# # Copyright 2018 www.privaz.io Valletech AB # Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause) import time import ssl from os import environ from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule HAS_PYONE = True try: import pyone from pyone import OneException from pyone.tester import OneServerTester except ImportError: OneException = Exception HAS_PYONE = False class OpenNebulaModule: """ Base class for all OpenNebula Ansible Modules. This is basically a wrapper of the common arguments, the pyone client and Some utility methods. It will also create a Test client if fixtures are to be replayed or recorded and manage that they are flush to disk when required. """ common_args = dict( api_url=dict(type='str', aliases=['api_endpoint']), api_username=dict(type='str'), api_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True, aliases=['api_token']), validate_certs=dict(default=True, type='bool'), wait_timeout=dict(type='int', default=300), ) def __init__(self, argument_spec, supports_check_mode=False, mutually_exclusive=None): module_args = OpenNebulaModule.common_args module_args.update(argument_spec) self.module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=module_args, supports_check_mode=supports_check_mode, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive) self.result = dict(changed=False, original_message='', message='') self.one = self.create_one_client() self.resolved_parameters = self.resolve_parameters() def create_one_client(self): """ Creates an XMLPRC client to OpenNebula. Dependign on environment variables it will implement a test client. Returns: the new xmlrpc client. """ test_fixture = (environ.get("ONE_TEST_FIXTURE", "False").lower() in ["1", "yes", "true"]) test_fixture_file = environ.get("ONE_TEST_FIXTURE_FILE", "undefined") test_fixture_replay = (environ.get("ONE_TEST_FIXTURE_REPLAY", "True").lower() in ["1", "yes", "true"]) test_fixture_unit = environ.get("ONE_TEST_FIXTURE_UNIT", "init") # context required for not validating SSL, old python versions won't validate anyway. if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'): no_ssl_validation_context = ssl._create_unverified_context() else: no_ssl_validation_context = None # Check if the module can run if not HAS_PYONE: self.fail("pyone is required for this module") if 'api_url' in self.module.params: url = self.module.params.get("api_url", environ.get("ONE_URL", False)) else: self.fail("Either api_url or the environment variable ONE_URL must be provided") if 'api_username' in self.module.params: username = self.module.params.get("api_username", environ.get("ONE_USERNAME", False)) else: self.fail("Either api_username or the environment vairable ONE_USERNAME must be provided") if 'api_password' in self.module.params: password = self.module.params.get("api_password", environ.get("ONE_PASSWORD", False)) else: self.fail("Either api_password or the environment vairable ONE_PASSWORD must be provided") session = "%s:%s" % (username, password) if not test_fixture: if not self.module.params.get("validate_certs") and "PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY" not in environ: return pyone.OneServer(url, session=session, context=no_ssl_validation_context) else: return pyone.OneServer(url, session) else: if not self.module.params.get("validate_certs") and "PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY" not in environ: one = OneServerTester(url, fixture_file=test_fixture_file, fixture_replay=test_fixture_replay, session=session, context=no_ssl_validation_context) else: one = OneServerTester(url, fixture_file=test_fixture_file, fixture_replay=test_fixture_replay, session=session) one.set_fixture_unit_test(test_fixture_unit) return one def close_one_client(self): """ Closing is only require in the event of fixture recording, as fixtures will be dumped to file """ if self.is_fixture_writing(): self.one._close_fixtures() def fail(self, msg): """ Utility failure method, will ensure fixtures are flushed before failing. Args: msg: human readable failure reason. """ if hasattr(self, 'one'): self.close_one_client() self.module.fail_json(msg=msg) def exit(self): """ Utility exit method, will ensure fixtures are flushed before exiting. """ if hasattr(self, 'one'): self.close_one_client() self.module.exit_json(**self.result) def resolve_parameters(self): """ This method resolves parameters provided by a secondary ID to the primary ID. For example if cluster_name is present, cluster_id will be introduced by performing the required resolution Returns: a copy of the parameters that includes the resolved parameters. """ resolved_params = dict(self.module.params) if 'cluster_name' in self.module.params: clusters = self.one.clusterpool.info() for cluster in clusters.CLUSTER: if cluster.NAME == self.module.params.get('cluster_name'): resolved_params['cluster_id'] = cluster.ID return resolved_params def is_parameter(self, name): """ Utility method to check if a parameter was provided or is resolved Args: name: the parameter to check """ if name in self.resolved_parameters: return self.get_parameter(name) is not None else: return False def get_parameter(self, name): """ Utility method for accessing parameters that includes resolved ID parameters from provided Name parameters. """ return self.resolved_parameters.get(name) def is_fixture_replay(self): """ Returns: true if we are currently running fixtures in replay mode. """ return (environ.get("ONE_TEST_FIXTURE", "False").lower() in ["1", "yes", "true"]) and \ (environ.get("ONE_TEST_FIXTURE_REPLAY", "True").lower() in ["1", "yes", "true"]) def is_fixture_writing(self): """ Returns: true if we are currently running fixtures in write mode. """ return (environ.get("ONE_TEST_FIXTURE", "False").lower() in ["1", "yes", "true"]) and \ (environ.get("ONE_TEST_FIXTURE_REPLAY", "True").lower() in ["0", "no", "false"]) def get_host_by_name(self, name): ''' Returns a host given its name. Args: name: the name of the host Returns: the host object or None if the host is absent. ''' hosts = self.one.hostpool.info() for h in hosts.HOST: if h.NAME == name: return h return None def get_cluster_by_name(self, name): """ Returns a cluster given its name. Args: name: the name of the cluster Returns: the cluster object or None if the host is absent. """ clusters = self.one.clusterpool.info() for c in clusters.CLUSTER: if c.NAME == name: return c return None def get_template_by_name(self, name): ''' Returns a template given its name. Args: name: the name of the template Returns: the template object or None if the host is absent. ''' templates = self.one.templatepool.info() for t in templates.TEMPLATE: if t.NAME == name: return t return None def cast_template(self, template): """ OpenNebula handles all template elements as strings At some point there is a cast being performed on types provided by the user This function mimics that transformation so that required template updates are detected properly additionally an array will be converted to a comma separated list, which works for labels and hopefully for something more. Args: template: the template to transform Returns: the transformed template with data casts applied. """ # TODO: check formally available data types in templates # TODO: some arrays might be converted to space separated for key in template: value = template[key] if isinstance(value, dict): self.cast_template(template[key]) elif isinstance(value, list): template[key] = ', '.join(value) elif not isinstance(value, string_types): template[key] = str(value) def requires_template_update(self, current, desired): """ This function will help decide if a template update is required or not If a desired key is missing from the current dictionary an update is required If the intersection of both dictionaries is not deep equal, an update is required Args: current: current template as a dictionary desired: desired template as a dictionary Returns: True if a template update is required """ if not desired: return False self.cast_template(desired) intersection = dict() for dkey in desired.keys(): if dkey in current.keys(): intersection[dkey] = current[dkey] else: return True return not (desired == intersection) def wait_for_state(self, element_name, state, state_name, target_states, invalid_states=None, transition_states=None, wait_timeout=None): """ Args: element_name: the name of the object we are waiting for: HOST, VM, etc. state: lambda that returns the current state, will be queried until target state is reached state_name: lambda that returns the readable form of a given state target_states: states expected to be reached invalid_states: if any of this states is reached, fail transition_states: when used, these are the valid states during the transition. wait_timeout: timeout period in seconds. Defaults to the provided parameter. """ if not wait_timeout: wait_timeout = self.module.params.get("wait_timeout") if self.is_fixture_replay(): sleep_time_ms = 0.01 else: sleep_time_ms = 1 start_time = time.time() while (time.time() - start_time) < wait_timeout: current_state = state() if current_state in invalid_states: self.fail('invalid %s state %s' % (element_name, state_name(current_state))) if transition_states: if current_state not in transition_states: self.fail('invalid %s transition state %s' % (element_name, state_name(current_state))) if current_state in target_states: return True time.sleep(sleep_time_ms) self.fail(msg="Wait timeout has expired!") def run_module(self): """ trigger the start of the execution of the module. Returns: """ try: self.run(self.one, self.module, self.result) except OneException as e: self.fail(msg="OpenNebula Exception: %s" % e) def run(self, one, module, result): """ to be implemented by subclass with the actual module actions. Args: one: the OpenNebula XMLRPC client module: the Ansible Module object result: the Ansible result """ raise NotImplementedError("Method requires implementation")