#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: spotinst_aws_elastigroup version_added: 2.5 short_description: Create, update or delete Spotinst AWS Elastigroups author: Spotinst (@talzur) description: - Can create, update, or delete Spotinst AWS Elastigroups Launch configuration is part of the elastigroup configuration, so no additional modules are necessary for handling the launch configuration. You will have to have a credentials file in this location - /.spotinst/credentials The credentials file must contain a row that looks like this token = Full documentation available at https://help.spotinst.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003530285-Ansible- requirements: - spotinst >= 1.0.21 - python >= 2.7 - spotinst_sdk >= 1.0.38 options: credentials_path: description: - (String) Optional parameter that allows to set a non-default credentials path. Default is ~/.spotinst/credentials account_id: description: - (String) Optional parameter that allows to set an account-id inside the module configuration By default this is retrieved from the credentials path availability_vs_cost: choices: - availabilityOriented - costOriented - balanced description: - (String) The strategy orientation. required: true availability_zones: description: - (List of Objects) a list of hash/dictionaries of Availability Zones that are configured in the elastigroup; '[{"key":"value", "key":"value"}]'; keys allowed are name (String), subnet_id (String), placement_group_name (String), required: true block_device_mappings: description: - (List of Objects) a list of hash/dictionaries of Block Device Mappings for elastigroup instances; You can specify virtual devices and EBS volumes.; '[{"key":"value", "key":"value"}]'; keys allowed are device_name (List of Strings), virtual_name (String), no_device (String), ebs (Object, expects the following keys- delete_on_termination(Boolean), encrypted(Boolean), iops (Integer), snapshot_id(Integer), volume_type(String), volume_size(Integer)) chef: description: - (Object) The Chef integration configuration.; Expects the following keys - chef_server (String), organization (String), user (String), pem_key (String), chef_version (String) draining_timeout: description: - (Integer) Time for instance to be drained from incoming requests and deregistered from ELB before termination. ebs_optimized: description: - (Boolean) Enable EBS optimization for supported instances which are not enabled by default.; Note - additional charges will be applied. type: bool ebs_volume_pool: description: - (List of Objects) a list of hash/dictionaries of EBS devices to reattach to the elastigroup when available; '[{"key":"value", "key":"value"}]'; keys allowed are - volume_ids (List of Strings), device_name (String) ecs: description: - (Object) The ECS integration configuration.; Expects the following key - cluster_name (String) elastic_ips: description: - (List of Strings) List of ElasticIps Allocation Ids (Example C(eipalloc-9d4e16f8)) to associate to the group instances fallback_to_od: description: - (Boolean) In case of no spots available, Elastigroup will launch an On-demand instance instead type: bool health_check_grace_period: description: - (Integer) The amount of time, in seconds, after the instance has launched to start and check its health. default: 300 health_check_unhealthy_duration_before_replacement: description: - (Integer) Minimal mount of time instance should be unhealthy for us to consider it unhealthy. health_check_type: choices: - ELB - HCS - TARGET_GROUP - MLB - EC2 description: - (String) The service to use for the health check. iam_role_name: description: - (String) The instance profile iamRole name - Only use iam_role_arn, or iam_role_name iam_role_arn: description: - (String) The instance profile iamRole arn - Only use iam_role_arn, or iam_role_name id: description: - (String) The group id if it already exists and you want to update, or delete it. This will not work unless the uniqueness_by field is set to id. When this is set, and the uniqueness_by field is set, the group will either be updated or deleted, but not created. ignore_changes: choices: - image_id - target description: - (List of Strings) list of fields on which changes should be ignored when updating image_id: description: - (String) The image Id used to launch the instance.; In case of conflict between Instance type and image type, an error will be returned required: true key_pair: description: - (String) Specify a Key Pair to attach to the instances required: true kubernetes: description: - (Object) The Kubernetes integration configuration. Expects the following keys - api_server (String), token (String) lifetime_period: description: - (String) lifetime period load_balancers: description: - (List of Strings) List of classic ELB names max_size: description: - (Integer) The upper limit number of instances that you can scale up to required: true mesosphere: description: - (Object) The Mesosphere integration configuration. Expects the following key - api_server (String) min_size: description: - (Integer) The lower limit number of instances that you can scale down to required: true monitoring: description: - (Boolean) Describes whether instance Enhanced Monitoring is enabled required: true name: description: - (String) Unique name for elastigroup to be created, updated or deleted required: true network_interfaces: description: - (List of Objects) a list of hash/dictionaries of network interfaces to add to the elastigroup; '[{"key":"value", "key":"value"}]'; keys allowed are - description (String), device_index (Integer), secondary_private_ip_address_count (Integer), associate_public_ip_address (Boolean), delete_on_termination (Boolean), groups (List of Strings), network_interface_id (String), private_ip_address (String), subnet_id (String), associate_ipv6_address (Boolean), private_ip_addresses (List of Objects, Keys are privateIpAddress (String, required) and primary (Boolean)) on_demand_count: description: - (Integer) Required if risk is not set - Number of on demand instances to launch. All other instances will be spot instances.; Either set this parameter or the risk parameter on_demand_instance_type: description: - (String) On-demand instance type that will be provisioned required: true opsworks: description: - (Object) The elastigroup OpsWorks integration configration.; Expects the following key - layer_id (String) persistence: description: - (Object) The Stateful elastigroup configration.; Accepts the following keys - should_persist_root_device (Boolean), should_persist_block_devices (Boolean), should_persist_private_ip (Boolean) product: choices: - Linux/UNIX - SUSE Linux - Windows - Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC) - SUSE Linux (Amazon VPC) - Windows description: - (String) Operation system type._ required: true rancher: description: - (Object) The Rancher integration configuration.; Expects the following keys - version (String), access_key (String), secret_key (String), master_host (String) right_scale: description: - (Object) The Rightscale integration configuration.; Expects the following keys - account_id (String), refresh_token (String) risk: description: - (Integer) required if on demand is not set. The percentage of Spot instances to launch (0 - 100). roll_config: description: - (Object) Roll configuration.; If you would like the group to roll after updating, please use this feature. Accepts the following keys - batch_size_percentage(Integer, Required), grace_period - (Integer, Required), health_check_type(String, Optional) scheduled_tasks: description: - (List of Objects) a list of hash/dictionaries of scheduled tasks to configure in the elastigroup; '[{"key":"value", "key":"value"}]'; keys allowed are - adjustment (Integer), scale_target_capacity (Integer), scale_min_capacity (Integer), scale_max_capacity (Integer), adjustment_percentage (Integer), batch_size_percentage (Integer), cron_expression (String), frequency (String), grace_period (Integer), task_type (String, required), is_enabled (Boolean) security_group_ids: description: - (List of Strings) One or more security group IDs. ; In case of update it will override the existing Security Group with the new given array required: true shutdown_script: description: - (String) The Base64-encoded shutdown script that executes prior to instance termination. Encode before setting. signals: description: - (List of Objects) a list of hash/dictionaries of signals to configure in the elastigroup; keys allowed are - name (String, required), timeout (Integer) spin_up_time: description: - (Integer) spin up time, in seconds, for the instance spot_instance_types: description: - (List of Strings) Spot instance type that will be provisioned. required: true state: choices: - present - absent description: - (String) create or delete the elastigroup tags: description: - (List of tagKey:tagValue paris) a list of tags to configure in the elastigroup. Please specify list of keys and values (key colon value); target: description: - (Integer) The number of instances to launch required: true target_group_arns: description: - (List of Strings) List of target group arns instances should be registered to tenancy: choices: - default - dedicated description: - (String) dedicated vs shared tenancy terminate_at_end_of_billing_hour: description: - (Boolean) terminate at the end of billing hour type: bool unit: choices: - instance - weight description: - (String) The capacity unit to launch instances by. required: true up_scaling_policies: description: - (List of Objects) a list of hash/dictionaries of scaling policies to configure in the elastigroup; '[{"key":"value", "key":"value"}]'; keys allowed are - policy_name (String, required), namespace (String, required), metric_name (String, required), dimensions (List of Objects, Keys allowed are name (String, required) and value (String)), statistic (String, required) evaluation_periods (String, required), period (String, required), threshold (String, required), cooldown (String, required), unit (String, required), operator (String, required), action_type (String, required), adjustment (String), min_target_capacity (String), target (String), maximum (String), minimum (String) down_scaling_policies: description: - (List of Objects) a list of hash/dictionaries of scaling policies to configure in the elastigroup; '[{"key":"value", "key":"value"}]'; keys allowed are - policy_name (String, required), namespace (String, required), metric_name (String, required), dimensions ((List of Objects), Keys allowed are name (String, required) and value (String)), statistic (String, required), evaluation_periods (String, required), period (String, required), threshold (String, required), cooldown (String, required), unit (String, required), operator (String, required), action_type (String, required), adjustment (String), max_target_capacity (String), target (String), maximum (String), minimum (String) target_tracking_policies: description: - (List of Objects) a list of hash/dictionaries of target tracking policies to configure in the elastigroup; '[{"key":"value", "key":"value"}]'; keys allowed are - policy_name (String, required), namespace (String, required), source (String, required), metric_name (String, required), statistic (String, required), unit (String, required), cooldown (String, required), target (String, required) uniqueness_by: choices: - id - name description: - (String) If your group names are not unique, you may use this feature to update or delete a specific group. Whenever this property is set, you must set a group_id in order to update or delete a group, otherwise a group will be created. user_data: description: - (String) Base64-encoded MIME user data. Encode before setting the value. utilize_reserved_instances: description: - (Boolean) In case of any available Reserved Instances, Elastigroup will utilize your reservations before purchasing Spot instances. type: bool wait_for_instances: description: - (Boolean) Whether or not the elastigroup creation / update actions should wait for the instances to spin type: bool wait_timeout: description: - (Integer) How long the module should wait for instances before failing the action.; Only works if wait_for_instances is True. """ EXAMPLES = ''' # Basic configuration YAML example - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: create elastigroup spotinst_aws_elastigroup: state: present risk: 100 availability_vs_cost: balanced availability_zones: - name: us-west-2a subnet_id: subnet-2b68a15c image_id: ami-f173cc91 key_pair: spotinst-oregon max_size: 15 min_size: 0 target: 0 unit: instance monitoring: True name: ansible-group on_demand_instance_type: c3.large product: Linux/UNIX load_balancers: - test-lb-1 security_group_ids: - sg-8f4b8fe9 spot_instance_types: - c3.large do_not_update: - image_id - target register: result - debug: var=result # In this example, we create an elastigroup and wait 600 seconds to retrieve the instances, and use their private ips - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: create elastigroup spotinst_aws_elastigroup: state: present account_id: act-1a9dd2b risk: 100 availability_vs_cost: balanced availability_zones: - name: us-west-2a subnet_id: subnet-2b68a15c tags: - Environment: someEnvValue - OtherTagKey: otherValue image_id: ami-f173cc91 key_pair: spotinst-oregon max_size: 5 min_size: 0 target: 0 unit: instance monitoring: True name: ansible-group-tal on_demand_instance_type: c3.large product: Linux/UNIX security_group_ids: - sg-8f4b8fe9 block_device_mappings: - device_name: '/dev/sda1' ebs: volume_size: 100 volume_type: gp2 spot_instance_types: - c3.large do_not_update: - image_id wait_for_instances: True wait_timeout: 600 register: result - name: Store private ips to file shell: echo {{ item.private_ip }}\\n >> list-of-private-ips with_items: "{{ result.instances }}" - debug: var=result # In this example, we create an elastigroup with multiple block device mappings, tags, and also an account id # In organizations with more than one account, it is required to specify an account_id - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: create elastigroup spotinst_aws_elastigroup: state: present account_id: act-1a9dd2b risk: 100 availability_vs_cost: balanced availability_zones: - name: us-west-2a subnet_id: subnet-2b68a15c tags: - Environment: someEnvValue - OtherTagKey: otherValue image_id: ami-f173cc91 key_pair: spotinst-oregon max_size: 5 min_size: 0 target: 0 unit: instance monitoring: True name: ansible-group-tal on_demand_instance_type: c3.large product: Linux/UNIX security_group_ids: - sg-8f4b8fe9 block_device_mappings: - device_name: '/dev/xvda' ebs: volume_size: 60 volume_type: gp2 - device_name: '/dev/xvdb' ebs: volume_size: 120 volume_type: gp2 spot_instance_types: - c3.large do_not_update: - image_id wait_for_instances: True wait_timeout: 600 register: result - name: Store private ips to file shell: echo {{ item.private_ip }}\\n >> list-of-private-ips with_items: "{{ result.instances }}" - debug: var=result # In this example we have set up block device mapping with ephemeral devices - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: create elastigroup spotinst_aws_elastigroup: state: present risk: 100 availability_vs_cost: balanced availability_zones: - name: us-west-2a subnet_id: subnet-2b68a15c image_id: ami-f173cc91 key_pair: spotinst-oregon max_size: 15 min_size: 0 target: 0 unit: instance block_device_mappings: - device_name: '/dev/xvda' virtual_name: ephemeral0 - device_name: '/dev/xvdb/' virtual_name: ephemeral1 monitoring: True name: ansible-group on_demand_instance_type: c3.large product: Linux/UNIX load_balancers: - test-lb-1 security_group_ids: - sg-8f4b8fe9 spot_instance_types: - c3.large do_not_update: - image_id - target register: result - debug: var=result # In this example we create a basic group configuration with a network interface defined. # Each network interface must have a device index - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: create elastigroup spotinst_aws_elastigroup: state: present risk: 100 availability_vs_cost: balanced network_interfaces: - associate_public_ip_address: true device_index: 0 availability_zones: - name: us-west-2a subnet_id: subnet-2b68a15c image_id: ami-f173cc91 key_pair: spotinst-oregon max_size: 15 min_size: 0 target: 0 unit: instance monitoring: True name: ansible-group on_demand_instance_type: c3.large product: Linux/UNIX load_balancers: - test-lb-1 security_group_ids: - sg-8f4b8fe9 spot_instance_types: - c3.large do_not_update: - image_id - target register: result - debug: var=result # In this example we create a basic group configuration with a target tracking scaling policy defined - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: create elastigroup spotinst_aws_elastigroup: account_id: act-92d45673 state: present risk: 100 availability_vs_cost: balanced availability_zones: - name: us-west-2a subnet_id: subnet-79da021e image_id: ami-f173cc91 fallback_to_od: true tags: - Creator: ValueOfCreatorTag - Environment: ValueOfEnvironmentTag key_pair: spotinst-labs-oregon max_size: 10 min_size: 0 target: 2 unit: instance monitoring: True name: ansible-group-1 on_demand_instance_type: c3.large product: Linux/UNIX security_group_ids: - sg-46cdc13d spot_instance_types: - c3.large target_tracking_policies: - policy_name: target-tracking-1 namespace: AWS/EC2 metric_name: CPUUtilization statistic: average unit: percent target: 50 cooldown: 120 do_not_update: - image_id register: result - debug: var=result ''' RETURN = ''' --- instances: description: List of active elastigroup instances and their details. returned: success type: dict sample: [ { "spotInstanceRequestId": "sir-regs25zp", "instanceId": "i-09640ad8678234c", "instanceType": "m4.large", "product": "Linux/UNIX", "availabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "privateIp": "", "createdAt": "2017-07-17T12:46:18.000Z", "status": "fulfilled" } ] group_id: description: Created / Updated group's ID. returned: success type: string sample: "sig-12345" ''' HAS_SPOTINST_SDK = False __metaclass__ = type import os import time from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule try: import spotinst from spotinst import SpotinstClientException HAS_SPOTINST_SDK = True except ImportError: pass eni_fields = ('description', 'device_index', 'secondary_private_ip_address_count', 'associate_public_ip_address', 'delete_on_termination', 'groups', 'network_interface_id', 'private_ip_address', 'subnet_id', 'associate_ipv6_address') private_ip_fields = ('private_ip_address', 'primary') capacity_fields = (dict(ansible_field_name='min_size', spotinst_field_name='minimum'), dict(ansible_field_name='max_size', spotinst_field_name='maximum'), 'target', 'unit') lspec_fields = ('user_data', 'key_pair', 'tenancy', 'shutdown_script', 'monitoring', 'ebs_optimized', 'image_id', 'health_check_type', 'health_check_grace_period', 'health_check_unhealthy_duration_before_replacement', 'security_group_ids') iam_fields = (dict(ansible_field_name='iam_role_name', spotinst_field_name='name'), dict(ansible_field_name='iam_role_arn', spotinst_field_name='arn')) scheduled_task_fields = ('adjustment', 'adjustment_percentage', 'batch_size_percentage', 'cron_expression', 'frequency', 'grace_period', 'task_type', 'is_enabled', 'scale_target_capacity', 'scale_min_capacity', 'scale_max_capacity') scaling_policy_fields = ('policy_name', 'namespace', 'metric_name', 'dimensions', 'statistic', 'evaluation_periods', 'period', 'threshold', 'cooldown', 'unit', 'operator') tracking_policy_fields = ('policy_name', 'namespace', 'source', 'metric_name', 'statistic', 'unit', 'cooldown', 'target', 'threshold') action_fields = (dict(ansible_field_name='action_type', spotinst_field_name='type'), 'adjustment', 'min_target_capacity', 'max_target_capacity', 'target', 'minimum', 'maximum') signal_fields = ('name', 'timeout') multai_lb_fields = ('balancer_id', 'project_id', 'target_set_id', 'az_awareness', 'auto_weight') persistence_fields = ('should_persist_root_device', 'should_persist_block_devices', 'should_persist_private_ip') strategy_fields = ('risk', 'utilize_reserved_instances', 'fallback_to_od', 'on_demand_count', 'availability_vs_cost', 'draining_timeout', 'spin_up_time', 'lifetime_period') ebs_fields = ('delete_on_termination', 'encrypted', 'iops', 'snapshot_id', 'volume_type', 'volume_size') bdm_fields = ('device_name', 'virtual_name', 'no_device') kubernetes_fields = ('api_server', 'token') right_scale_fields = ('account_id', 'refresh_token') rancher_fields = ('access_key', 'secret_key', 'master_host', 'version') chef_fields = ('chef_server', 'organization', 'user', 'pem_key', 'chef_version') az_fields = ('name', 'subnet_id', 'placement_group_name') opsworks_fields = ('layer_id',) scaling_strategy_fields = ('terminate_at_end_of_billing_hour',) mesosphere_fields = ('api_server',) ecs_fields = ('cluster_name',) multai_fields = ('multai_token',) def handle_elastigroup(client, module): has_changed = False should_create = False group_id = None message = 'None' name = module.params.get('name') state = module.params.get('state') uniqueness_by = module.params.get('uniqueness_by') external_group_id = module.params.get('id') if uniqueness_by == 'id': if external_group_id is None: should_create = True else: should_create = False group_id = external_group_id else: groups = client.get_elastigroups() should_create, group_id = find_group_with_same_name(groups, name) if should_create is True: if state == 'present': eg = expand_elastigroup(module, is_update=False) module.debug(str(" [INFO] " + message + "\n")) group = client.create_elastigroup(group=eg) group_id = group['id'] message = 'Created group Successfully.' has_changed = True elif state == 'absent': message = 'Cannot delete non-existent group.' has_changed = False else: eg = expand_elastigroup(module, is_update=True) if state == 'present': group = client.update_elastigroup(group_update=eg, group_id=group_id) message = 'Updated group successfully.' try: roll_config = module.params.get('roll_config') if roll_config: eg_roll = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.Roll( batch_size_percentage=roll_config.get('batch_size_percentage'), grace_period=roll_config.get('grace_period'), health_check_type=roll_config.get('health_check_type') ) roll_response = client.roll_group(group_roll=eg_roll, group_id=group_id) message = 'Updated and started rolling the group successfully.' except SpotinstClientException as exc: message = 'Updated group successfully, but failed to perform roll. Error:' + str(exc) has_changed = True elif state == 'absent': try: client.delete_elastigroup(group_id=group_id) except SpotinstClientException as exc: if "GROUP_DOESNT_EXIST" in exc.message: pass else: module.fail_json(msg="Error while attempting to delete group : " + exc.message) message = 'Deleted group successfully.' has_changed = True return group_id, message, has_changed def retrieve_group_instances(client, module, group_id): wait_timeout = module.params.get('wait_timeout') wait_for_instances = module.params.get('wait_for_instances') if wait_timeout is None: wait_timeout = 300 wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout target = module.params.get('target') state = module.params.get('state') instances = list() if state == 'present' and group_id is not None and wait_for_instances is True: is_amount_fulfilled = False while is_amount_fulfilled is False and wait_timeout > time.time(): instances = list() amount_of_fulfilled_instances = 0 active_instances = client.get_elastigroup_active_instances(group_id=group_id) for active_instance in active_instances: if active_instance.get('private_ip') is not None: amount_of_fulfilled_instances += 1 instances.append(active_instance) if amount_of_fulfilled_instances >= target: is_amount_fulfilled = True time.sleep(10) return instances def find_group_with_same_name(groups, name): for group in groups: if group['name'] == name: return False, group.get('id') return True, None def expand_elastigroup(module, is_update): do_not_update = module.params['do_not_update'] name = module.params.get('name') eg = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.Elastigroup() description = module.params.get('description') if name is not None: eg.name = name if description is not None: eg.description = description # Capacity expand_capacity(eg, module, is_update, do_not_update) # Strategy expand_strategy(eg, module) # Scaling expand_scaling(eg, module) # Third party integrations expand_integrations(eg, module) # Compute expand_compute(eg, module, is_update, do_not_update) # Multai expand_multai(eg, module) # Scheduling expand_scheduled_tasks(eg, module) return eg def expand_compute(eg, module, is_update, do_not_update): elastic_ips = module.params['elastic_ips'] on_demand_instance_type = module.params.get('on_demand_instance_type') spot_instance_types = module.params['spot_instance_types'] ebs_volume_pool = module.params['ebs_volume_pool'] availability_zones_list = module.params['availability_zones'] product = module.params.get('product') eg_compute = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.Compute() if product is not None: # Only put product on group creation if is_update is not True: eg_compute.product = product if elastic_ips is not None: eg_compute.elastic_ips = elastic_ips if on_demand_instance_type or spot_instance_types is not None: eg_instance_types = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.InstanceTypes() if on_demand_instance_type is not None: eg_instance_types.spot = spot_instance_types if spot_instance_types is not None: eg_instance_types.ondemand = on_demand_instance_type if eg_instance_types.spot is not None or eg_instance_types.ondemand is not None: eg_compute.instance_types = eg_instance_types expand_ebs_volume_pool(eg_compute, ebs_volume_pool) eg_compute.availability_zones = expand_list(availability_zones_list, az_fields, 'AvailabilityZone') expand_launch_spec(eg_compute, module, is_update, do_not_update) eg.compute = eg_compute def expand_ebs_volume_pool(eg_compute, ebs_volumes_list): if ebs_volumes_list is not None: eg_volumes = [] for volume in ebs_volumes_list: eg_volume = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.EbsVolume() if volume.get('device_name') is not None: eg_volume.device_name = volume.get('device_name') if volume.get('volume_ids') is not None: eg_volume.volume_ids = volume.get('volume_ids') if eg_volume.device_name is not None: eg_volumes.append(eg_volume) if len(eg_volumes) > 0: eg_compute.ebs_volume_pool = eg_volumes def expand_launch_spec(eg_compute, module, is_update, do_not_update): eg_launch_spec = expand_fields(lspec_fields, module.params, 'LaunchSpecification') if module.params['iam_role_arn'] is not None or module.params['iam_role_name'] is not None: eg_launch_spec.iam_role = expand_fields(iam_fields, module.params, 'IamRole') tags = module.params['tags'] load_balancers = module.params['load_balancers'] target_group_arns = module.params['target_group_arns'] block_device_mappings = module.params['block_device_mappings'] network_interfaces = module.params['network_interfaces'] if is_update is True: if 'image_id' in do_not_update: delattr(eg_launch_spec, 'image_id') expand_tags(eg_launch_spec, tags) expand_load_balancers(eg_launch_spec, load_balancers, target_group_arns) expand_block_device_mappings(eg_launch_spec, block_device_mappings) expand_network_interfaces(eg_launch_spec, network_interfaces) eg_compute.launch_specification = eg_launch_spec def expand_integrations(eg, module): rancher = module.params.get('rancher') mesosphere = module.params.get('mesosphere') ecs = module.params.get('ecs') kubernetes = module.params.get('kubernetes') right_scale = module.params.get('right_scale') opsworks = module.params.get('opsworks') chef = module.params.get('chef') integration_exists = False eg_integrations = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.ThirdPartyIntegrations() if mesosphere is not None: eg_integrations.mesosphere = expand_fields(mesosphere_fields, mesosphere, 'Mesosphere') integration_exists = True if ecs is not None: eg_integrations.ecs = expand_fields(ecs_fields, ecs, 'EcsConfiguration') integration_exists = True if kubernetes is not None: eg_integrations.kubernetes = expand_fields(kubernetes_fields, kubernetes, 'KubernetesConfiguration') integration_exists = True if right_scale is not None: eg_integrations.right_scale = expand_fields(right_scale_fields, right_scale, 'RightScaleConfiguration') integration_exists = True if opsworks is not None: eg_integrations.opsworks = expand_fields(opsworks_fields, opsworks, 'OpsWorksConfiguration') integration_exists = True if rancher is not None: eg_integrations.rancher = expand_fields(rancher_fields, rancher, 'Rancher') integration_exists = True if chef is not None: eg_integrations.chef = expand_fields(chef_fields, chef, 'ChefConfiguration') integration_exists = True if integration_exists: eg.third_parties_integration = eg_integrations def expand_capacity(eg, module, is_update, do_not_update): eg_capacity = expand_fields(capacity_fields, module.params, 'Capacity') if is_update is True: delattr(eg_capacity, 'unit') if 'target' in do_not_update: delattr(eg_capacity, 'target') eg.capacity = eg_capacity def expand_strategy(eg, module): persistence = module.params.get('persistence') signals = module.params.get('signals') eg_strategy = expand_fields(strategy_fields, module.params, 'Strategy') terminate_at_end_of_billing_hour = module.params.get('terminate_at_end_of_billing_hour') if terminate_at_end_of_billing_hour is not None: eg_strategy.eg_scaling_strategy = expand_fields(scaling_strategy_fields, module.params, 'ScalingStrategy') if persistence is not None: eg_strategy.persistence = expand_fields(persistence_fields, persistence, 'Persistence') if signals is not None: eg_signals = expand_list(signals, signal_fields, 'Signal') if len(eg_signals) > 0: eg_strategy.signals = eg_signals eg.strategy = eg_strategy def expand_multai(eg, module): multai_load_balancers = module.params.get('multai_load_balancers') eg_multai = expand_fields(multai_fields, module.params, 'Multai') if multai_load_balancers is not None: eg_multai_load_balancers = expand_list(multai_load_balancers, multai_lb_fields, 'MultaiLoadBalancer') if len(eg_multai_load_balancers) > 0: eg_multai.balancers = eg_multai_load_balancers eg.multai = eg_multai def expand_scheduled_tasks(eg, module): scheduled_tasks = module.params.get('scheduled_tasks') if scheduled_tasks is not None: eg_scheduling = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.Scheduling() eg_tasks = expand_list(scheduled_tasks, scheduled_task_fields, 'ScheduledTask') if len(eg_tasks) > 0: eg_scheduling.tasks = eg_tasks eg.scheduling = eg_scheduling def expand_load_balancers(eg_launchspec, load_balancers, target_group_arns): if load_balancers is not None or target_group_arns is not None: eg_load_balancers_config = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.LoadBalancersConfig() eg_total_lbs = [] if load_balancers is not None: for elb_name in load_balancers: eg_elb = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.LoadBalancer() if elb_name is not None: eg_elb.name = elb_name eg_elb.type = 'CLASSIC' eg_total_lbs.append(eg_elb) if target_group_arns is not None: for target_arn in target_group_arns: eg_elb = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.LoadBalancer() if target_arn is not None: eg_elb.arn = target_arn eg_elb.type = 'TARGET_GROUP' eg_total_lbs.append(eg_elb) if len(eg_total_lbs) > 0: eg_load_balancers_config.load_balancers = eg_total_lbs eg_launchspec.load_balancers_config = eg_load_balancers_config def expand_tags(eg_launchspec, tags): if tags is not None: eg_tags = [] for tag in tags: eg_tag = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.Tag() if tag.keys(): eg_tag.tag_key = tag.keys()[0] if tag.values(): eg_tag.tag_value = tag.values()[0] eg_tags.append(eg_tag) if len(eg_tags) > 0: eg_launchspec.tags = eg_tags def expand_block_device_mappings(eg_launchspec, bdms): if bdms is not None: eg_bdms = [] for bdm in bdms: eg_bdm = expand_fields(bdm_fields, bdm, 'BlockDeviceMapping') if bdm.get('ebs') is not None: eg_bdm.ebs = expand_fields(ebs_fields, bdm.get('ebs'), 'EBS') eg_bdms.append(eg_bdm) if len(eg_bdms) > 0: eg_launchspec.block_device_mappings = eg_bdms def expand_network_interfaces(eg_launchspec, enis): if enis is not None: eg_enis = [] for eni in enis: eg_eni = expand_fields(eni_fields, eni, 'NetworkInterface') eg_pias = expand_list(eni.get('private_ip_addresses'), private_ip_fields, 'PrivateIpAddress') if eg_pias is not None: eg_eni.private_ip_addresses = eg_pias eg_enis.append(eg_eni) if len(eg_enis) > 0: eg_launchspec.network_interfaces = eg_enis def expand_scaling(eg, module): up_scaling_policies = module.params['up_scaling_policies'] down_scaling_policies = module.params['down_scaling_policies'] target_tracking_policies = module.params['target_tracking_policies'] eg_scaling = spotinst.aws_elastigroup.Scaling() if up_scaling_policies is not None: eg_up_scaling_policies = expand_scaling_policies(up_scaling_policies) if len(eg_up_scaling_policies) > 0: eg_scaling.up = eg_up_scaling_policies if down_scaling_policies is not None: eg_down_scaling_policies = expand_scaling_policies(down_scaling_policies) if len(eg_down_scaling_policies) > 0: eg_scaling.down = eg_down_scaling_policies if target_tracking_policies is not None: eg_target_tracking_policies = expand_target_tracking_policies(target_tracking_policies) if len(eg_target_tracking_policies) > 0: eg_scaling.target = eg_target_tracking_policies if eg_scaling.down is not None or eg_scaling.up is not None or eg_scaling.target is not None: eg.scaling = eg_scaling def expand_list(items, fields, class_name): if items is not None: new_objects_list = [] for item in items: new_obj = expand_fields(fields, item, class_name) new_objects_list.append(new_obj) return new_objects_list def expand_fields(fields, item, class_name): class_ = getattr(spotinst.aws_elastigroup, class_name) new_obj = class_() # Handle primitive fields if item is not None: for field in fields: if isinstance(field, dict): ansible_field_name = field['ansible_field_name'] spotinst_field_name = field['spotinst_field_name'] else: ansible_field_name = field spotinst_field_name = field if item.get(ansible_field_name) is not None: setattr(new_obj, spotinst_field_name, item.get(ansible_field_name)) return new_obj def expand_scaling_policies(scaling_policies): eg_scaling_policies = [] for policy in scaling_policies: eg_policy = expand_fields(scaling_policy_fields, policy, 'ScalingPolicy') eg_policy.action = expand_fields(action_fields, policy, 'ScalingPolicyAction') eg_scaling_policies.append(eg_policy) return eg_scaling_policies def expand_target_tracking_policies(tracking_policies): eg_tracking_policies = [] for policy in tracking_policies: eg_policy = expand_fields(tracking_policy_fields, policy, 'TargetTrackingPolicy') eg_tracking_policies.append(eg_policy) return eg_tracking_policies def main(): fields = dict( account_id=dict(type='str'), availability_vs_cost=dict(type='str', required=True), availability_zones=dict(type='list', required=True), block_device_mappings=dict(type='list'), chef=dict(type='dict'), credentials_path=dict(type='path', default="~/.spotinst/credentials"), do_not_update=dict(default=[], type='list'), down_scaling_policies=dict(type='list'), draining_timeout=dict(type='int'), ebs_optimized=dict(type='bool'), ebs_volume_pool=dict(type='list'), ecs=dict(type='dict'), elastic_beanstalk=dict(type='dict'), elastic_ips=dict(type='list'), fallback_to_od=dict(type='bool'), id=dict(type='str'), health_check_grace_period=dict(type='int'), health_check_type=dict(type='str'), health_check_unhealthy_duration_before_replacement=dict(type='int'), iam_role_arn=dict(type='str'), iam_role_name=dict(type='str'), image_id=dict(type='str', required=True), key_pair=dict(type='str'), kubernetes=dict(type='dict'), lifetime_period=dict(type='int'), load_balancers=dict(type='list'), max_size=dict(type='int', required=True), mesosphere=dict(type='dict'), min_size=dict(type='int', required=True), monitoring=dict(type='str'), multai_load_balancers=dict(type='list'), multai_token=dict(type='str'), name=dict(type='str', required=True), network_interfaces=dict(type='list'), on_demand_count=dict(type='int'), on_demand_instance_type=dict(type='str'), opsworks=dict(type='dict'), persistence=dict(type='dict'), product=dict(type='str', required=True), rancher=dict(type='dict'), right_scale=dict(type='dict'), risk=dict(type='int'), roll_config=dict(type='dict'), scheduled_tasks=dict(type='list'), security_group_ids=dict(type='list', required=True), shutdown_script=dict(type='str'), signals=dict(type='list'), spin_up_time=dict(type='int'), spot_instance_types=dict(type='list', required=True), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), tags=dict(type='list'), target=dict(type='int', required=True), target_group_arns=dict(type='list'), tenancy=dict(type='str'), terminate_at_end_of_billing_hour=dict(type='bool'), token=dict(type='str'), unit=dict(type='str'), user_data=dict(type='str'), utilize_reserved_instances=dict(type='bool'), uniqueness_by=dict(default='name', choices=['name', 'id']), up_scaling_policies=dict(type='list'), target_tracking_policies=dict(type='list'), wait_for_instances=dict(type='bool', default=False), wait_timeout=dict(type='int') ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=fields) if not HAS_SPOTINST_SDK: module.fail_json(msg="the Spotinst SDK library is required. (pip install spotinst)") # Retrieve creds file variables creds_file_loaded_vars = dict() credentials_path = module.params.get('credentials_path') try: with open(credentials_path, "r") as creds: for line in creds: eq_index = line.find('=') var_name = line[:eq_index].strip() string_value = line[eq_index + 1:].strip() creds_file_loaded_vars[var_name] = string_value except IOError: pass # End of creds file retrieval token = module.params.get('token') if not token: token = os.environ.get('SPOTINST_TOKEN') if not token: token = creds_file_loaded_vars.get("token") account = module.params.get('account_id') if not account: account = os.environ.get('ACCOUNT') if not account: account = creds_file_loaded_vars.get("account") client = spotinst.SpotinstClient(auth_token=token, print_output=False) if account is not None: client = spotinst.SpotinstClient(auth_token=token, print_output=False, account_id=account) group_id, message, has_changed = handle_elastigroup(client=client, module=module) instances = retrieve_group_instances(client=client, module=module, group_id=group_id) module.exit_json(changed=has_changed, group_id=group_id, message=message, instances=instances) if __name__ == '__main__': main()