#!/usr/bin/python # (c) 2013, Cove Schneider # (c) 2014, Joshua Conner # (c) 2014, Pavel Antonov # # This file is part of Ansible, # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . ###################################################################### DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: docker version_added: "1.4" short_description: manage docker containers description: - Manage the life cycle of docker containers. options: count: description: - Number of matching containers that should be in the desired state. default: 1 image: description: - Container image used to match and launch containers. required: true pull: description: - Control when container images are updated from the C(docker_url) registry. If "missing," images will be pulled only when missing from the host; if '"always," the registry will be checked for a newer version of the image' each time the task executes. default: missing choices: [ "missing", "always" ] version_added: "1.9" entrypoint: description: - Corresponds to ``--entrypoint`` option of ``docker run`` command and ``ENTRYPOINT`` directive of Dockerfile. Used to match and launch containers. default: null required: false version_added: "2.1" command: description: - Command used to match and launch containers. default: null name: description: - Name used to match and uniquely name launched containers. Explicit names are used to uniquely identify a single container or to link among containers. Mutually exclusive with a "count" other than "1". default: null version_added: "1.5" ports: description: - List containing private to public port mapping specification. Use docker - 'CLI-style syntax: C(8000), C(9000:8000), or C(' - where 8000 is a container port, 9000 is a host port, and is - a host interface. The container ports need to be exposed either in the - Dockerfile or via the next option. default: null version_added: "1.5" expose: description: - List of additional container ports to expose for port mappings or links. If the port is already exposed using EXPOSE in a Dockerfile, you don't need to expose it again. default: null version_added: "1.5" publish_all_ports: description: - Publish all exposed ports to the host interfaces. default: false version_added: "1.5" volumes: description: - List of volumes to mount within the container - 'Use docker CLI-style syntax: C(/host:/container[:mode])' - You can specify a read mode for the mount with either C(ro) or C(rw). Starting at version 2.1, SELinux hosts can additionally use C(z) or C(Z) mount options to use a shared or private label for the volume. default: null volumes_from: description: - List of names of containers to mount volumes from. default: null links: description: - List of other containers to link within this container with an optional - 'alias. Use docker CLI-style syntax: C(redis:myredis).' default: null version_added: "1.5" devices: description: - List of host devices to expose to container default: null required: false version_added: "2.1" log_driver: description: - You can specify a different logging driver for the container than for the daemon. "json-file" Default logging driver for Docker. Writes JSON messages to file. docker logs command is available only for this logging driver. "none" disables any logging for the container. "syslog" Syslog logging driver for Docker. Writes log messages to syslog. docker logs command is not available for this logging driver. "journald" Journald logging driver for Docker. Writes log messages to "journald". "gelf" Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF) logging driver for Docker. Writes log messages to a GELF endpoint likeGraylog or Logstash. "fluentd" Fluentd logging driver for Docker. Writes log messages to "fluentd" (forward input). "awslogs" (added in 2.1) Awslogs logging driver for Docker. Writes log messages to AWS Cloudwatch Logs. If not defined explicitly, the Docker daemon's default ("json-file") will apply. Requires docker >= 1.6.0. required: false default: json-file choices: - json-file - none - syslog - journald - gelf - fluentd - awslogs version_added: "2.0" log_opt: description: - Additional options to pass to the logging driver selected above. See Docker `log-driver ` documentation for more information. Requires docker >=1.7.0. required: false default: null version_added: "2.0" memory_limit: description: - RAM allocated to the container as a number of bytes or as a human-readable string like "512MB". Leave as "0" to specify no limit. required: false default: null aliases: [] default: 256MB docker_url: description: - URL of the host running the docker daemon. This will default to the env var DOCKER_HOST if unspecified. default: ${DOCKER_HOST} or unix://var/run/docker.sock use_tls: description: - Whether to use tls to connect to the docker server. "no" means not to use tls (and ignore any other tls related parameters). "encrypt" means to use tls to encrypt the connection to the server. "verify" means to also verify that the server's certificate is valid for the server (this both verifies the certificate against the CA and that the certificate was issued for that host. If this is unspecified, tls will only be used if one of the other tls options require it. choices: [ "no", "encrypt", "verify" ] version_added: "1.9" tls_client_cert: description: - Path to the PEM-encoded certificate used to authenticate docker client. If specified tls_client_key must be valid default: ${DOCKER_CERT_PATH}/cert.pem version_added: "1.9" tls_client_key: description: - Path to the PEM-encoded key used to authenticate docker client. If specified tls_client_cert must be valid default: ${DOCKER_CERT_PATH}/key.pem version_added: "1.9" tls_ca_cert: description: - Path to a PEM-encoded certificate authority to secure the Docker connection. This has no effect if use_tls is encrypt. default: ${DOCKER_CERT_PATH}/ca.pem version_added: "1.9" tls_hostname: description: - A hostname to check matches what's supplied in the docker server's certificate. If unspecified, the hostname is taken from the docker_url. default: Taken from docker_url version_added: "1.9" docker_api_version: description: - Remote API version to use. This defaults to the current default as specified by docker-py. default: docker-py default remote API version version_added: "1.8" docker_user: description: - Username or UID to use within the container required: false default: null version_added: "2.0" username: description: - Remote API username. default: null password: description: - Remote API password. default: null email: description: - Remote API email. default: null hostname: description: - Container hostname. default: null domainname: description: - Container domain name. default: null env: description: - Pass a dict of environment variables to the container. default: null env_file: version_added: "2.1" description: - Pass in a path to a file with environment variable (FOO=BAR). If a key value is present in both explicitly presented (i.e. as 'env') and in the environment file, the explicit value will override. Requires docker-py >= 1.4.0. default: null required: false dns: description: - List of custom DNS servers for the container. required: false default: null detach: description: - Enable detached mode to leave the container running in background. If disabled, fail unless the process exits cleanly. default: true signal: version_added: "2.0" description: - With the state "killed", you can alter the signal sent to the container. required: false default: KILL state: description: - Assert the container's desired state. "present" only asserts that the matching containers exist. "started" asserts that the matching containers both exist and are running, but takes no action if any configuration has changed. "reloaded" (added in Ansible 1.9) asserts that all matching containers are running and restarts any that have any images or configuration out of date. "restarted" unconditionally restarts (or starts) the matching containers. "stopped" and '"killed" stop and kill all matching containers. "absent" stops and then' removes any matching containers. required: false default: started choices: - present - started - reloaded - restarted - stopped - killed - absent privileged: description: - Whether the container should run in privileged mode or not. default: false lxc_conf: description: - LXC configuration parameters, such as C(lxc.aa_profile:unconfined). default: null stdin_open: description: - Keep stdin open after a container is launched. default: false version_added: "1.6" tty: description: - Allocate a pseudo-tty within the container. default: false version_added: "1.6" net: description: - 'Network mode for the launched container: bridge, none, container:' - or host. Requires docker >= 0.11. default: false version_added: "1.8" pid: description: - Set the PID namespace mode for the container (currently only supports 'host'). Requires docker-py >= 1.0.0 and docker >= 1.5.0 required: false default: None aliases: [] version_added: "1.9" registry: description: - Remote registry URL to pull images from. default: DockerHub aliases: [] version_added: "1.8" read_only: description: - Mount the container's root filesystem as read only default: null aliases: [] version_added: "2.0" restart_policy: description: - Container restart policy. - The 'unless-stopped' choice is only available starting in Ansible 2.1 and for Docker 1.9 and above. choices: ["no", "on-failure", "always", "unless-stopped"] default: null version_added: "1.9" restart_policy_retry: description: - Maximum number of times to restart a container. Leave as "0" for unlimited retries. default: 0 version_added: "1.9" extra_hosts: version_added: "2.0" description: - Dict of custom host-to-IP mappings to be defined in the container insecure_registry: description: - Use insecure private registry by HTTP instead of HTTPS. Needed for docker-py >= 0.5.0. default: false version_added: "1.9" cpu_set: description: - CPUs in which to allow execution. Requires docker-py >= 0.6.0. required: false default: null version_added: "2.0" cap_add: description: - Add capabilities for the container. Requires docker-py >= 0.5.0. required: false default: false version_added: "2.0" cap_drop: description: - Drop capabilities for the container. Requires docker-py >= 0.5.0. required: false default: false aliases: [] version_added: "2.0" labels: description: - Set container labels. Requires docker >= 1.6 and docker-py >= 1.2.0. required: false default: null version_added: "2.1" stop_timeout: description: - How many seconds to wait for the container to stop before killing it. required: false default: 10 version_added: "2.0" timeout: description: - Docker daemon response timeout in seconds. required: false default: 60 version_added: "2.1" cpu_shares: description: - CPU shares (relative weight). Requires docker-py >= 0.6.0. required: false default: 0 version_added: "2.1" ulimits: description: - ulimits, list ulimits with name, soft and optionally hard limit separated by colons. e.g. nofile:1024:2048 Requires docker-py >= 1.2.0 and docker >= 1.6.0 required: false default: null version_added: "2.1" author: - "Cove Schneider (@cove)" - "Joshua Conner (@joshuaconner)" - "Pavel Antonov (@softzilla)" - "Ash Wilson (@smashwilson)" - "Thomas Steinbach (@ThomasSteinbach)" - "Philippe Jandot (@zfil)" - "Daan Oosterveld (@dusdanig)" requirements: - "python >= 2.6" - "docker-py >= 0.3.0" - "The docker server >= 0.10.0" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Containers are matched either by name (if provided) or by an exact match of # the image they were launched with and the command they're running. The module # can accept either a name to target a container uniquely, or a count to operate # on multiple containers at once when it makes sense to do so. # Ensure that a data container with the name "mydata" exists. If no container # by this name exists, it will be created, but not started. - name: data container docker: name: mydata image: busybox state: present volumes: - /data # Ensure that a Redis server is running, using the volume from the data # container. Expose the default Redis port. - name: redis container docker: name: myredis image: redis command: redis-server --appendonly yes state: started expose: - 6379 volumes_from: - mydata # Ensure that a container of your application server is running. This will: # - pull the latest version of your application image from DockerHub. # - ensure that a container is running with the specified name and exact image. # If any configuration options have changed, the existing container will be # stopped and removed, and a new one will be launched in its place. # - link this container to the existing redis container launched above with # an alias. # - grant the container read write permissions for the host's /dev/sda device # through a node named /dev/xvda # - bind TCP port 9000 within the container to port 8080 on all interfaces # on the host. # - bind UDP port 9001 within the container to port 8081 on the host, only # listening on localhost. # - specify 2 ip resolutions. # - set the environment variable SECRET_KEY to "ssssh". - name: application container docker: name: myapplication image: someuser/appimage state: reloaded pull: always links: - "myredis:aliasedredis" devices: - "/dev/sda:/dev/xvda:rwm" ports: - "8080:9000" - "" extra_hosts: host1: "" host2: "" env: SECRET_KEY: ssssh # Ensure that exactly five containers of another server are running with this # exact image and command. If fewer than five are running, more will be launched; # if more are running, the excess will be stopped. - name: load-balanced containers docker: state: reloaded count: 5 image: someuser/anotherappimage command: sleep 1d # Unconditionally restart a service container. This may be useful within a # handler, for example. - name: application service docker: name: myservice image: someuser/serviceimage state: restarted # Stop all containers running the specified image. - name: obsolete container docker: image: someuser/oldandbusted state: stopped # Stop and remove a container with the specified name. - name: obsolete container docker: name: ohno image: someuser/oldandbusted state: absent # Example Syslogging Output - name: myservice container docker: name: myservice image: someservice/someimage state: reloaded log_driver: syslog log_opt: syslog-address: tcp://my-syslog-server:514 syslog-facility: daemon syslog-tag: myservice ''' HAS_DOCKER_PY = True DEFAULT_DOCKER_API_VERSION = None DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 60 import sys import json import os import shlex from urlparse import urlparse try: import docker.client import docker.utils import docker.errors from requests.exceptions import RequestException except ImportError: HAS_DOCKER_PY = False if HAS_DOCKER_PY: try: from docker.errors import APIError as DockerAPIError except ImportError: from docker.client import APIError as DockerAPIError try: # docker-py 1.2+ import docker.constants DEFAULT_DOCKER_API_VERSION = docker.constants.DEFAULT_DOCKER_API_VERSION DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = docker.constants.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS except (ImportError, AttributeError): # docker-py less than 1.2 DEFAULT_DOCKER_API_VERSION = docker.client.DEFAULT_DOCKER_API_VERSION DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = docker.client.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS def _human_to_bytes(number): suffixes = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'] if isinstance(number, int): return number if number[-1] == suffixes[0] and number[-2].isdigit(): return number[:-1] i = 1 for each in suffixes[1:]: if number[-len(each):] == suffixes[i]: return int(number[:-len(each)]) * (1024 ** i) i = i + 1 raise ValueError('Could not convert %s to integer' % (number,)) def _ansible_facts(container_list): return {"docker_containers": container_list} def _docker_id_quirk(inspect): # XXX: some quirk in docker if 'ID' in inspect: inspect['Id'] = inspect['ID'] del inspect['ID'] return inspect def get_split_image_tag(image): # If image contains a host or org name, omit that from our check if '/' in image: registry, resource = image.rsplit('/', 1) else: registry, resource = None, image # now we can determine if image has a tag if ':' in resource: resource, tag = resource.split(':', 1) if registry: resource = '/'.join((registry, resource)) if tag == "": tag = "latest" else: tag = "latest" resource = image return resource, tag def normalize_image(image): """ Normalize a Docker image name to include the implied :latest tag. """ return ":".join(get_split_image_tag(image)) def is_running(container): '''Return True if an inspected container is in a state we consider "running."''' return container['State']['Running'] == True and not container['State'].get('Ghost', False) def get_docker_py_versioninfo(): if hasattr(docker, '__version__'): # a '__version__' attribute was added to the module but not until # after 0.3.0 was pushed to pypi. If it's there, use it. version = [] for part in docker.__version__.split('.'): try: version.append(int(part)) except ValueError: for idx, char in enumerate(part): if not char.isdigit(): nondigit = part[idx:] digit = part[:idx] break if digit: version.append(int(digit)) if nondigit: version.append(nondigit) elif hasattr(docker.Client, '_get_raw_response_socket'): # HACK: if '__version__' isn't there, we check for the existence of # `_get_raw_response_socket` in the docker.Client class, which was # added in 0.3.0 version = (0, 3, 0) else: # This is untrue but this module does not function with a version less # than 0.3.0 so it's okay to lie here. version = (0,) return tuple(version) def check_dependencies(module): """ Ensure `docker-py` >= 0.3.0 is installed, and call module.fail_json with a helpful error message if it isn't. """ if not HAS_DOCKER_PY: module.fail_json(msg="`docker-py` doesn't seem to be installed, but is required for the Ansible Docker module.") else: versioninfo = get_docker_py_versioninfo() if versioninfo < (0, 3, 0): module.fail_json(msg="The Ansible Docker module requires `docker-py` >= 0.3.0.") class DockerManager(object): counters = dict( created=0, started=0, stopped=0, killed=0, removed=0, restarted=0, pulled=0 ) reload_reasons = [] _capabilities = set() # Map optional parameters to minimum (docker-py version, server APIVersion) # docker-py version is a tuple of ints because we have to compare them # server APIVersion is passed to a docker-py function that takes strings _cap_ver_req = { 'devices': ((0, 7, 0), '1.2'), 'dns': ((0, 3, 0), '1.10'), 'volumes_from': ((0, 3, 0), '1.10'), 'restart_policy': ((0, 5, 0), '1.14'), 'extra_hosts': ((0, 7, 0), '1.3.1'), 'pid': ((1, 0, 0), '1.17'), 'log_driver': ((1, 2, 0), '1.18'), 'log_opt': ((1, 2, 0), '1.18'), 'host_config': ((0, 7, 0), '1.15'), 'cpu_set': ((0, 6, 0), '1.14'), 'cap_add': ((0, 5, 0), '1.14'), 'cap_drop': ((0, 5, 0), '1.14'), 'read_only': ((1, 0, 0), '1.17'), 'labels': ((1, 2, 0), '1.18'), 'stop_timeout': ((0, 5, 0), '1.0'), 'ulimits': ((1, 2, 0), '1.18'), # Clientside only 'insecure_registry': ((0, 5, 0), '0.0'), 'env_file': ((1, 4, 0), '0.0') } def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.binds = None self.volumes = None if self.module.params.get('volumes'): self.binds = {} self.volumes = [] vols = self.module.params.get('volumes') for vol in vols: parts = vol.split(":") # regular volume if len(parts) == 1: self.volumes.append(parts[0]) # host mount (e.g. /mnt:/tmp, bind mounts host's /tmp to /mnt in the container) elif 2 <= len(parts) <= 3: # default to read-write mode = 'rw' # with supplied bind mode if len(parts) == 3: if parts[2] not in ["rw", "rw,Z", "rw,z", "z,rw", "Z,rw", "Z", "z", "ro", "ro,Z", "ro,z", "z,ro", "Z,ro"]: self.module.fail_json(msg='invalid bind mode ' + parts[2]) else: mode = parts[2] self.binds[parts[0]] = {'bind': parts[1], 'mode': mode } else: self.module.fail_json(msg='volumes support 1 to 3 arguments') self.lxc_conf = None if self.module.params.get('lxc_conf'): self.lxc_conf = [] options = self.module.params.get('lxc_conf') for option in options: parts = option.split(':', 1) self.lxc_conf.append({"Key": parts[0], "Value": parts[1]}) self.exposed_ports = None if self.module.params.get('expose'): self.exposed_ports = self.get_exposed_ports(self.module.params.get('expose')) self.port_bindings = None if self.module.params.get('ports'): self.port_bindings = self.get_port_bindings(self.module.params.get('ports')) self.links = None if self.module.params.get('links'): self.links = self.get_links(self.module.params.get('links')) env = self.module.params.get('env', None) env_file = self.module.params.get('env_file', None) self.environment = self.get_environment(env, env_file) self.ulimits = None if self.module.params.get('ulimits'): self.ulimits = [] ulimits = self.module.params.get('ulimits') for ulimit in ulimits: parts = ulimit.split(":") if len(parts) == 2: self.ulimits.append({'name': parts[0], 'soft': int(parts[1]), 'hard': int(parts[1])}) elif len(parts) == 3: self.ulimits.append({'name': parts[0], 'soft': int(parts[1]), 'hard': int(parts[2])}) else: self.module.fail_json(msg='ulimits support 2 to 3 arguments') # Connect to the docker server using any configured host and TLS settings. env_host = os.getenv('DOCKER_HOST') env_docker_verify = os.getenv('DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY') env_cert_path = os.getenv('DOCKER_CERT_PATH') env_docker_hostname = os.getenv('DOCKER_TLS_HOSTNAME') docker_url = module.params.get('docker_url') if not docker_url: if env_host: docker_url = env_host else: docker_url = 'unix://var/run/docker.sock' docker_api_version = module.params.get('docker_api_version') timeout = module.params.get('timeout') tls_client_cert = module.params.get('tls_client_cert', None) if not tls_client_cert and env_cert_path: tls_client_cert = os.path.join(env_cert_path, 'cert.pem') tls_client_key = module.params.get('tls_client_key', None) if not tls_client_key and env_cert_path: tls_client_key = os.path.join(env_cert_path, 'key.pem') tls_ca_cert = module.params.get('tls_ca_cert') if not tls_ca_cert and env_cert_path: tls_ca_cert = os.path.join(env_cert_path, 'ca.pem') tls_hostname = module.params.get('tls_hostname') if tls_hostname is None: if env_docker_hostname: tls_hostname = env_docker_hostname else: parsed_url = urlparse(docker_url) if ':' in parsed_url.netloc: tls_hostname = parsed_url.netloc[:parsed_url.netloc.rindex(':')] else: tls_hostname = parsed_url if not tls_hostname: tls_hostname = True # use_tls can be one of four values: # no: Do not use tls # encrypt: Use tls. We may do client auth. We will not verify the server # verify: Use tls. We may do client auth. We will verify the server # None: Only use tls if the parameters for client auth were specified # or tls_ca_cert (which requests verifying the server with # a specific ca certificate) use_tls = module.params.get('use_tls') if use_tls is None and env_docker_verify is not None: use_tls = 'verify' tls_config = None if use_tls != 'no': params = {} # Setup client auth if tls_client_cert and tls_client_key: params['client_cert'] = (tls_client_cert, tls_client_key) # We're allowed to verify the connection to the server if use_tls == 'verify' or (use_tls is None and tls_ca_cert): if tls_ca_cert: params['ca_cert'] = tls_ca_cert params['verify'] = True params['assert_hostname'] = tls_hostname else: params['verify'] = True params['assert_hostname'] = tls_hostname elif use_tls == 'encrypt': params['verify'] = False if params: # See https://github.com/docker/docker-py/blob/d39da11/docker/utils/utils.py#L279-L296 docker_url = docker_url.replace('tcp://', 'https://') tls_config = docker.tls.TLSConfig(**params) self.client = docker.Client(base_url=docker_url, version=docker_api_version, tls=tls_config, timeout=timeout) self.docker_py_versioninfo = get_docker_py_versioninfo() def _check_capabilties(self): """ Create a list of available capabilities """ api_version = self.client.version()['ApiVersion'] for cap, req_vers in self._cap_ver_req.items(): if (self.docker_py_versioninfo >= req_vers[0] and docker.utils.compare_version(req_vers[1], api_version) >= 0): self._capabilities.add(cap) def ensure_capability(self, capability, fail=True): """ Some of the functionality this ansible module implements are only available in newer versions of docker. Ensure that the capability is available here. If fail is set to False then return True or False depending on whether we have the capability. Otherwise, simply fail and exit the module if we lack the capability. """ if not self._capabilities: self._check_capabilties() if capability in self._capabilities: return True if not fail: return False api_version = self.client.version()['ApiVersion'] self.module.fail_json(msg='Specifying the `%s` parameter requires' ' docker-py: %s, docker server apiversion %s; found' ' docker-py: %s, server: %s' % ( capability, '.'.join(map(str, self._cap_ver_req[capability][0])), self._cap_ver_req[capability][1], '.'.join(map(str, self.docker_py_versioninfo)), api_version)) def get_environment(self, env, env_file): """ If environment files are combined with explicit environment variables, the explicit environment variables will override the key from the env file. """ final_env = {} if env_file: self.ensure_capability('env_file') parsed_env_file = docker.utils.parse_env_file(env_file) for name, value in parsed_env_file.iteritems(): final_env[name] = str(value) if env: for name, value in env.iteritems(): final_env[name] = str(value) return final_env def get_links(self, links): """ Parse the links passed, if a link is specified without an alias then just create the alias of the same name as the link """ processed_links = {} for link in links: parsed_link = link.split(':', 1) if(len(parsed_link) == 2): processed_links[parsed_link[0]] = parsed_link[1] else: processed_links[parsed_link[0]] = parsed_link[0] return processed_links def get_exposed_ports(self, expose_list): """ Parse the ports and protocols (TCP/UDP) to expose in the docker-py `create_container` call from the docker CLI-style syntax. """ if expose_list: exposed = [] for port in expose_list: port = str(port).strip() if port.endswith('/tcp') or port.endswith('/udp'): port_with_proto = tuple(port.split('/')) else: # assume tcp protocol if not specified port_with_proto = (port, 'tcp') exposed.append(port_with_proto) return exposed else: return None def get_start_params(self): """ Create start params """ params = { 'lxc_conf': self.lxc_conf, 'binds': self.binds, 'port_bindings': self.port_bindings, 'publish_all_ports': self.module.params.get('publish_all_ports'), 'privileged': self.module.params.get('privileged'), 'links': self.links, 'network_mode': self.module.params.get('net'), } optionals = {} for optional_param in ('devices', 'dns', 'volumes_from', 'restart_policy', 'restart_policy_retry', 'pid', 'extra_hosts', 'log_driver', 'cap_add', 'cap_drop', 'read_only', 'log_opt'): optionals[optional_param] = self.module.params.get(optional_param) if optionals['devices'] is not None: self.ensure_capability('devices') params['devices'] = optionals['devices'] if optionals['dns'] is not None: self.ensure_capability('dns') params['dns'] = optionals['dns'] if optionals['volumes_from'] is not None: self.ensure_capability('volumes_from') params['volumes_from'] = optionals['volumes_from'] if optionals['restart_policy'] is not None: self.ensure_capability('restart_policy') params['restart_policy'] = { 'Name': optionals['restart_policy'] } if params['restart_policy']['Name'] == 'on-failure': params['restart_policy']['MaximumRetryCount'] = optionals['restart_policy_retry'] # docker_py only accepts 'host' or None if 'pid' in optionals and not optionals['pid']: optionals['pid'] = None if optionals['pid'] is not None: self.ensure_capability('pid') params['pid_mode'] = optionals['pid'] if optionals['extra_hosts'] is not None: self.ensure_capability('extra_hosts') params['extra_hosts'] = optionals['extra_hosts'] if optionals['log_driver'] is not None: self.ensure_capability('log_driver') log_config = docker.utils.LogConfig(type=docker.utils.LogConfig.types.JSON) if optionals['log_opt'] is not None: for k, v in optionals['log_opt'].iteritems(): log_config.set_config_value(k, v) log_config.type = optionals['log_driver'] params['log_config'] = log_config if optionals['cap_add'] is not None: self.ensure_capability('cap_add') params['cap_add'] = optionals['cap_add'] if optionals['cap_drop'] is not None: self.ensure_capability('cap_drop') params['cap_drop'] = optionals['cap_drop'] if optionals['read_only'] is not None: self.ensure_capability('read_only') params['read_only'] = optionals['read_only'] return params def create_host_config(self): """ Create HostConfig object """ params = self.get_start_params() return docker.utils.create_host_config(**params) def get_port_bindings(self, ports): """ Parse the `ports` string into a port bindings dict for the `start_container` call. """ binds = {} for port in ports: # ports could potentially be an array like [80, 443], so we make sure they're strings # before splitting parts = str(port).split(':') container_port = parts[-1] if '/' not in container_port: container_port = int(parts[-1]) p_len = len(parts) if p_len == 1: # Bind `container_port` of the container to a dynamically # allocated TCP port on all available interfaces of the host # machine. bind = ('',) elif p_len == 2: # Bind `container_port` of the container to port `parts[0]` on # all available interfaces of the host machine. bind = ('', int(parts[0])) elif p_len == 3: # Bind `container_port` of the container to port `parts[1]` on # IP `parts[0]` of the host machine. If `parts[1]` empty bind # to a dynamically allocacted port of IP `parts[0]`. bind = (parts[0], int(parts[1])) if parts[1] else (parts[0],) if container_port in binds: old_bind = binds[container_port] if isinstance(old_bind, list): # append to list if it already exists old_bind.append(bind) else: # otherwise create list that contains the old and new binds binds[container_port] = [binds[container_port], bind] else: binds[container_port] = bind return binds def get_summary_message(self): ''' Generate a message that briefly describes the actions taken by this task, in English. ''' parts = [] for k, v in self.counters.iteritems(): if v == 0: continue if v == 1: plural = "" else: plural = "s" parts.append("%s %d container%s" % (k, v, plural)) if parts: return ", ".join(parts) + "." else: return "No action taken." def get_reload_reason_message(self): ''' Generate a message describing why any reloaded containers were reloaded. ''' if self.reload_reasons: return ", ".join(self.reload_reasons) else: return None def get_summary_counters_msg(self): msg = "" for k, v in self.counters.iteritems(): msg = msg + "%s %d " % (k, v) return msg def increment_counter(self, name): self.counters[name] = self.counters[name] + 1 def has_changed(self): for k, v in self.counters.iteritems(): if v > 0: return True return False def get_inspect_image(self): try: return self.client.inspect_image(self.module.params.get('image')) except DockerAPIError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404: return None else: raise e def get_image_repo_tags(self): image, tag = get_split_image_tag(self.module.params.get('image')) if tag is None: tag = 'latest' resource = '%s:%s' % (image, tag) for image in self.client.images(name=image): if resource in image.get('RepoTags', []): return image['RepoTags'] return [] def get_inspect_containers(self, containers): inspect = [] for i in containers: details = self.client.inspect_container(i['Id']) details = _docker_id_quirk(details) inspect.append(details) return inspect def get_differing_containers(self): """ Inspect all matching, running containers, and return those that were started with parameters that differ from the ones that are provided during this module run. A list containing the differing containers will be returned, and a short string describing the specific difference encountered in each container will be appended to reload_reasons. This generates the set of containers that need to be stopped and started with new parameters with state=reloaded. """ running = self.get_running_containers() current = self.get_inspect_containers(running) defaults = self.client.info() #Get API version api_version = self.client.version()['ApiVersion'] image = self.get_inspect_image() if image is None: # The image isn't present. Assume that we're about to pull a new # tag and *everything* will be restarted. # # This will give false positives if you untag an image on the host # and there's nothing more to pull. return current differing = [] for container in current: # IMAGE # Compare the image by ID rather than name, so that containers # will be restarted when new versions of an existing image are # pulled. if container['Image'] != image['Id']: self.reload_reasons.append('image ({0} => {1})'.format(container['Image'], image['Id'])) differing.append(container) continue # ENTRYPOINT expected_entrypoint = self.module.params.get('entrypoint') if expected_entrypoint: expected_entrypoint = shlex.split(expected_entrypoint) actual_entrypoint = container["Config"]["Entrypoint"] if actual_entrypoint != expected_entrypoint: self.reload_reasons.append( 'entrypoint ({0} => {1})' .format(actual_entrypoint, expected_entrypoint) ) differing.append(container) continue # COMMAND expected_command = self.module.params.get('command') if expected_command: expected_command = shlex.split(expected_command) actual_command = container["Config"]["Cmd"] if actual_command != expected_command: self.reload_reasons.append('command ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_command, expected_command)) differing.append(container) continue # EXPOSED PORTS expected_exposed_ports = set((image['ContainerConfig'].get('ExposedPorts') or {}).keys()) for p in (self.exposed_ports or []): expected_exposed_ports.add("/".join(p)) actually_exposed_ports = set((container["Config"].get("ExposedPorts") or {}).keys()) if actually_exposed_ports != expected_exposed_ports: self.reload_reasons.append('exposed_ports ({0} => {1})'.format(actually_exposed_ports, expected_exposed_ports)) differing.append(container) continue # VOLUMES expected_volume_keys = set((image['ContainerConfig']['Volumes'] or {}).keys()) if self.volumes: expected_volume_keys.update(self.volumes) actual_volume_keys = set((container['Config']['Volumes'] or {}).keys()) if actual_volume_keys != expected_volume_keys: self.reload_reasons.append('volumes ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_volume_keys, expected_volume_keys)) differing.append(container) continue # ULIMITS expected_ulimit_keys = set(map(lambda x: '%s:%s:%s' % (x['name'],x['soft'],x['hard']), self.ulimits or [])) actual_ulimit_keys = set(map(lambda x: '%s:%s:%s' % (x['Name'],x['Soft'],x['Hard']), (container['HostConfig']['Ulimits'] or []))) if actual_ulimit_keys != expected_ulimit_keys: self.reload_reasons.append('ulimits ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_ulimit_keys, expected_ulimit_keys)) differing.append(container) continue # CPU_SHARES expected_cpu_shares = self.module.params.get('cpu_shares') actual_cpu_shares = container['HostConfig']['CpuShares'] if expected_cpu_shares and actual_cpu_shares != expected_cpu_shares: self.reload_reasons.append('cpu_shares ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_cpu_shares, expected_cpu_shares)) differing.append(container) continue # MEM_LIMIT try: expected_mem = _human_to_bytes(self.module.params.get('memory_limit')) except ValueError as e: self.module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) #For v1.19 API and above use HostConfig, otherwise use Config if docker.utils.compare_version('1.19', api_version) >= 0: actual_mem = container['HostConfig']['Memory'] else: actual_mem = container['Config']['Memory'] if expected_mem and actual_mem != expected_mem: self.reload_reasons.append('memory ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_mem, expected_mem)) differing.append(container) continue # ENVIRONMENT # actual_env is likely to include environment variables injected by # the Dockerfile. expected_env = {} for image_env in image['ContainerConfig']['Env'] or []: name, value = image_env.split('=', 1) expected_env[name] = value if self.environment: for name, value in self.environment.iteritems(): expected_env[name] = str(value) actual_env = {} for container_env in container['Config']['Env'] or []: name, value = container_env.split('=', 1) actual_env[name] = value if actual_env != expected_env: # Don't include the environment difference in the output. self.reload_reasons.append('environment {0} => {1}'.format(actual_env, expected_env)) differing.append(container) continue # LABELS expected_labels = {} for name, value in self.module.params.get('labels').iteritems(): expected_labels[name] = str(value) actual_labels = {} for container_label in container['Config']['Labels'] or []: name, value = container_label.split('=', 1) actual_labels[name] = value if actual_labels != expected_labels: self.reload_reasons.append('labels {0} => {1}'.format(actual_labels, expected_labels)) differing.append(container) continue # HOSTNAME expected_hostname = self.module.params.get('hostname') actual_hostname = container['Config']['Hostname'] if expected_hostname and actual_hostname != expected_hostname: self.reload_reasons.append('hostname ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_hostname, expected_hostname)) differing.append(container) continue # DOMAINNAME expected_domainname = self.module.params.get('domainname') actual_domainname = container['Config']['Domainname'] if expected_domainname and actual_domainname != expected_domainname: self.reload_reasons.append('domainname ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_domainname, expected_domainname)) differing.append(container) continue # DETACH # We don't have to check for undetached containers. If it wasn't # detached, it would have stopped before the playbook continued! # NAME # We also don't have to check name, because this is one of the # criteria that's used to determine which container(s) match in # the first place. # STDIN_OPEN expected_stdin_open = self.module.params.get('stdin_open') actual_stdin_open = container['Config']['AttachStdin'] if actual_stdin_open != expected_stdin_open: self.reload_reasons.append('stdin_open ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_stdin_open, expected_stdin_open)) differing.append(container) continue # TTY expected_tty = self.module.params.get('tty') actual_tty = container['Config']['Tty'] if actual_tty != expected_tty: self.reload_reasons.append('tty ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_tty, expected_tty)) differing.append(container) continue # -- "start" call differences -- # LXC_CONF if self.lxc_conf: expected_lxc = set(self.lxc_conf) actual_lxc = set(container['HostConfig']['LxcConf'] or []) if actual_lxc != expected_lxc: self.reload_reasons.append('lxc_conf ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_lxc, expected_lxc)) differing.append(container) continue # BINDS expected_binds = set() if self.binds: for host_path, config in self.binds.iteritems(): if isinstance(config, dict): container_path = config['bind'] mode = config['mode'] else: container_path = config mode = 'rw' expected_binds.add("{0}:{1}:{2}".format(host_path, container_path, mode)) actual_binds = set() for bind in (container['HostConfig']['Binds'] or []): if len(bind.split(':')) == 2: actual_binds.add(bind + ":rw") else: actual_binds.add(bind) if actual_binds != expected_binds: self.reload_reasons.append('binds ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_binds, expected_binds)) differing.append(container) continue # PORT BINDINGS expected_bound_ports = {} if self.port_bindings: for container_port, config in self.port_bindings.iteritems(): if isinstance(container_port, int): container_port = "{0}/tcp".format(container_port) if len(config) == 1: expected_bound_ports[container_port] = [{'HostIp': "", 'HostPort': ""}] elif isinstance(config[0], tuple): expected_bound_ports[container_port] = [] for hostip, hostport in config: expected_bound_ports[container_port].append({ 'HostIp': hostip, 'HostPort': str(hostport)}) else: expected_bound_ports[container_port] = [{'HostIp': config[0], 'HostPort': str(config[1])}] actual_bound_ports = container['HostConfig']['PortBindings'] or {} if actual_bound_ports != expected_bound_ports: self.reload_reasons.append('port bindings ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_bound_ports, expected_bound_ports)) differing.append(container) continue # PUBLISHING ALL PORTS # What we really care about is the set of ports that is actually # published. That should be caught above. # PRIVILEGED expected_privileged = self.module.params.get('privileged') actual_privileged = container['HostConfig']['Privileged'] if actual_privileged != expected_privileged: self.reload_reasons.append('privileged ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_privileged, expected_privileged)) differing.append(container) continue # LINKS expected_links = set() for link, alias in (self.links or {}).iteritems(): expected_links.add("/{0}:{1}/{2}".format(link, container["Name"], alias)) actual_links = set(container['HostConfig']['Links'] or []) if actual_links != expected_links: self.reload_reasons.append('links ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_links, expected_links)) differing.append(container) continue # NETWORK MODE expected_netmode = self.module.params.get('net') or 'bridge' actual_netmode = container['HostConfig']['NetworkMode'] or 'bridge' if actual_netmode != expected_netmode: self.reload_reasons.append('net ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_netmode, expected_netmode)) differing.append(container) continue # DEVICES expected_devices = set() for device in (self.module.params.get('devices') or []): if len(device.split(':')) == 2: expected_devices.add(device + ":rwm") else: expected_devices.add(device) actual_devices = set() for device in (container['HostConfig']['Devices'] or []): actual_devices.add("{PathOnHost}:{PathInContainer}:{CgroupPermissions}".format(**device)) if actual_devices != expected_devices: self.reload_reasons.append('devices ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_devices, expected_devices)) differing.append(container) continue # DNS expected_dns = set(self.module.params.get('dns') or []) actual_dns = set(container['HostConfig']['Dns'] or []) if actual_dns != expected_dns: self.reload_reasons.append('dns ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_dns, expected_dns)) differing.append(container) continue # VOLUMES_FROM expected_volumes_from = set(self.module.params.get('volumes_from') or []) actual_volumes_from = set(container['HostConfig']['VolumesFrom'] or []) if actual_volumes_from != expected_volumes_from: self.reload_reasons.append('volumes_from ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_volumes_from, expected_volumes_from)) differing.append(container) # LOG_DRIVER if self.ensure_capability('log_driver', False): expected_log_driver = self.module.params.get('log_driver') or defaults['LoggingDriver'] actual_log_driver = container['HostConfig']['LogConfig']['Type'] if actual_log_driver != expected_log_driver: self.reload_reasons.append('log_driver ({0} => {1})'.format(actual_log_driver, expected_log_driver)) differing.append(container) continue if self.ensure_capability('log_opt', False): expected_logging_opts = self.module.params.get('log_opt') or {} actual_log_opts = container['HostConfig']['LogConfig']['Config'] if len(set(expected_logging_opts.items()) - set(actual_log_opts.items())) != 0: log_opt_reasons = { 'added': dict(set(expected_logging_opts.items()) - set(actual_log_opts.items())), 'removed': dict(set(actual_log_opts.items()) - set(expected_logging_opts.items())) } self.reload_reasons.append('log_opt ({0})'.format(log_opt_reasons)) differing.append(container) return differing def get_deployed_containers(self): """ Return any matching containers that are already present. """ entrypoint = self.module.params.get('entrypoint') if entrypoint is not None: entrypoint = shlex.split(entrypoint) command = self.module.params.get('command') if command is not None: command = shlex.split(command) name = self.module.params.get('name') if name and not name.startswith('/'): name = '/' + name deployed = [] # "images" will be a collection of equivalent "name:tag" image names # that map to the same Docker image. inspected = self.get_inspect_image() if inspected: repo_tags = self.get_image_repo_tags() else: repo_tags = [normalize_image(self.module.params.get('image'))] for container in self.client.containers(all=True): details = None if name: name_list = container.get('Names') if name_list is None: name_list = [] matches = name in name_list else: details = self.client.inspect_container(container['Id']) details = _docker_id_quirk(details) running_image = normalize_image(details['Config']['Image']) image_matches = running_image in repo_tags command_matches = command == details['Config']['Cmd'] entrypoint_matches = ( entrypoint == details['Config']['Entrypoint'] ) matches = (image_matches and command_matches and entrypoint_matches) if matches: if not details: details = self.client.inspect_container(container['Id']) details = _docker_id_quirk(details) deployed.append(details) return deployed def get_running_containers(self): return [c for c in self.get_deployed_containers() if is_running(c)] def pull_image(self): extra_params = {} if self.module.params.get('insecure_registry'): if self.ensure_capability('insecure_registry', fail=False): extra_params['insecure_registry'] = self.module.params.get('insecure_registry') resource = self.module.params.get('image') image, tag = get_split_image_tag(resource) if self.module.params.get('username'): try: self.client.login( self.module.params.get('username'), password=self.module.params.get('password'), email=self.module.params.get('email'), registry=self.module.params.get('registry') ) except Exception as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="failed to login to the remote registry, check your username/password.", error=repr(e)) try: changes = list(self.client.pull(image, tag=tag, stream=True, **extra_params)) pull_success = False for change in changes: status = json.loads(change).get('status', '') if status.startswith('Status: Image is up to date for'): # Image is already up to date. Don't increment the counter. pull_success = True break elif (status.startswith('Status: Downloaded newer image for') or status.startswith('Download complete')): # Image was updated. Increment the pull counter. self.increment_counter('pulled') pull_success = True break if not pull_success: # Unrecognized status string. self.module.fail_json(msg="Unrecognized status from pull.", status=status, changes=changes) except Exception as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to pull the specified image: %s" % resource, error=repr(e)) def create_containers(self, count=1): try: mem_limit = _human_to_bytes(self.module.params.get('memory_limit')) except ValueError as e: self.module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) api_version = self.client.version()['ApiVersion'] params = {'image': self.module.params.get('image'), 'entrypoint': self.module.params.get('entrypoint'), 'command': self.module.params.get('command'), 'ports': self.exposed_ports, 'volumes': self.volumes, 'environment': self.environment, 'labels': self.module.params.get('labels'), 'hostname': self.module.params.get('hostname'), 'domainname': self.module.params.get('domainname'), 'detach': self.module.params.get('detach'), 'name': self.module.params.get('name'), 'stdin_open': self.module.params.get('stdin_open'), 'tty': self.module.params.get('tty'), 'volumes_from': self.module.params.get('volumes_from'), 'dns': self.module.params.get('dns'), 'cpuset': self.module.params.get('cpu_set'), 'cpu_shares': self.module.params.get('cpu_shares'), 'user': self.module.params.get('docker_user'), } if docker.utils.compare_version('1.10', self.client.version()['ApiVersion']) >= 0: params['volumes_from'] = "" if params['volumes_from'] is not None: self.ensure_capability('volumes_from') extra_params = {} if self.module.params.get('insecure_registry'): if self.ensure_capability('insecure_registry', fail=False): extra_params['insecure_registry'] = self.module.params.get('insecure_registry') if self.ensure_capability('host_config', fail=False): params['host_config'] = self.create_host_config() #For v1.19 API and above use HostConfig, otherwise use Config if docker.utils.compare_version('1.19', api_version) < 0: params['mem_limit'] = mem_limit else: params['host_config']['Memory'] = mem_limit if self.ulimits is not None: self.ensure_capability('ulimits') params['host_config']['ulimits'] = self.ulimits def do_create(count, params): results = [] for _ in range(count): result = self.client.create_container(**params) self.increment_counter('created') results.append(result) return results try: containers = do_create(count, params) except docker.errors.APIError as e: if e.response.status_code != 404: raise self.pull_image() containers = do_create(count, params) return containers def start_containers(self, containers): params = {} if not self.ensure_capability('host_config', fail=False): params = self.get_start_params() for i in containers: self.client.start(i) self.increment_counter('started') if not self.module.params.get('detach'): status = self.client.wait(i['Id']) if status != 0: output = self.client.logs(i['Id'], stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=False, timestamps=False) self.module.fail_json(status=status, msg=output) def stop_containers(self, containers): for i in containers: self.client.stop(i['Id'], self.module.params.get('stop_timeout')) self.increment_counter('stopped') return [self.client.wait(i['Id']) for i in containers] def remove_containers(self, containers): for i in containers: self.client.remove_container(i['Id']) self.increment_counter('removed') def kill_containers(self, containers): for i in containers: self.client.kill(i['Id'], self.module.params.get('signal')) self.increment_counter('killed') def restart_containers(self, containers): for i in containers: self.client.restart(i['Id']) self.increment_counter('restarted') class ContainerSet: def __init__(self, manager): self.manager = manager self.running = [] self.deployed = [] self.changed = [] def refresh(self): ''' Update our view of the matching containers from the Docker daemon. ''' self.deployed = self.manager.get_deployed_containers() self.running = [c for c in self.deployed if is_running(c)] def notice_changed(self, containers): ''' Record a collection of containers as "changed". ''' self.changed.extend(containers) def present(manager, containers, count, name): '''Ensure that exactly `count` matching containers exist in any state.''' containers.refresh() delta = count - len(containers.deployed) if delta > 0: created = manager.create_containers(delta) containers.notice_changed(manager.get_inspect_containers(created)) if delta < 0: # If both running and stopped containers exist, remove # stopped containers first. containers.deployed.sort(lambda cx, cy: cmp(is_running(cx), is_running(cy))) to_stop = [] to_remove = [] for c in containers.deployed[0:-delta]: if is_running(c): to_stop.append(c) to_remove.append(c) manager.stop_containers(to_stop) containers.notice_changed(manager.get_inspect_containers(to_remove)) manager.remove_containers(to_remove) def started(manager, containers, count, name): '''Ensure that exactly `count` matching containers exist and are running.''' containers.refresh() delta = count - len(containers.running) if delta > 0: if name and containers.deployed: # A stopped container exists with the requested name. # Clean it up before attempting to start a new one. manager.remove_containers(containers.deployed) created = manager.create_containers(delta) manager.start_containers(created) containers.notice_changed(manager.get_inspect_containers(created)) if delta < 0: excess = containers.running[0:-delta] containers.notice_changed(manager.get_inspect_containers(excess)) manager.stop_containers(excess) manager.remove_containers(excess) def reloaded(manager, containers, count, name): ''' Ensure that exactly `count` matching containers exist and are running. If any associated settings have been changed (volumes, ports or so on), restart those containers. ''' containers.refresh() for container in manager.get_differing_containers(): manager.stop_containers([container]) manager.remove_containers([container]) started(manager, containers, count, name) def restarted(manager, containers, count, name): ''' Ensure that exactly `count` matching containers exist and are running. Unconditionally restart any that were already running. ''' containers.refresh() for container in manager.get_differing_containers(): manager.stop_containers([container]) manager.remove_containers([container]) containers.refresh() manager.restart_containers(containers.running) started(manager, containers, count, name) def stopped(manager, containers, count, name): '''Stop any matching containers that are running.''' containers.refresh() manager.stop_containers(containers.running) containers.notice_changed(manager.get_inspect_containers(containers.running)) def killed(manager, containers, count, name): '''Kill any matching containers that are running.''' containers.refresh() manager.kill_containers(containers.running) containers.notice_changed(manager.get_inspect_containers(containers.running)) def absent(manager, containers, count, name): '''Stop and remove any matching containers.''' containers.refresh() manager.stop_containers(containers.running) containers.notice_changed(manager.get_inspect_containers(containers.deployed)) manager.remove_containers(containers.deployed) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( count = dict(default=1), image = dict(required=True), pull = dict(required=False, default='missing', choices=['missing', 'always']), entrypoint = dict(required=False, default=None, type='str'), command = dict(required=False, default=None), expose = dict(required=False, default=None, type='list'), ports = dict(required=False, default=None, type='list'), publish_all_ports = dict(default=False, type='bool'), volumes = dict(default=None, type='list'), volumes_from = dict(default=None), links = dict(default=None, type='list'), devices = dict(default=None, type='list'), memory_limit = dict(default=0), memory_swap = dict(default=0), cpu_shares = dict(default=0), docker_url = dict(), use_tls = dict(default=None, choices=['no', 'encrypt', 'verify']), tls_client_cert = dict(required=False, default=None, type='str'), tls_client_key = dict(required=False, default=None, type='str'), tls_ca_cert = dict(required=False, default=None, type='str'), tls_hostname = dict(required=False, type='str', default=None), docker_api_version = dict(required=False, default=DEFAULT_DOCKER_API_VERSION, type='str'), docker_user = dict(default=None), username = dict(default=None), password = dict(), email = dict(), registry = dict(), hostname = dict(default=None), domainname = dict(default=None), env = dict(type='dict'), env_file = dict(default=None), dns = dict(), detach = dict(default=True, type='bool'), state = dict(default='started', choices=['present', 'started', 'reloaded', 'restarted', 'stopped', 'killed', 'absent', 'running']), signal = dict(default=None), restart_policy = dict(default=None, choices=['always', 'on-failure', 'no', 'unless-stopped']), restart_policy_retry = dict(default=0, type='int'), extra_hosts = dict(type='dict'), debug = dict(default=False, type='bool'), privileged = dict(default=False, type='bool'), stdin_open = dict(default=False, type='bool'), tty = dict(default=False, type='bool'), lxc_conf = dict(default=None, type='list'), name = dict(default=None), net = dict(default=None), pid = dict(default=None), insecure_registry = dict(default=False, type='bool'), log_driver = dict(default=None, choices=['json-file', 'none', 'syslog', 'journald', 'gelf', 'fluentd', 'awslogs']), log_opt = dict(default=None, type='dict'), cpu_set = dict(default=None), cap_add = dict(default=None, type='list'), cap_drop = dict(default=None, type='list'), read_only = dict(default=None, type='bool'), labels = dict(default={}, type='dict'), stop_timeout = dict(default=10, type='int'), timeout = dict(required=False, default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, type='int'), ulimits = dict(default=None, type='list'), ), required_together = ( ['tls_client_cert', 'tls_client_key'], ), ) check_dependencies(module) try: manager = DockerManager(module) count = int(module.params.get('count')) name = module.params.get('name') pull = module.params.get('pull') state = module.params.get('state') if state == 'running': # Renamed running to started in 1.9 state = 'started' if count < 0: module.fail_json(msg="Count must be greater than zero") if count > 1 and name: module.fail_json(msg="Count and name must not be used together") # Explicitly pull new container images, if requested. Do this before # noticing running and deployed containers so that the image names # will differ if a newer image has been pulled. # Missing images should be pulled first to avoid downtime when old # container is stopped, but image for new one is now downloaded yet. # It also prevents removal of running container before realizing # that requested image cannot be retrieved. if pull == "always" or (state == 'reloaded' and manager.get_inspect_image() is None): manager.pull_image() containers = ContainerSet(manager) if state == 'present': present(manager, containers, count, name) elif state == 'started': started(manager, containers, count, name) elif state == 'reloaded': reloaded(manager, containers, count, name) elif state == 'restarted': restarted(manager, containers, count, name) elif state == 'stopped': stopped(manager, containers, count, name) elif state == 'killed': killed(manager, containers, count, name) elif state == 'absent': absent(manager, containers, count, name) else: module.fail_json(msg='Unrecognized state %s. Must be one of: ' 'present; started; reloaded; restarted; ' 'stopped; killed; absent.' % state) module.exit_json(changed=manager.has_changed(), msg=manager.get_summary_message(), summary=manager.counters, reload_reasons=manager.get_reload_reason_message(), ansible_facts=_ansible_facts(containers.changed)) except DockerAPIError as e: module.fail_json(changed=manager.has_changed(), msg="Docker API Error: %s" % e.explanation) except RequestException as e: module.fail_json(changed=manager.has_changed(), msg=repr(e)) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()