# Copyright: (c) 2018 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import bisect import json import pkgutil import re from ansible import constants as C from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text from ansible.module_utils.distro import LinuxDistribution from ansible.utils.display import Display from ansible.utils.plugin_docs import get_versioned_doclink from distutils.version import LooseVersion from traceback import format_exc display = Display() foundre = re.compile(r'(?s)PLATFORM[\r\n]+(.*)FOUND(.*)ENDFOUND') class InterpreterDiscoveryRequiredError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, interpreter_name, discovery_mode): super(InterpreterDiscoveryRequiredError, self).__init__(message) self.interpreter_name = interpreter_name self.discovery_mode = discovery_mode def __str__(self): return self.message def __repr__(self): # TODO: proper repr impl return self.message def discover_interpreter(action, interpreter_name, discovery_mode, task_vars): # interpreter discovery is a 2-step process with the target. First, we use a simple shell-agnostic bootstrap to # get the system type from uname, and find any random Python that can get us the info we need. For supported # target OS types, we'll dispatch a Python script that calls plaform.dist() (for older platforms, where available) # and brings back /etc/os-release (if present). The proper Python path is looked up in a table of known # distros/versions with included Pythons; if nothing is found, depending on the discovery mode, either the # default fallback of /usr/bin/python is used (if we know it's there), or discovery fails. # FUTURE: add logical equivalence for "python3" in the case of py3-only modules? if interpreter_name != 'python': raise ValueError('Interpreter discovery not supported for {0}'.format(interpreter_name)) host = task_vars.get('inventory_hostname', 'unknown') res = None platform_type = 'unknown' found_interpreters = [u'/usr/bin/python'] # fallback value is_auto_legacy = discovery_mode.startswith('auto_legacy') is_silent = discovery_mode.endswith('_silent') try: platform_python_map = C.config.get_config_value('INTERPRETER_PYTHON_DISTRO_MAP', variables=task_vars) bootstrap_python_list = C.config.get_config_value('INTERPRETER_PYTHON_FALLBACK', variables=task_vars) display.vvv(msg=u"Attempting {0} interpreter discovery".format(interpreter_name), host=host) # not all command -v impls accept a list of commands, so we have to call it once per python command_list = ["command -v '%s'" % py for py in bootstrap_python_list] shell_bootstrap = "echo PLATFORM; uname; echo FOUND; {0}; echo ENDFOUND".format('; '.join(command_list)) # FUTURE: in most cases we probably don't want to use become, but maybe sometimes we do? res = action._low_level_execute_command(shell_bootstrap, sudoable=False) raw_stdout = res.get('stdout', u'') match = foundre.match(raw_stdout) if not match: display.debug(u'raw interpreter discovery output: {0}'.format(raw_stdout), host=host) raise ValueError('unexpected output from Python interpreter discovery') platform_type = match.groups()[0].lower().strip() found_interpreters = [interp.strip() for interp in match.groups()[1].splitlines() if interp.startswith('/')] display.debug(u"found interpreters: {0}".format(found_interpreters), host=host) if not found_interpreters: action._discovery_warnings.append(u'No python interpreters found for host {0} (tried {1})'.format(host, bootstrap_python_list)) # this is lame, but returning None or throwing an exception is uglier return u'/usr/bin/python' if platform_type != 'linux': raise NotImplementedError('unsupported platform for extended discovery: {0}'.format(to_native(platform_type))) platform_script = pkgutil.get_data('ansible.executor.discovery', 'python_target.py') # FUTURE: respect pipelining setting instead of just if the connection supports it? if action._connection.has_pipelining: res = action._low_level_execute_command(found_interpreters[0], sudoable=False, in_data=platform_script) else: # FUTURE: implement on-disk case (via script action or ?) raise NotImplementedError('pipelining support required for extended interpreter discovery') platform_info = json.loads(res.get('stdout')) distro, version = _get_linux_distro(platform_info) if not distro or not version: raise NotImplementedError('unable to get Linux distribution/version info') version_map = platform_python_map.get(distro.lower().strip()) if not version_map: raise NotImplementedError('unsupported Linux distribution: {0}'.format(distro)) platform_interpreter = to_text(_version_fuzzy_match(version, version_map), errors='surrogate_or_strict') # provide a transition period for hosts that were using /usr/bin/python previously (but shouldn't have been) if is_auto_legacy: if platform_interpreter != u'/usr/bin/python' and u'/usr/bin/python' in found_interpreters: # FIXME: support comments in sivel's deprecation scanner so we can get reminded on this if not is_silent: action._discovery_deprecation_warnings.append(dict( msg=u"Distribution {0} {1} on host {2} should use {3}, but is using " u"/usr/bin/python for backward compatibility with prior Ansible releases. " u"A future Ansible release will default to using the discovered platform " u"python for this host. See {4} for more information" .format(distro, version, host, platform_interpreter, get_versioned_doclink('reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html')), version='2.12')) return u'/usr/bin/python' if platform_interpreter not in found_interpreters: if platform_interpreter not in bootstrap_python_list: # sanity check to make sure we looked for it if not is_silent: action._discovery_warnings \ .append(u"Platform interpreter {0} on host {1} is missing from bootstrap list" .format(platform_interpreter, host)) if not is_silent: action._discovery_warnings \ .append(u"Distribution {0} {1} on host {2} should use {3}, but is using {4}, since the " u"discovered platform python interpreter was not present. See {5} " u"for more information." .format(distro, version, host, platform_interpreter, found_interpreters[0], get_versioned_doclink('reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html'))) return found_interpreters[0] return platform_interpreter except NotImplementedError as ex: display.vvv(msg=u'Python interpreter discovery fallback ({0})'.format(to_text(ex)), host=host) except Exception as ex: if not is_silent: display.warning(msg=u'Unhandled error in Python interpreter discovery for host {0}: {1}'.format(host, to_text(ex))) display.debug(msg=u'Interpreter discovery traceback:\n{0}'.format(to_text(format_exc())), host=host) if res and res.get('stderr'): display.vvv(msg=u'Interpreter discovery remote stderr:\n{0}'.format(to_text(res.get('stderr'))), host=host) if not is_silent: action._discovery_warnings \ .append(u"Platform {0} on host {1} is using the discovered Python interpreter at {2}, but future installation of " u"another Python interpreter could change this. See {3} " u"for more information." .format(platform_type, host, found_interpreters[0], get_versioned_doclink('reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html'))) return found_interpreters[0] def _get_linux_distro(platform_info): dist_result = platform_info.get('platform_dist_result', []) if len(dist_result) == 3 and any(dist_result): return dist_result[0], dist_result[1] osrelease_content = platform_info.get('osrelease_content') if not osrelease_content: return u'', u'' osr = LinuxDistribution._parse_os_release_content(osrelease_content) return osr.get('id', u''), osr.get('version_id', u'') def _version_fuzzy_match(version, version_map): # try exact match first res = version_map.get(version) if res: return res sorted_looseversions = sorted([LooseVersion(v) for v in version_map.keys()]) find_looseversion = LooseVersion(version) # slot match; return nearest previous version we're newer than kpos = bisect.bisect(sorted_looseversions, find_looseversion) if kpos == 0: # older than everything in the list, return the oldest version # TODO: warning-worthy? return version_map.get(sorted_looseversions[0].vstring) # TODO: is "past the end of the list" warning-worthy too (at least if it's not a major version match)? # return the next-oldest entry that we're newer than... return version_map.get(sorted_looseversions[kpos - 1].vstring)