"""Access Ansible Core CI remote services.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import json import os import traceback import uuid import errno import time from lib.http import ( HttpClient, HttpResponse, HttpError, ) from lib.util import ( ApplicationError, run_command, make_dirs, EnvironmentConfig, display, is_shippable, ) AWS_ENDPOINTS = { 'us-east-1': 'https://14blg63h2i.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com', 'us-east-2': 'https://g5xynwbk96.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com', } class AnsibleCoreCI(object): """Client for Ansible Core CI services.""" def __init__(self, args, platform, version, stage='prod', persist=True, name=None): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type platform: str :type version: str :type stage: str :type persist: bool :type name: str """ self.args = args self.platform = platform self.version = version self.stage = stage self.client = HttpClient(args) self.connection = None self.instance_id = None self.name = name if name else '%s-%s' % (self.platform, self.version) self.ci_key = os.path.expanduser('~/.ansible-core-ci.key') aws_platforms = ( 'windows', 'freebsd', 'vyos', 'junos', 'ios', ) osx_platforms = ( 'osx', ) if self.platform in aws_platforms: if args.remote_aws_region: # permit command-line override of region selection region = args.remote_aws_region # use a dedicated CI key when overriding the region selection self.ci_key += '.%s' % args.remote_aws_region elif is_shippable(): # split Shippable jobs across multiple regions to maximize use of launch credits if self.platform == 'freebsd': region = 'us-east-2' else: region = 'us-east-1' else: # send all non-Shippable jobs to us-east-1 to reduce api key maintenance region = 'us-east-1' self.endpoint = AWS_ENDPOINTS[region] if self.platform == 'windows': self.ssh_key = None self.port = 5986 else: self.ssh_key = SshKey(args) self.port = 22 elif self.platform in osx_platforms: self.endpoint = 'https://osx.testing.ansible.com' self.ssh_key = SshKey(args) self.port = None else: raise ApplicationError('Unsupported platform: %s' % platform) self.path = os.path.expanduser('~/.ansible/test/instances/%s-%s' % (self.name, self.stage)) if persist and self._load(): try: display.info('Checking existing %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id), verbosity=1) self.connection = self.get(always_raise_on=[404]) display.info('Loaded existing %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id), verbosity=1) except HttpError as ex: if ex.status != 404: raise self._clear() display.info('Cleared stale %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id), verbosity=1) self.instance_id = None else: self.instance_id = None self._clear() if self.instance_id: self.started = True else: self.started = False self.instance_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) display.info('Initializing new %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id), verbosity=1) def start(self): """Start instance.""" if is_shippable(): self.start_shippable() else: self.start_remote() def start_remote(self): """Start instance for remote development/testing.""" with open(self.ci_key, 'r') as key_fd: auth_key = key_fd.read().strip() self._start(dict( remote=dict( key=auth_key, nonce=None, ), )) def start_shippable(self): """Start instance on Shippable.""" self._start(dict( shippable=dict( run_id=os.environ['SHIPPABLE_BUILD_ID'], job_number=int(os.environ['SHIPPABLE_JOB_NUMBER']), ), )) def stop(self): """Stop instance.""" if not self.started: display.info('Skipping invalid %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id), verbosity=1) return response = self.client.delete(self._uri) if response.status_code == 404: self._clear() display.info('Cleared invalid %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id), verbosity=1) return if response.status_code == 200: self._clear() display.info('Stopped running %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id), verbosity=1) return raise self._create_http_error(response) def get(self, tries=2, sleep=10, always_raise_on=None): """ Get instance connection information. :type tries: int :type sleep: int :type always_raise_on: list[int] | None :rtype: InstanceConnection """ if not self.started: display.info('Skipping invalid %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id), verbosity=1) return None if not always_raise_on: always_raise_on = [] if self.connection and self.connection.running: return self.connection while True: tries -= 1 response = self.client.get(self._uri) if response.status_code == 200: break error = self._create_http_error(response) if not tries or response.status_code in always_raise_on: raise error display.warning('%s. Trying again after %d seconds.' % (error, sleep)) time.sleep(sleep) if self.args.explain: self.connection = InstanceConnection( running=True, hostname='cloud.example.com', port=self.port or 12345, username='username', password='password' if self.platform == 'windows' else None, ) else: response_json = response.json() status = response_json['status'] con = response_json['connection'] self.connection = InstanceConnection( running=status == 'running', hostname=con['hostname'], port=int(con.get('port', self.port)), username=con['username'], password=con.get('password'), ) status = 'running' if self.connection.running else 'starting' display.info('Retrieved %s %s/%s instance %s.' % (status, self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id), verbosity=1) return self.connection def wait(self): """Wait for the instance to become ready.""" for _ in range(1, 90): if self.get().running: return time.sleep(10) raise ApplicationError('Timeout waiting for %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id)) @property def _uri(self): return '%s/%s/jobs/%s' % (self.endpoint, self.stage, self.instance_id) def _start(self, auth): """Start instance.""" if self.started: display.info('Skipping started %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id), verbosity=1) return if self.platform == 'windows': with open('examples/scripts/ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1', 'r') as winrm_config_fd: winrm_config = winrm_config_fd.read() else: winrm_config = None data = dict( config=dict( platform=self.platform, version=self.version, public_key=self.ssh_key.pub_contents if self.ssh_key else None, query=False, winrm_config=winrm_config, ) ) data.update(dict(auth=auth)) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } tries = 2 sleep = 10 while True: tries -= 1 response = self.client.put(self._uri, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: break error = self._create_http_error(response) if not tries: raise error display.warning('%s. Trying again after %d seconds.' % (error, sleep)) time.sleep(sleep) self.started = True self._save() display.info('Started %s/%s instance %s.' % (self.platform, self.version, self.instance_id), verbosity=1) def _clear(self): """Clear instance information.""" try: self.connection = None os.remove(self.path) except OSError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def _load(self): """Load instance information.""" try: with open(self.path, 'r') as instance_fd: self.instance_id = instance_fd.read() self.started = True except IOError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise self.instance_id = None return self.instance_id def _save(self): """Save instance information.""" if self.args.explain: return make_dirs(os.path.dirname(self.path)) with open(self.path, 'w') as instance_fd: instance_fd.write(self.instance_id) @staticmethod def _create_http_error(response): """ :type response: HttpResponse :rtype: ApplicationError """ response_json = response.json() stack_trace = '' if 'message' in response_json: message = response_json['message'] elif 'errorMessage' in response_json: message = response_json['errorMessage'].strip() if 'stackTrace' in response_json: trace = '\n'.join([x.rstrip() for x in traceback.format_list(response_json['stackTrace'])]) stack_trace = ('\nTraceback (from remote server):\n%s' % trace) else: message = str(response_json) return HttpError(response.status_code, '%s%s' % (message, stack_trace)) class SshKey(object): """Container for SSH key used to connect to remote instances.""" def __init__(self, args): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig """ tmp = os.path.expanduser('~/.ansible/test/') self.key = os.path.join(tmp, 'id_rsa') self.pub = os.path.join(tmp, 'id_rsa.pub') if not os.path.isfile(self.pub): if not args.explain: make_dirs(tmp) run_command(args, ['ssh-keygen', '-q', '-t', 'rsa', '-N', '', '-f', self.key]) if args.explain: self.pub_contents = None else: with open(self.pub, 'r') as pub_fd: self.pub_contents = pub_fd.read().strip() class InstanceConnection(object): """Container for remote instance status and connection details.""" def __init__(self, running, hostname, port, username, password): """ :type running: bool :type hostname: str :type port: int :type username: str :type password: str | None """ self.running = running self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.username = username self.password = password def __str__(self): if self.password: return '%s:%s [%s:%s]' % (self.hostname, self.port, self.username, self.password) return '%s:%s [%s]' % (self.hostname, self.port, self.username)