#!powershell # Copyright: (c) 2016, Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # Based on: http://powershellblogger.com/2016/01/create-shortcuts-lnk-or-url-files-with-powershell/ #AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.AddType $spec = @{ options = @{ src = @{ type='str' } dest = @{ type='path'; required=$true } state = @{ type='str'; default='present'; choices=@( 'absent', 'present' ) } arguments = @{ type='str'; aliases=@( 'args' ) } directory = @{ type='path' } hotkey = @{ type='str' } icon = @{ type='path' } description = @{ type='str' } windowstyle = @{ type='str'; choices=@( 'maximized', 'minimized', 'normal' ) } run_as_admin = @{ type='bool'; default=$false } } supports_check_mode = $true } $module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec) $src = $module.Params.src $dest = $module.Params.dest $state = $module.Params.state $arguments = $module.Params.arguments # NOTE: Variable $args is a special variable $directory = $module.Params.directory $hotkey = $module.Params.hotkey $icon = $module.Params.icon $description = $module.Params.description $windowstyle = $module.Params.windowstyle $run_as_admin = $module.Params.run_as_admin # Expand environment variables on non-path types if ($null -ne $src) { $src = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($src) } if ($null -ne $arguments) { $arguments = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($arguments) } if ($null -ne $description) { $description = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($description) } $module.Result.changed = $false $module.Result.dest = $dest $module.Result.state = $state # TODO: look at consolidating other COM actions into the C# class for future compatibility Add-CSharpType -AnsibleModule $module -References @' using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; using System.Text; namespace Ansible.Shortcut { [ComImport()] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] [Guid("000214F9-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")] internal interface IShellLinkW { // We only care about GetPath and GetIDList, omit the other methods for now void GetPath(StringBuilder pszFile, int cch, IntPtr pfd, UInt32 fFlags); void GetIDList(out IntPtr ppidl); } [ComImport()] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] [Guid("45E2b4AE-B1C3-11D0-B92F-00A0C90312E1")] internal interface IShellLinkDataList { void AddDataBlock(IntPtr pDataBlock); void CopyDataBlock(uint dwSig, out IntPtr ppDataBlock); void RemoveDataBlock(uint dwSig); void GetFlags(out ShellLinkFlags dwFlags); void SetFlags(ShellLinkFlags dwFlags); } internal class NativeHelpers { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public struct SHFILEINFO { public IntPtr hIcon; public int iIcon; public UInt32 dwAttributes; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 260)] public char[] szDisplayName; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 80)] public char[] szTypeName; } } internal class NativeMethods { [DllImport("shell32.dll")] public static extern void ILFree( IntPtr pidl); [DllImport("shell32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr SHGetFileInfoW( IntPtr pszPath, UInt32 dwFileAttributes, ref NativeHelpers.SHFILEINFO psfi, int sbFileInfo, UInt32 uFlags); [DllImport("shell32.dll")] public static extern int SHParseDisplayName( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszName, IntPtr pbc, out IntPtr ppidl, UInt32 sfagoIn, out UInt32 psfgaoOut); } [System.Flags] public enum ShellLinkFlags : uint { Default = 0x00000000, HasIdList = 0x00000001, HasLinkInfo = 0x00000002, HasName = 0x00000004, HasRelPath = 0x00000008, HasWorkingDir = 0x00000010, HasArgs = 0x00000020, HasIconLocation = 0x00000040, Unicode = 0x00000080, ForceNoLinkInfo = 0x00000100, HasExpSz = 0x00000200, RunInSeparate = 0x00000400, HasLogo3Id = 0x00000800, HasDarwinId = 0x00001000, RunAsUser = 0x00002000, HasExpIconSz = 0x00004000, NoPidlAlias = 0x00008000, ForceUncName = 0x00010000, RunWithShimLayer = 0x00020000, ForceNoLinkTrack = 0x00040000, EnableTargetMetadata = 0x00080000, DisableLinkPathTracking = 0x00100000, DisableKnownFolderRelativeTracking = 0x00200000, NoKfAlias = 0x00400000, AllowLinkToLink = 0x00800000, UnAliasOnSave = 0x01000000, PreferEnvironmentPath = 0x02000000, KeepLocalIdListForUncTarget = 0x04000000, PersistVolumeIdToRelative = 0x08000000, Valid = 0x0FFFF7FF, Reserved = 0x80000000 } public class ShellLink { private static Guid CLSID_ShellLink = new Guid("00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"); public static ShellLinkFlags GetFlags(string path) { IShellLinkW link = InitialiseObj(path); ShellLinkFlags dwFlags; ((IShellLinkDataList)link).GetFlags(out dwFlags); return dwFlags; } public static void SetFlags(string path, ShellLinkFlags flags) { IShellLinkW link = InitialiseObj(path); ((IShellLinkDataList)link).SetFlags(flags); ((IPersistFile)link).Save(null, false); } public static string GetTargetPath(string path) { IShellLinkW link = InitialiseObj(path); StringBuilder pathSb = new StringBuilder(260); link.GetPath(pathSb, pathSb.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero, 0); string linkPath = pathSb.ToString(); // If the path wasn't set, try and get the path from the ItemIDList ShellLinkFlags flags = GetFlags(path); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(linkPath) && ((uint)flags & (uint)ShellLinkFlags.HasIdList) == (uint)ShellLinkFlags.HasIdList) { IntPtr idList = IntPtr.Zero; try { link.GetIDList(out idList); linkPath = GetDisplayNameFromPidl(idList); } finally { NativeMethods.ILFree(idList); } } return linkPath; } public static string GetDisplayNameFromPath(string path) { UInt32 sfgaoOut; IntPtr pidl = IntPtr.Zero; try { int res = NativeMethods.SHParseDisplayName(path, IntPtr.Zero, out pidl, 0, out sfgaoOut); Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(res); return GetDisplayNameFromPidl(pidl); } finally { NativeMethods.ILFree(pidl); } } private static string GetDisplayNameFromPidl(IntPtr pidl) { NativeHelpers.SHFILEINFO shFileInfo = new NativeHelpers.SHFILEINFO(); UInt32 uFlags = 0x000000208; // SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME | SHGFI_PIDL NativeMethods.SHGetFileInfoW(pidl, 0, ref shFileInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeHelpers.SHFILEINFO)), uFlags); return new string(shFileInfo.szDisplayName).TrimEnd('\0'); } private static IShellLinkW InitialiseObj(string path) { IShellLinkW link = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(CLSID_ShellLink)) as IShellLinkW; ((IPersistFile)link).Load(path, 0); return link; } } } '@ # Convert from window style name to window style id $windowstyles = @{ normal = 1 maximized = 3 minimized = 7 } # Convert from window style id to window style name $windowstyleids = @( "", "normal", "", "maximized", "", "", "", "minimized" ) If ($state -eq "absent") { If (Test-Path -Path $dest) { # If the shortcut exists, try to remove it Try { Remove-Item -Path $dest -WhatIf:$module.CheckMode } Catch { # Report removal failure $module.FailJson("Failed to remove shortcut '$dest'. ($($_.Exception.Message))", $_) } # Report removal success $module.Result.changed = $true } Else { # Nothing to report, everything is fine already } } ElseIf ($state -eq "present") { # Create an in-memory object based on the existing shortcut (if any) $Shell = New-Object -ComObject ("WScript.Shell") $ShortCut = $Shell.CreateShortcut($dest) # Compare existing values with new values, report as changed if required If ($null -ne $src) { # Windows translates executables to absolute path, so do we If (Get-Command -Name $src -Type Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $src = (Get-Command -Name $src -Type Application).Definition } If (-not (Test-Path -Path $src -IsValid)) { If (-not (Split-Path -Path $src -IsAbsolute)) { $module.FailJson("Source '$src' is not found in PATH and not a valid or absolute path.") } } } # Determine if we have a WshShortcut or WshUrlShortcut by checking the Arguments property # A WshUrlShortcut objects only consists of a TargetPath property $file_shortcut = $false If (Get-Member -InputObject $ShortCut -Name Arguments) { # File ShortCut, compare multiple properties $file_shortcut = $true $target_path = $ShortCut.TargetPath If (($null -ne $src) -and ($ShortCut.TargetPath -ne $src)) { if ((Test-Path -Path $dest) -and (-not $ShortCut.TargetPath)) { # If the shortcut already exists but not on the COM object, we # are dealing with a shell path like 'shell:RecycleBinFolder'. $expanded_src = [Ansible.Shortcut.ShellLink]::GetDisplayNameFromPath($src) $actual_src = [Ansible.Shortcut.ShellLink]::GetTargetPath($dest) if ($expanded_src -ne $actual_src) { $module.Result.changed = $true $ShortCut.TargetPath = $src } } else { $module.Result.changed = $true $ShortCut.TargetPath = $src } $target_path = $src } # This is a full-featured application shortcut ! If (($null -ne $arguments) -and ($ShortCut.Arguments -ne $arguments)) { $module.Result.changed = $true $ShortCut.Arguments = $arguments } $module.Result.args = $ShortCut.Arguments If (($null -ne $directory) -and ($ShortCut.WorkingDirectory -ne $directory)) { $module.Result.changed = $true $ShortCut.WorkingDirectory = $directory } $module.Result.directory = $ShortCut.WorkingDirectory # FIXME: Not all values are accepted here ! Improve docs too. If (($null -ne $hotkey) -and ($ShortCut.Hotkey -ne $hotkey)) { $module.Result.changed = $true $ShortCut.Hotkey = $hotkey } $module.Result.hotkey = $ShortCut.Hotkey If (($null -ne $icon) -and ($ShortCut.IconLocation -ne $icon)) { $module.Result.changed = $true $ShortCut.IconLocation = $icon } $module.Result.icon = $ShortCut.IconLocation If (($null -ne $description) -and ($ShortCut.Description -ne $description)) { $module.Result.changed = $true $ShortCut.Description = $description } $module.Result.description = $ShortCut.Description If (($null -ne $windowstyle) -and ($ShortCut.WindowStyle -ne $windowstyles.$windowstyle)) { $module.Result.changed = $true $ShortCut.WindowStyle = $windowstyles.$windowstyle } $module.Result.windowstyle = $windowstyleids[$ShortCut.WindowStyle] } else { # URL Shortcut, just compare the TargetPath if (($null -ne $src) -and ($ShortCut.TargetPath -ne $src)) { $module.Result.changed = $true $ShortCut.TargetPath = $src } $target_path = $ShortCut.TargetPath } $module.Result.src = $target_path If (($module.Result.changed -eq $true) -and ($module.CheckMode -ne $true)) { Try { $ShortCut.Save() } Catch { $module.FailJson("Failed to create shortcut '$dest'. ($($_.Exception.Message))", $_) } } if ((Test-Path -Path $dest) -and $file_shortcut) { # Only control the run_as_admin flag if using a File Shortcut $flags = [Ansible.Shortcut.ShellLink]::GetFlags($dest) if ($run_as_admin -and (-not $flags.HasFlag([Ansible.Shortcut.ShellLinkFlags]::RunAsUser))) { [Ansible.Shortcut.ShellLink]::SetFlags($dest, ($flags -bor [Ansible.Shortcut.ShellLinkFlags]::RunAsUser)) $module.Result.changed = $true } elseif (-not $run_as_admin -and ($flags.HasFlag([Ansible.Shortcut.ShellLinkFlags]::RunAsUser))) { [Ansible.Shortcut.ShellLink]::SetFlags($dest, ($flags -bxor [Ansible.Shortcut.ShellLinkFlags]::RunAsUser)) $module.Result.changed = $true } } } $module.ExitJson()