - SEAGENTSTATERUNTIME, INTERFACERUNTIME, ARPTABLERUNTIME, DISPATCHERSTATRUNTIME, DISPATCHERSTATCLEARRUNTIME, DISPATCHERTABLEDUMPRUNTIME, - DISPATCHERREMOTETIMERLISTDUMPRUNTIME, METRICSAGENTMESSAGE, HEALTHMONITORSTATRUNTIME, METRICSENTITYRUNTIME, PERSISTENCEINTERNAL, - HTTPPOLICYSETINTERNAL, DNSPOLICYINTERNAL, CONNECTIONDUMPRUNTIME, SHAREDDBSTATS, SHAREDDBSTATSCLEAR, ICMPSTATRUNTIME, ROUTETABLERUNTIME, - VIRTUALMACHINE, POOLSERVER, SEVSLIST, MEMINFORUNTIME, RTERINGSTATRUNTIME, ALGOSTATRUNTIME, HEALTHMONITORRUNTIME, CPUSTATRUNTIME, SEVM, HOST, - PORTGROUP, CLUSTER, DATACENTER, VCENTER, HTTPPOLICYSETSTATS, DNSPOLICYSTATS, METRICSSESTATS, RATELIMITERSTATRUNTIME, NETWORKSECURITYPOLICYSTATS, - TCPCONNRUNTIME, POOLSTATS, CONNPOOLINTERNAL, CONNPOOLSTATS, VSHASHSHOWRUNTIME, SELOGSTATSRUNTIME, NETWORKSECURITYPOLICYDETAIL, LICENSERUNTIME, - SERVERRUNTIME, METRICSRUNTIMESUMMARY, METRICSRUNTIMEDETAIL, DISPATCHERSEHMPROBETEMPDISABLERUNTIME, POOLDEBUG, VSLOGMGRMAP, SERUMINSERTIONSTATS, - HTTPCACHE, HTTPCACHESTATS, SEDOSSTATRUNTIME, VSDOSSTATRUNTIME, SERVERUPDATEREQ, VSSCALEOUTLIST, SEMEMDISTRUNTIME, TCPCONNRUNTIMEDETAIL, - SEUPGRADESTATUS, SEUPGRADEPREVIEW, SEFAULTINJECTEXHAUSTM, SEFAULTINJECTEXHAUSTMCL, SEFAULTINJECTEXHAUSTMCLSMALL, SEFAULTINJECTEXHAUSTCONN, - SEHEADLESSONLINEREQ, SEUPGRADE, SEUPGRADESTATUSDETAIL, SERESERVEDVS, SERESERVEDVSCLEAR, VSCANDIDATESEHOSTLIST, SEGROUPUPGRADE, REBALANCE, - SEGROUPREBALANCE, SEAUTHSTATSRUNTIME, AUTOSCALESTATE, VIRTUALSERVICEAUTHSTATS, NETWORKSECURITYPOLICYDOS, KEYVALINTERNAL, KEYVALSUMMARYINTERNAL, - SERVERSTATEUPDATEINFO, CLTRACKINTERNAL, CLTRACKSUMMARYINTERNAL, MICROSERVICERUNTIME, SEMICROSERVICE, VIRTUALSERVICEANALYSIS, CLIENTINTERNAL, - CLIENTSUMMARYINTERNAL, MICROSERVICEGROUPRUNTIME, BGPRUNTIME, REQUESTQUEUERUNTIME, MIGRATEALL, MIGRATEALLSTATUSSUMMARY, MIGRATEALLSTATUSDETAIL, - INTERFACESUMMARYRUNTIME, INTERFACELACPRUNTIME, DNSTABLE, GSLBSERVICEDETAIL, GSLBSERVICEINTERNAL, GSLBSERVICEHMONSTAT, SETROLESREQUEST, - TRAFFICCLONERUNTIME, GEOLOCATIONINFO, SEVSHBSTATRUNTIME, GEODBINTERNAL, GSLBSITEINTERNAL, SERESOURCEPROTO, SECONSUMERPROTO, SECREATEPENDINGPROTO, - PLACEMENTSTATS, SEVIPPROTO, RMVRFPROTO, VCENTERMAP, VIMGRVCENTERRUNTIME, INTERESTEDVMS, INTERESTEDHOSTS, VCENTERSUPPORTEDCOUNTERS, ENTITYCOUNTERS, - TRANSACTIONSTATS, SEVMCREATEPROGRESS, PLACEMENTSTATUS, VISUBFOLDERS, VIDATASTORE, VIHOSTRESOURCES, CLOUDCONNECTOR, VINETWORKSUBNETVMS, - VIDATASTORECONTENTS, VIMGRVCENTERCLOUDRUNTIME, VIVCENTERPORTGROUPS, VIVCENTERDATACENTERS, VIMGRHOSTRUNTIME, PLACEMENTGLOBALS, APICCONFIGURATION, - CIFTABLE, APICTRANSACTION, VIRTUALSERVICESTATEDBCACHESUMMARY, POOLSTATEDBCACHESUMMARY, SERVERSTATEDBCACHESUMMARY, APICAGENTINTERNAL, - APICTRANSACTIONFLAP, APICGRAPHINSTANCES, APICEPGS, APICEPGEPS, APICDEVICEPKGVER, APICTENANTS, APICVMMDOMAINS, NSXCONFIGURATION, NSXSGTABLE, - NSXAGENTINTERNAL, NSXSGINFO, NSXSGIPS, NSXAGENTINTERNALCLI, MAXOBJECTS. recommendation: description: - Recommendation of alertconfig. rolling_window: description: - Only if the number of events is reached or exceeded within the time window will an alert be generated. - Allowed values are 1-31536000. - Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as 300. source: description: - Signifies system events or the type of client logsused in this alert configuration. - Enum options - CONN_LOGS, APP_LOGS, EVENT_LOGS, METRICS. required: true summary: description: - Summary of reason why alert is generated. tenant_ref: description: - It is a reference to an object of type tenant. threshold: description: - An alert is created only when the number of events meets or exceeds this number within the chosen time frame. - Allowed values are 1-65536. - Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as 1. throttle: description: - Alerts are suppressed (throttled) for this duration of time since the last alert was raised for this alert config. - Allowed values are 0-31536000. - Default value when not specified in API or module is interpreted by Avi Controller as 600. url: description: - Avi controller URL of the object. uuid: description: - Unique object identifier of the object. extends_documentation_fragment: - avi ''' EXAMPLES = """ - name: Example to create AlertConfig object avi_alertconfig: controller: username: admin password: something state: present name: sample_alertconfig """ RETURN = ''' obj: description: AlertConfig (api/alertconfig) object returned: success, changed type: dict ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule try: from ansible.module_utils.network.avi.avi import ( avi_common_argument_spec, HAS_AVI, avi_ansible_api) except ImportError: HAS_AVI = False def main(): argument_specs = dict( state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), action_group_ref=dict(type='str',), alert_rule=dict(type='dict', required=True), autoscale_alert=dict(type='bool',), category=dict(type='str', required=True), description=dict(type='str',), enabled=dict(type='bool',), expiry_time=dict(type='int',), name=dict(type='str', required=True), obj_uuid=dict(type='str',), object_type=dict(type='str',), recommendation=dict(type='str',), rolling_window=dict(type='int',), source=dict(type='str', required=True), summary=dict(type='str',), tenant_ref=dict(type='str',), threshold=dict(type='int',), throttle=dict(type='int',), url=dict(type='str',), uuid=dict(type='str',), ) argument_specs.update(avi_common_argument_spec()) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_specs, supports_check_mode=True) if not HAS_AVI: return module.fail_json(msg=( 'Avi python API SDK (avisdk>=17.1) is not installed. ' 'For more details visit https://github.com/avinetworks/sdk.')) return avi_ansible_api(module, 'alertconfig', set([])) if __name__ == '__main__': main()