# (c) 2014, Chris Church # # This file is part of Ansible. # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . from __future__ import absolute_import import base64 import hashlib import imp import os import re import shlex import traceback import urlparse from ansible import errors from ansible import utils from ansible.callbacks import vvv, vvvv, verbose from ansible.runner.shell_plugins import powershell try: from winrm import Response from winrm.exceptions import WinRMTransportError from winrm.protocol import Protocol except ImportError: raise errors.AnsibleError("winrm is not installed") _winrm_cache = { # 'user:pwhash@host:port': } def vvvvv(msg, host=None): verbose(msg, host=host, caplevel=4) class Connection(object): '''WinRM connections over HTTP/HTTPS.''' def __init__(self, runner, host, port, user, password, *args, **kwargs): self.runner = runner self.host = host self.port = port self.user = user self.password = password self.has_pipelining = False self.default_shell = 'powershell' self.default_suffixes = ['.ps1', ''] self.protocol = None self.shell_id = None self.delegate = None def _winrm_connect(self): ''' Establish a WinRM connection over HTTP/HTTPS. ''' port = self.port or 5986 vvv("ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: %s on PORT %s TO %s" % \ (self.user, port, self.host), host=self.host) netloc = '%s:%d' % (self.host, port) cache_key = '%s:%s@%s:%d' % (self.user, hashlib.md5(self.password).hexdigest(), self.host, port) if cache_key in _winrm_cache: vvvv('WINRM REUSE EXISTING CONNECTION: %s' % cache_key, host=self.host) return _winrm_cache[cache_key] transport_schemes = [('plaintext', 'https'), ('plaintext', 'http')] # FIXME: ssl/kerberos if port == 5985: transport_schemes = reversed(transport_schemes) exc = None for transport, scheme in transport_schemes: endpoint = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, '/wsman', '', '')) vvvv('WINRM CONNECT: transport=%s endpoint=%s' % (transport, endpoint), host=self.host) protocol = Protocol(endpoint, transport=transport, username=self.user, password=self.password) try: protocol.send_message('') _winrm_cache[cache_key] = protocol return protocol except WinRMTransportError, exc: err_msg = str(exc) if re.search(r'Operation\s+?timed\s+?out', err_msg, re.I): raise errors.AnsibleError("the connection attempt timed out") m = re.search(r'Code\s+?(\d{3})', err_msg) if m: code = int(m.groups()[0]) if code == 401: raise errors.AnsibleError("the username/password specified for this server was incorrect") elif code == 411: _winrm_cache[cache_key] = protocol return protocol vvvv('WINRM CONNECTION ERROR: %s' % err_msg, host=self.host) continue if exc: raise errors.AnsibleError(str(exc)) def _winrm_exec(self, command, args=(), from_exec=False): if from_exec: vvvv("WINRM EXEC %r %r" % (command, args), host=self.host) else: vvvvv("WINRM EXEC %r %r" % (command, args), host=self.host) if not self.protocol: self.protocol = self._winrm_connect() if not self.shell_id: self.shell_id = self.protocol.open_shell() command_id = None try: command_id = self.protocol.run_command(self.shell_id, command, args) response = Response(self.protocol.get_command_output(self.shell_id, command_id)) if from_exec: vvvv('WINRM RESULT %r' % response, host=self.host) else: vvvvv('WINRM RESULT %r' % response, host=self.host) vvvvv('WINRM STDOUT %s' % response.std_out, host=self.host) vvvvv('WINRM STDERR %s' % response.std_err, host=self.host) return response finally: if command_id: self.protocol.cleanup_command(self.shell_id, command_id) def connect(self): if not self.protocol: self.protocol = self._winrm_connect() return self def exec_command(self, cmd, tmp_path, sudo_user=None, sudoable=False, executable=None, in_data=None, su=None, su_user=None): cmd = cmd.encode('utf-8') cmd_parts = shlex.split(cmd, posix=False) if '-EncodedCommand' in cmd_parts: encoded_cmd = cmd_parts[cmd_parts.index('-EncodedCommand') + 1] decoded_cmd = base64.b64decode(encoded_cmd) vvv("EXEC %s" % decoded_cmd, host=self.host) else: vvv("EXEC %s" % cmd, host=self.host) # For script/raw support. if cmd_parts and cmd_parts[0].lower().endswith('.ps1'): script = powershell._build_file_cmd(cmd_parts) cmd_parts = powershell._encode_script(script, as_list=True) try: result = self._winrm_exec(cmd_parts[0], cmd_parts[1:], from_exec=True) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() raise errors.AnsibleError("failed to exec cmd %s" % cmd) return (result.status_code, '', result.std_out.encode('utf-8'), result.std_err.encode('utf-8')) def put_file(self, in_path, out_path): vvv("PUT %s TO %s" % (in_path, out_path), host=self.host) if not os.path.exists(in_path): raise errors.AnsibleFileNotFound("file or module does not exist: %s" % in_path) with open(in_path) as in_file: in_size = os.path.getsize(in_path) script_template = ''' $s = [System.IO.File]::OpenWrite("%s"); [void]$s.Seek(%d, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin); $b = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String("%s"); [void]$s.Write($b, 0, $b.length); [void]$s.SetLength(%d); [void]$s.Close(); ''' # Determine max size of data we can pass per command. script = script_template % (powershell._escape(out_path), in_size, '', in_size) cmd = powershell._encode_script(script) # Encode script with no data, subtract its length from 8190 (max # windows command length), divide by 2.67 (UTF16LE base64 command # encoding), then by 1.35 again (data base64 encoding). buffer_size = int(((8190 - len(cmd)) / 2.67) / 1.35) for offset in xrange(0, in_size, buffer_size): try: out_data = in_file.read(buffer_size) if offset == 0: if out_data.lower().startswith('#!powershell') and not out_path.lower().endswith('.ps1'): out_path = out_path + '.ps1' b64_data = base64.b64encode(out_data) script = script_template % (powershell._escape(out_path), offset, b64_data, in_size) vvvv("WINRM PUT %s to %s (offset=%d size=%d)" % (in_path, out_path, offset, len(out_data)), host=self.host) cmd_parts = powershell._encode_script(script, as_list=True) result = self._winrm_exec(cmd_parts[0], cmd_parts[1:]) if result.status_code != 0: raise IOError(result.std_err.encode('utf-8')) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() raise errors.AnsibleError("failed to transfer file to %s" % out_path) def fetch_file(self, in_path, out_path): out_path = out_path.replace('\\', '/') vvv("FETCH %s TO %s" % (in_path, out_path), host=self.host) buffer_size = 2**19 # 0.5MB chunks if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_path)) out_file = None try: offset = 0 while True: try: script = ''' If (Test-Path -PathType Leaf "%(path)s") { $stream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead("%(path)s"); $stream.Seek(%(offset)d, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null; $buffer = New-Object Byte[] %(buffer_size)d; $bytesRead = $stream.Read($buffer, 0, %(buffer_size)d); $bytes = $buffer[0..($bytesRead-1)]; [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes); $stream.Close() | Out-Null; } ElseIf (Test-Path -PathType Container "%(path)s") { Write-Host "[DIR]"; } Else { Write-Error "%(path)s does not exist"; Exit 1; } ''' % dict(buffer_size=buffer_size, path=powershell._escape(in_path), offset=offset) vvvv("WINRM FETCH %s to %s (offset=%d)" % (in_path, out_path, offset), host=self.host) cmd_parts = powershell._encode_script(script, as_list=True) result = self._winrm_exec(cmd_parts[0], cmd_parts[1:]) if result.status_code != 0: raise IOError(result.std_err.encode('utf-8')) if result.std_out.strip() == '[DIR]': data = None else: data = base64.b64decode(result.std_out.strip()) if data is None: if not os.path.exists(out_path): os.makedirs(out_path) break else: if not out_file: # If out_path is a directory and we're expecting a file, bail out now. if os.path.isdir(out_path): break out_file = open(out_path, 'wb') out_file.write(data) if len(data) < buffer_size: break offset += len(data) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() raise errors.AnsibleError("failed to transfer file to %s" % out_path) finally: if out_file: out_file.close() def close(self): if self.protocol and self.shell_id: self.protocol.close_shell(self.shell_id) self.shell_id = None