#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2016, Eric D Helms # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: katello short_description: Manage Katello Resources description: - Allows the management of Katello resources inside your Foreman server version_added: "2.3" author: "Eric D Helms (@ehelms)" requirements: - "nailgun >= 0.28.0" - "python >= 2.6" - datetime options: server_url: description: - URL of Foreman server required: true username: description: - Username on Foreman server required: true password: description: - Password for user accessing Foreman server required: true entity: description: - The Foreman resource that the action will be performed on (e.g. organization, host) required: true params: description: - Parameters associated to the entity resource to set or edit in dictionary format (e.g. name, description) required: true ''' EXAMPLES = ''' --- # Simple Example: - name: "Create Product" local_action: module: katello username: "admin" password: "admin" server_url: "https://fakeserver.com" entity: "product" params: name: "Centos 7" # Abstraction Example: # katello.yml --- - name: "{{ name }}" local_action: module: katello username: "admin" password: "admin" server_url: "https://fakeserver.com" entity: "{{ entity }}" params: "{{ params }}" # tasks.yml --- - include: katello.yml vars: name: "Create Dev Environment" entity: "lifecycle_environment" params: name: "Dev" prior: "Library" organization: "Default Organization" - include: katello.yml vars: name: "Create Centos Product" entity: "product" params: name: "Centos 7" organization: "Default Organization" - include: katello.yml vars: name: "Create 7.2 Repository" entity: "repository" params: name: "Centos 7.2" product: "Centos 7" organization: "Default Organization" content_type: "yum" url: "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/" - include: katello.yml vars: name: "Create Centos 7 View" entity: "content_view" params: name: "Centos 7 View" organization: "Default Organization" repositories: - name: "Centos 7.2" product: "Centos 7" - include: katello.yml vars: name: "Enable RHEL Product" entity: "repository_set" params: name: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server (RPMs)" product: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" organization: "Default Organization" basearch: "x86_64" releasever: "7" ''' RETURN = '''# ''' import datetime import os import traceback try: from nailgun import entities, entity_fields, entity_mixins from nailgun.config import ServerConfig HAS_NAILGUN_PACKAGE = True except: HAS_NAILGUN_PACKAGE = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native class NailGun(object): def __init__(self, server, entities, module): self._server = server self._entities = entities self._module = module entity_mixins.TASK_TIMEOUT = 1000 def find_organization(self, name, **params): org = self._entities.Organization(self._server, name=name, **params) response = org.search(set(), {'search': 'name={}'.format(name)}) if len(response) == 1: return response[0] else: self._module.fail_json(msg="No organization found for %s" % name) def find_lifecycle_environment(self, name, organization): org = self.find_organization(organization) lifecycle_env = self._entities.LifecycleEnvironment(self._server, name=name, organization=org) response = lifecycle_env.search() if len(response) == 1: return response[0] else: self._module.fail_json(msg="No Lifecycle Found found for %s" % name) def find_product(self, name, organization): org = self.find_organization(organization) product = self._entities.Product(self._server, name=name, organization=org) response = product.search() if len(response) == 1: return response[0] else: self._module.fail_json(msg="No Product found for %s" % name) def find_repository(self, name, product, organization): product = self.find_product(product, organization) repository = self._entities.Repository(self._server, name=name, product=product) repository._fields['organization'] = entity_fields.OneToOneField(entities.Organization) repository.organization = product.organization response = repository.search() if len(response) == 1: return response[0] else: self._module.fail_json(msg="No Repository found for %s" % name) def find_content_view(self, name, organization): org = self.find_organization(organization) content_view = self._entities.ContentView(self._server, name=name, organization=org) response = content_view.search() if len(response) == 1: return response[0] else: self._module.fail_json(msg="No Content View found for %s" % name) def organization(self, params): name = params['name'] del params['name'] org = self.find_organization(name, **params) if org: org = self._entities.Organization(self._server, name=name, id=org.id, **params) org.update() else: org = self._entities.Organization(self._server, name=name, **params) org.create() return True def manifest(self, params): org = self.find_organization(params['organization']) params['organization'] = org.id try: file = open(os.getcwd() + params['content'], 'r') content = file.read() finally: file.close() manifest = self._entities.Subscription(self._server) try: manifest.upload( data={'organization_id': org.id}, files={'content': content} ) return True except Exception as e: if "Import is the same as existing data" in e.message: return False else: self._module.fail_json(msg="Manifest import failed with %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) def product(self, params): org = self.find_organization(params['organization']) params['organization'] = org.id product = self._entities.Product(self._server, **params) response = product.search() if len(response) == 1: product.id = response[0].id product.update() else: product.create() return True def sync_product(self, params): org = self.find_organization(params['organization']) product = self.find_product(params['name'], org.name) return product.sync() def repository(self, params): product = self.find_product(params['product'], params['organization']) params['product'] = product.id del params['organization'] repository = self._entities.Repository(self._server, **params) repository._fields['organization'] = entity_fields.OneToOneField(entities.Organization) repository.organization = product.organization response = repository.search() if len(response) == 1: repository.id = response[0].id repository.update() else: repository.create() return True def sync_repository(self, params): org = self.find_organization(params['organization']) repository = self.find_repository(params['name'], params['product'], org.name) return repository.sync() def repository_set(self, params): product = self.find_product(params['product'], params['organization']) del params['product'] del params['organization'] if not product: return False else: reposet = self._entities.RepositorySet(self._server, product=product, name=params['name']) reposet = reposet.search()[0] formatted_name = [params['name'].replace('(', '').replace(')', '')] formatted_name.append(params['basearch']) if 'releasever' in params: formatted_name.append(params['releasever']) formatted_name = ' '.join(formatted_name) repository = self._entities.Repository(self._server, product=product, name=formatted_name) repository._fields['organization'] = entity_fields.OneToOneField(entities.Organization) repository.organization = product.organization repository = repository.search() if len(repository) == 0: if 'releasever' in params: reposet.enable(data={'basearch': params['basearch'], 'releasever': params['releasever']}) else: reposet.enable(data={'basearch': params['basearch']}) return True def sync_plan(self, params): org = self.find_organization(params['organization']) params['organization'] = org.id params['sync_date'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(params['sync_date'], "%H:%M") products = params['products'] del params['products'] sync_plan = self._entities.SyncPlan( self._server, name=params['name'], organization=org ) response = sync_plan.search() sync_plan.sync_date = params['sync_date'] sync_plan.interval = params['interval'] if len(response) == 1: sync_plan.id = response[0].id sync_plan.update() else: response = sync_plan.create() sync_plan.id = response[0].id if products: ids = [] for name in products: product = self.find_product(name, org.name) ids.append(product.id) sync_plan.add_products(data={'product_ids': ids}) return True def content_view(self, params): org = self.find_organization(params['organization']) content_view = self._entities.ContentView(self._server, name=params['name'], organization=org) response = content_view.search() if len(response) == 1: content_view.id = response[0].id content_view.update() else: content_view = content_view.create() if params['repositories']: repos = [] for repository in params['repositories']: repository = self.find_repository(repository['name'], repository['product'], org.name) repos.append(repository) content_view.repository = repos content_view.update(['repository']) def find_content_view_version(self, name, organization, environment): env = self.find_lifecycle_environment(environment, organization) content_view = self.find_content_view(name, organization) content_view_version = self._entities.ContentViewVersion(self._server, content_view=content_view) response = content_view_version.search(['content_view'], {'environment_id': env.id}) if len(response) == 1: return response[0] else: self._module.fail_json(msg="No Content View version found for %s" % response) def publish(self, params): content_view = self.find_content_view(params['name'], params['organization']) return content_view.publish() def promote(self, params): to_environment = self.find_lifecycle_environment(params['to_environment'], params['organization']) version = self.find_content_view_version(params['name'], params['organization'], params['from_environment']) data = {'environment_id': to_environment.id} return version.promote(data=data) def lifecycle_environment(self, params): org = self.find_organization(params['organization']) prior_env = self.find_lifecycle_environment(params['prior'], params['organization']) lifecycle_env = self._entities.LifecycleEnvironment(self._server, name=params['name'], organization=org, prior=prior_env) response = lifecycle_env.search() if len(response) == 1: lifecycle_env.id = response[0].id lifecycle_env.update() else: lifecycle_env.create() return True def activation_key(self, params): org = self.find_organization(params['organization']) activation_key = self._entities.ActivationKey(self._server, name=params['name'], organization=org) response = activation_key.search() if len(response) == 1: activation_key.id = response[0].id activation_key.update() else: activation_key.create() if params['content_view']: content_view = self.find_content_view(params['content_view'], params['organization']) lifecycle_environment = self.find_lifecycle_environment(params['lifecycle_environment'], params['organization']) activation_key.content_view = content_view activation_key.environment = lifecycle_environment activation_key.update() return True def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( server_url=dict(required=True), username=dict(required=True, no_log=True), password=dict(required=True, no_log=True), entity=dict(required=True, no_log=False), action=dict(required=False, no_log=False), verify_ssl=dict(required=False, type='bool', default=False), params=dict(required=True, no_log=True, type='dict'), ), supports_check_mode=True ) if not HAS_NAILGUN_PACKAGE: module.fail_json(msg="Missing required nailgun module (check docs or install with: pip install nailgun") server_url = module.params['server_url'] username = module.params['username'] password = module.params['password'] entity = module.params['entity'] action = module.params['action'] params = module.params['params'] verify_ssl = module.params['verify_ssl'] server = ServerConfig( url=server_url, auth=(username, password), verify=verify_ssl ) ng = NailGun(server, entities, module) # Lets make an connection to the server with username and password try: org = entities.Organization(server) org.search() except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to connect to Foreman server: %s " % e) result = False if entity == 'product': if action == 'sync': result = ng.sync_product(params) else: result = ng.product(params) elif entity == 'repository': if action == 'sync': result = ng.sync_repository(params) else: result = ng.repository(params) elif entity == 'manifest': result = ng.manifest(params) elif entity == 'repository_set': result = ng.repository_set(params) elif entity == 'sync_plan': result = ng.sync_plan(params) elif entity == 'content_view': if action == 'publish': result = ng.publish(params) elif action == 'promote': result = ng.promote(params) else: result = ng.content_view(params) elif entity == 'lifecycle_environment': result = ng.lifecycle_environment(params) elif entity == 'activation_key': result = ng.activation_key(params) else: module.fail_json(changed=False, result="Unsupported entity supplied") module.exit_json(changed=result, result="%s updated" % entity) if __name__ == '__main__': main()