# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2024 Vladimir Botka # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import annotations DOCUMENTATION = r''' name: iocage short_description: iocage inventory source version_added: 10.2.0 author: - Vladimir Botka (@vbotka) requirements: - iocage >= 1.8 description: - Get inventory hosts from the iocage jail manager running on O(host). - By default, O(host) is V(localhost). If O(host) is not V(localhost) it is expected that the user running Ansible on the controller can connect to the O(host) account O(user) with SSH non-interactively and execute the command C(iocage list). - Uses a configuration file as an inventory source, it must end in C(.iocage.yml) or C(.iocage.yaml). extends_documentation_fragment: - ansible.builtin.constructed - ansible.builtin.inventory_cache options: plugin: description: - The name of this plugin, it should always be set to V(community.general.iocage) for this plugin to recognize it as its own. required: true choices: ['community.general.iocage'] type: str host: description: The IP/hostname of the C(iocage) host. type: str default: localhost user: description: - C(iocage) user. It is expected that the O(user) is able to connect to the O(host) with SSH and execute the command C(iocage list). This option is not required if O(host) is V(localhost). type: str sudo: description: - Enable execution as root. - This requires passwordless sudo of the command C(iocage list*). type: bool default: false version_added: 10.3.0 sudo_preserve_env: description: - Preserve environment if O(sudo) is enabled. - This requires C(SETENV) sudoers tag. type: bool default: false version_added: 10.3.0 get_properties: description: - Get jails' properties. Creates dictionary C(iocage_properties) for each added host. type: bool default: false env: description: - O(user)'s environment on O(host). - Enable O(sudo_preserve_env) if O(sudo) is enabled. type: dict default: {} hooks_results: description: - List of paths to the files in a jail. - Content of the files is stored in the items of the list C(iocage_hooks). - If a file is not available the item keeps the dash character C(-). - The variable C(iocage_hooks) is not created if O(hooks_results) is empty. type: list elements: path version_added: 10.4.0 notes: - You might want to test the command C(ssh user@host iocage list -l) on the controller before using this inventory plugin with O(user) specified and with O(host) other than V(localhost). - If you run this inventory plugin on V(localhost) C(ssh) is not used. In this case, test the command C(iocage list -l). - This inventory plugin creates variables C(iocage_*) for each added host. - The values of these variables are collected from the output of the command C(iocage list -l). - The names of these variables correspond to the output columns. - The column C(NAME) is used to name the added host. - The option O(hooks_results) expects the C(poolname) of a jail is mounted to C(/poolname). For example, if you activate the pool C(iocage) this plugin expects to find the O(hooks_results) items in the path C(/iocage/iocage/jails//root). If you mount the C(poolname) to a different path the easiest remedy is to create a symlink. ''' EXAMPLES = r''' --- # file name must end with iocage.yaml or iocage.yml plugin: community.general.iocage host: user: admin --- # user is not required if iocage is running on localhost (default) plugin: community.general.iocage --- # run cryptography without legacy algorithms plugin: community.general.iocage host: user: admin env: CRYPTOGRAPHY_OPENSSL_NO_LEGACY: 1 --- # execute as root # sudoers example 'admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:SETENV: /usr/local/bin/iocage list*' plugin: community.general.iocage host: user: admin sudo: true sudo_preserve_env: true env: CRYPTOGRAPHY_OPENSSL_NO_LEGACY: 1 --- # enable cache plugin: community.general.iocage host: user: admin env: CRYPTOGRAPHY_OPENSSL_NO_LEGACY: 1 cache: true --- # see inventory plugin ansible.builtin.constructed plugin: community.general.iocage host: user: admin env: CRYPTOGRAPHY_OPENSSL_NO_LEGACY: 1 cache: true strict: false compose: ansible_host: iocage_ip4 release: iocage_release | split('-') | first groups: test: inventory_hostname.startswith('test') keyed_groups: - prefix: distro key: iocage_release - prefix: state key: iocage_state --- # Read the file /var/db/dhclient-hook.address.epair0b in the jails and use it as ansible_host plugin: community.general.iocage host: user: admin hooks_results: - /var/db/dhclient-hook.address.epair0b compose: ansible_host: iocage_hooks.0 groups: test: inventory_hostname.startswith('test') ''' import re import os from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native, to_text from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin, Constructable, Cacheable from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() def _parse_ip4(ip4): ''' Return dictionary iocage_ip4_dict. default = {ip4: [], msg: ''}. If item matches ifc|IP or ifc|CIDR parse ifc, ip, and mask. Otherwise, append item to msg. ''' iocage_ip4_dict = {} iocage_ip4_dict['ip4'] = [] iocage_ip4_dict['msg'] = '' items = ip4.split(',') for item in items: if re.match('^\\w+\\|(?:\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}.*$', item): i = re.split('\\||/', item) if len(i) == 3: iocage_ip4_dict['ip4'].append({'ifc': i[0], 'ip': i[1], 'mask': i[2]}) else: iocage_ip4_dict['ip4'].append({'ifc': i[0], 'ip': i[1], 'mask': '-'}) else: iocage_ip4_dict['msg'] += item return iocage_ip4_dict class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin, Constructable, Cacheable): ''' Host inventory parser for ansible using iocage as source. ''' NAME = 'community.general.iocage' IOCAGE = '/usr/local/bin/iocage' def __init__(self): super(InventoryModule, self).__init__() def verify_file(self, path): valid = False if super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(path): if path.endswith(('iocage.yaml', 'iocage.yml')): valid = True else: self.display.vvv('Skipping due to inventory source not ending in "iocage.yaml" nor "iocage.yml"') return valid def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True): super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path) self._read_config_data(path) cache_key = self.get_cache_key(path) user_cache_setting = self.get_option('cache') attempt_to_read_cache = user_cache_setting and cache cache_needs_update = user_cache_setting and not cache if attempt_to_read_cache: try: results = self._cache[cache_key] except KeyError: cache_needs_update = True if not attempt_to_read_cache or cache_needs_update: results = self.get_inventory(path) if cache_needs_update: self._cache[cache_key] = results self.populate(results) def get_inventory(self, path): host = self.get_option('host') sudo = self.get_option('sudo') sudo_preserve_env = self.get_option('sudo_preserve_env') env = self.get_option('env') get_properties = self.get_option('get_properties') hooks_results = self.get_option('hooks_results') cmd = [] my_env = os.environ.copy() if host == 'localhost': my_env.update({str(k): str(v) for k, v in env.items()}) else: user = self.get_option('user') cmd.append("ssh") cmd.append(f"{user}@{host}") cmd.extend([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in env.items()]) cmd_list = cmd.copy() if sudo: cmd_list.append('sudo') if sudo_preserve_env: cmd_list.append('--preserve-env') cmd_list.append(self.IOCAGE) cmd_list.append('list') cmd_list.append('--long') try: p = Popen(cmd_list, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=my_env) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise AnsibleError(f'Failed to run cmd={cmd_list}, rc={p.returncode}, stderr={to_native(stderr)}') try: t_stdout = to_text(stdout, errors='surrogate_or_strict') except UnicodeError as e: raise AnsibleError(f'Invalid (non unicode) input returned: {e}') from e except Exception as e: raise AnsibleParserError(f'Failed to parse {to_native(path)}: {e}') from e results = {'_meta': {'hostvars': {}}} self.get_jails(t_stdout, results) if get_properties: for hostname, host_vars in results['_meta']['hostvars'].items(): cmd_get_properties = cmd.copy() cmd_get_properties.append(self.IOCAGE) cmd_get_properties.append("get") cmd_get_properties.append("--all") cmd_get_properties.append(f"{hostname}") try: p = Popen(cmd_get_properties, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=my_env) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise AnsibleError( f'Failed to run cmd={cmd_get_properties}, rc={p.returncode}, stderr={to_native(stderr)}') try: t_stdout = to_text(stdout, errors='surrogate_or_strict') except UnicodeError as e: raise AnsibleError(f'Invalid (non unicode) input returned: {e}') from e except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError(f'Failed to get properties: {e}') from e self.get_properties(t_stdout, results, hostname) if hooks_results: cmd_get_pool = cmd.copy() cmd_get_pool.append(self.IOCAGE) cmd_get_pool.append('get') cmd_get_pool.append('--pool') try: p = Popen(cmd_get_pool, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=my_env) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise AnsibleError( f'Failed to run cmd={cmd_get_pool}, rc={p.returncode}, stderr={to_native(stderr)}') try: iocage_pool = to_text(stdout, errors='surrogate_or_strict').strip() except UnicodeError as e: raise AnsibleError(f'Invalid (non unicode) input returned: {e}') from e except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError(f'Failed to get pool: {e}') from e for hostname, host_vars in results['_meta']['hostvars'].items(): iocage_hooks = [] for hook in hooks_results: path = "/" + iocage_pool + "/iocage/jails/" + hostname + "/root" + hook cmd_cat_hook = cmd.copy() cmd_cat_hook.append('cat') cmd_cat_hook.append(path) try: p = Popen(cmd_cat_hook, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=my_env) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: iocage_hooks.append('-') continue try: iocage_hook = to_text(stdout, errors='surrogate_or_strict').strip() except UnicodeError as e: raise AnsibleError(f'Invalid (non unicode) input returned: {e}') from e except Exception: iocage_hooks.append('-') else: iocage_hooks.append(iocage_hook) results['_meta']['hostvars'][hostname]['iocage_hooks'] = iocage_hooks return results def get_jails(self, t_stdout, results): lines = t_stdout.splitlines() if len(lines) < 5: return indices = [i for i, val in enumerate(lines[1]) if val == '|'] for line in lines[3::2]: jail = [line[i + 1:j].strip() for i, j in zip(indices[:-1], indices[1:])] iocage_name = jail[1] iocage_ip4_dict = _parse_ip4(jail[6]) if iocage_ip4_dict['ip4']: iocage_ip4 = ','.join([d['ip'] for d in iocage_ip4_dict['ip4']]) else: iocage_ip4 = '-' results['_meta']['hostvars'][iocage_name] = {} results['_meta']['hostvars'][iocage_name]['iocage_jid'] = jail[0] results['_meta']['hostvars'][iocage_name]['iocage_boot'] = jail[2] results['_meta']['hostvars'][iocage_name]['iocage_state'] = jail[3] results['_meta']['hostvars'][iocage_name]['iocage_type'] = jail[4] results['_meta']['hostvars'][iocage_name]['iocage_release'] = jail[5] results['_meta']['hostvars'][iocage_name]['iocage_ip4_dict'] = iocage_ip4_dict results['_meta']['hostvars'][iocage_name]['iocage_ip4'] = iocage_ip4 results['_meta']['hostvars'][iocage_name]['iocage_ip6'] = jail[7] results['_meta']['hostvars'][iocage_name]['iocage_template'] = jail[8] results['_meta']['hostvars'][iocage_name]['iocage_basejail'] = jail[9] def get_properties(self, t_stdout, results, hostname): properties = dict([x.split(':', 1) for x in t_stdout.splitlines()]) results['_meta']['hostvars'][hostname]['iocage_properties'] = properties def populate(self, results): strict = self.get_option('strict') for hostname, host_vars in results['_meta']['hostvars'].items(): self.inventory.add_host(hostname, group='all') for var, value in host_vars.items(): self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, var, value) self._set_composite_vars(self.get_option('compose'), host_vars, hostname, strict=True) self._add_host_to_composed_groups(self.get_option('groups'), host_vars, hostname, strict=strict) self._add_host_to_keyed_groups(self.get_option('keyed_groups'), host_vars, hostname, strict=strict)