#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013, Andrew Dunham # Copyright (c) 2013, Daniel Jaouen # Copyright (c) 2015, Indrajit Raychaudhuri # # Based on macports (Jimmy Tang ) # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: homebrew author: - "Indrajit Raychaudhuri (@indrajitr)" - "Daniel Jaouen (@danieljaouen)" - "Andrew Dunham (@andrew-d)" requirements: - homebrew must already be installed on the target system short_description: Package manager for Homebrew description: - Manages Homebrew packages extends_documentation_fragment: - community.general.attributes attributes: check_mode: support: full diff_mode: support: none options: name: description: - A list of names of packages to install/remove. aliases: [ 'formula', 'package', 'pkg' ] type: list elements: str path: description: - "A V(:) separated list of paths to search for C(brew) executable. Since a package (I(formula) in homebrew parlance) location is prefixed relative to the actual path of C(brew) command, providing an alternative C(brew) path enables managing different set of packages in an alternative location in the system." default: '/usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin' type: path state: description: - state of the package. choices: [ 'absent', 'head', 'installed', 'latest', 'linked', 'present', 'removed', 'uninstalled', 'unlinked', 'upgraded' ] default: present type: str update_homebrew: description: - update homebrew itself first. type: bool default: false upgrade_all: description: - upgrade all homebrew packages. type: bool default: false aliases: ['upgrade'] install_options: description: - options flags to install a package. aliases: ['options'] type: list elements: str upgrade_options: description: - Option flags to upgrade. type: list elements: str version_added: '0.2.0' force_formula: description: - Force the package(s) to be treated as a formula (equivalent to C(brew --formula)). - To install a cask, use the M(community.general.homebrew_cask) module. type: bool default: false version_added: 9.0.0 notes: - When used with a C(loop:) each package will be processed individually, it is much more efficient to pass the list directly to the O(name) option. ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Install formula foo with 'brew' in default path - community.general.homebrew: name: foo state: present # Install formula foo with 'brew' in alternate path (/my/other/location/bin) - community.general.homebrew: name: foo path: /my/other/location/bin state: present # Update homebrew first and install formula foo with 'brew' in default path - community.general.homebrew: name: foo state: present update_homebrew: true # Update homebrew first and upgrade formula foo to latest available with 'brew' in default path - community.general.homebrew: name: foo state: latest update_homebrew: true # Update homebrew and upgrade all packages - community.general.homebrew: update_homebrew: true upgrade_all: true # Miscellaneous other examples - community.general.homebrew: name: foo state: head - community.general.homebrew: name: foo state: linked - community.general.homebrew: name: foo state: absent - community.general.homebrew: name: foo,bar state: absent - community.general.homebrew: name: foo state: present install_options: with-baz,enable-debug - name: Install formula foo with 'brew' from cask community.general.homebrew: name: homebrew/cask/foo state: present - name: Use ignore-pinned option while upgrading all community.general.homebrew: upgrade_all: true upgrade_options: ignore-pinned - name: Force installing a formula whose name is also a cask name community.general.homebrew: name: ambiguous_formula state: present force_formula: true ''' RETURN = ''' msg: description: if the cache was updated or not returned: always type: str sample: "Changed: 0, Unchanged: 2" unchanged_pkgs: description: - List of package names which are unchanged after module run returned: success type: list sample: ["awscli", "ag"] version_added: '0.2.0' changed_pkgs: description: - List of package names which are changed after module run returned: success type: list sample: ['git', 'git-cola'] version_added: '0.2.0' ''' import json import re from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.homebrew import HomebrewValidate from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems, string_types # exceptions -------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ class HomebrewException(Exception): pass # /exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------- }}} # utils ------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{ def _create_regex_group_complement(s): lines = (line.strip() for line in s.split('\n') if line.strip()) chars = filter(None, (line.split('#')[0].strip() for line in lines)) group = r'[^' + r''.join(chars) + r']' return re.compile(group) def _check_package_in_json(json_output, package_type): return bool(json_output.get(package_type, []) and json_output[package_type][0].get("installed")) # /utils ------------------------------------------------------------------ }}} class Homebrew(object): '''A class to manage Homebrew packages.''' # class validations -------------------------------------------- {{{ @classmethod def valid_state(cls, state): ''' A valid state is one of: - None - installed - upgraded - head - linked - unlinked - absent ''' if state is None: return True else: return ( isinstance(state, string_types) and state.lower() in ( 'installed', 'upgraded', 'head', 'linked', 'unlinked', 'absent', ) ) @classmethod def valid_module(cls, module): '''A valid module is an instance of AnsibleModule.''' return isinstance(module, AnsibleModule) # /class validations ------------------------------------------- }}} # class properties --------------------------------------------- {{{ @property def module(self): return self._module @module.setter def module(self, module): if not self.valid_module(module): self._module = None self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid module: {0}.'.format(module) raise HomebrewException(self.message) else: self._module = module return module @property def path(self): return self._path @path.setter def path(self, path): if not HomebrewValidate.valid_path(path): self._path = [] self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid path: {0}.'.format(path) raise HomebrewException(self.message) else: if isinstance(path, string_types): self._path = path.split(':') else: self._path = path return path @property def brew_path(self): return self._brew_path @brew_path.setter def brew_path(self, brew_path): if not HomebrewValidate.valid_brew_path(brew_path): self._brew_path = None self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid brew_path: {0}.'.format(brew_path) raise HomebrewException(self.message) else: self._brew_path = brew_path return brew_path @property def params(self): return self._params @params.setter def params(self, params): self._params = self.module.params return self._params @property def current_package(self): return self._current_package @current_package.setter def current_package(self, package): if not HomebrewValidate.valid_package(package): self._current_package = None self.failed = True self.message = 'Invalid package: {0}.'.format(package) raise HomebrewException(self.message) else: self._current_package = package return package # /class properties -------------------------------------------- }}} def __init__(self, module, path, packages=None, state=None, update_homebrew=False, upgrade_all=False, install_options=None, upgrade_options=None, force_formula=False): if not install_options: install_options = list() if not upgrade_options: upgrade_options = list() self._setup_status_vars() self._setup_instance_vars(module=module, path=path, packages=packages, state=state, update_homebrew=update_homebrew, upgrade_all=upgrade_all, install_options=install_options, upgrade_options=upgrade_options, force_formula=force_formula) self._prep() # prep --------------------------------------------------------- {{{ def _setup_status_vars(self): self.failed = False self.changed = False self.changed_count = 0 self.unchanged_count = 0 self.changed_pkgs = [] self.unchanged_pkgs = [] self.message = '' def _setup_instance_vars(self, **kwargs): for key, val in iteritems(kwargs): setattr(self, key, val) def _prep(self): self._prep_brew_path() def _prep_brew_path(self): if not self.module: self.brew_path = None self.failed = True self.message = 'AnsibleModule not set.' raise HomebrewException(self.message) self.brew_path = self.module.get_bin_path( 'brew', required=True, opt_dirs=self.path, ) if not self.brew_path: self.brew_path = None self.failed = True self.message = 'Unable to locate homebrew executable.' raise HomebrewException('Unable to locate homebrew executable.') return self.brew_path def _status(self): return (self.failed, self.changed, self.message) # /prep -------------------------------------------------------- }}} def run(self): try: self._run() except HomebrewException: pass if not self.failed and (self.changed_count + self.unchanged_count > 1): self.message = "Changed: %d, Unchanged: %d" % ( self.changed_count, self.unchanged_count, ) (failed, changed, message) = self._status() return (failed, changed, message) # checks ------------------------------------------------------- {{{ def _current_package_is_installed(self): cmd = [ "{brew_path}".format(brew_path=self.brew_path), "info", "--json=v2", self.current_package, ] if self.force_formula: cmd.append("--formula") rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc != 0: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() or ("Unknown failure with exit code %d" % rc) raise HomebrewException(self.message) data = json.loads(out) return _check_package_in_json(data, "formulae") or _check_package_in_json(data, "casks") def _current_package_is_outdated(self): rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([ self.brew_path, 'outdated', self.current_package, ]) return rc != 0 def _current_package_is_installed_from_head(self): if not self._current_package_is_installed(): return False rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([ self.brew_path, 'info', self.current_package, ]) try: version_info = [line for line in out.split('\n') if line][0] except IndexError: return False return version_info.split(' ')[-1] == 'HEAD' # /checks ------------------------------------------------------ }}} # commands ----------------------------------------------------- {{{ def _run(self): if self.update_homebrew: self._update_homebrew() if self.upgrade_all: self._upgrade_all() if self.packages: if self.state == 'installed': return self._install_packages() elif self.state == 'upgraded': return self._upgrade_packages() elif self.state == 'head': return self._install_packages() elif self.state == 'linked': return self._link_packages() elif self.state == 'unlinked': return self._unlink_packages() elif self.state == 'absent': return self._uninstall_packages() # updated -------------------------------- {{{ def _update_homebrew(self): if self.module.check_mode: self.changed = True self.message = 'Homebrew would be updated.' raise HomebrewException(self.message) rc, out, err = self.module.run_command([ self.brew_path, 'update', ]) if rc == 0: if out and isinstance(out, string_types): already_updated = any( re.search(r'Already up-to-date.', s.strip(), re.IGNORECASE) for s in out.split('\n') if s ) if not already_updated: self.changed = True self.message = 'Homebrew updated successfully.' else: self.message = 'Homebrew already up-to-date.' return True else: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() raise HomebrewException(self.message) # /updated ------------------------------- }}} # _upgrade_all --------------------------- {{{ def _upgrade_all(self): if self.module.check_mode: self.changed = True self.message = 'Homebrew packages would be upgraded.' raise HomebrewException(self.message) cmd = [self.brew_path, 'upgrade'] + self.upgrade_options rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc == 0: if not out: self.message = 'Homebrew packages already upgraded.' else: self.changed = True self.message = 'Homebrew upgraded.' return True else: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() raise HomebrewException(self.message) # /_upgrade_all -------------------------- }}} # installed ------------------------------ {{{ def _install_current_package(self): if self._current_package_is_installed(): self.unchanged_count += 1 self.unchanged_pkgs.append(self.current_package) self.message = 'Package already installed: {0}'.format( self.current_package, ) return True if self.module.check_mode: self.changed = True self.message = 'Package would be installed: {0}'.format( self.current_package ) raise HomebrewException(self.message) if self.state == 'head': head = '--HEAD' else: head = None if self.force_formula: formula = '--formula' else: formula = None opts = ( [self.brew_path, 'install'] + self.install_options + [self.current_package, head, formula] ) cmd = [opt for opt in opts if opt] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc == 0: self.changed_count += 1 self.changed_pkgs.append(self.current_package) self.changed = True self.message = 'Package installed: {0}'.format(self.current_package) return True else: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() raise HomebrewException(self.message) def _install_packages(self): for package in self.packages: self.current_package = package self._install_current_package() return True # /installed ----------------------------- }}} # upgraded ------------------------------- {{{ def _upgrade_current_package(self): command = 'upgrade' current_package_is_installed = self._current_package_is_installed() if not current_package_is_installed: command = 'install' if current_package_is_installed and not self._current_package_is_outdated(): self.message = 'Package is already upgraded: {0}'.format( self.current_package, ) self.unchanged_count += 1 self.unchanged_pkgs.append(self.current_package) return True if self.module.check_mode: self.changed = True self.message = 'Package would be upgraded: {0}'.format( self.current_package ) raise HomebrewException(self.message) opts = ( [self.brew_path, command] + self.install_options + [self.current_package] ) cmd = [opt for opt in opts if opt] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc == 0: self.changed_count += 1 self.changed_pkgs.append(self.current_package) self.changed = True self.message = 'Package upgraded: {0}'.format(self.current_package) return True else: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() raise HomebrewException(self.message) def _upgrade_all_packages(self): opts = ( [self.brew_path, 'upgrade'] + self.install_options ) cmd = [opt for opt in opts if opt] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc == 0: self.changed = True self.message = 'All packages upgraded.' return True else: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() raise HomebrewException(self.message) def _upgrade_packages(self): if not self.packages: self._upgrade_all_packages() else: for package in self.packages: self.current_package = package self._upgrade_current_package() return True # /upgraded ------------------------------ }}} # uninstalled ---------------------------- {{{ def _uninstall_current_package(self): if not self._current_package_is_installed(): self.unchanged_count += 1 self.unchanged_pkgs.append(self.current_package) self.message = 'Package already uninstalled: {0}'.format( self.current_package, ) return True if self.module.check_mode: self.changed = True self.message = 'Package would be uninstalled: {0}'.format( self.current_package ) raise HomebrewException(self.message) opts = ( [self.brew_path, 'uninstall', '--force'] + self.install_options + [self.current_package] ) cmd = [opt for opt in opts if opt] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if not self._current_package_is_installed(): self.changed_count += 1 self.changed_pkgs.append(self.current_package) self.changed = True self.message = 'Package uninstalled: {0}'.format(self.current_package) return True else: self.failed = True self.message = err.strip() raise HomebrewException(self.message) def _uninstall_packages(self): for package in self.packages: self.current_package = package self._uninstall_current_package() return True # /uninstalled ----------------------------- }}} # linked --------------------------------- {{{ def _link_current_package(self): if not self._current_package_is_installed(): self.failed = True self.message = 'Package not installed: {0}.'.format(self.current_package) raise HomebrewException(self.message) if self.module.check_mode: self.changed = True self.message = 'Package would be linked: {0}'.format( self.current_package ) raise HomebrewException(self.message) opts = ( [self.brew_path, 'link'] + self.install_options + [self.current_package] ) cmd = [opt for opt in opts if opt] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc == 0: self.changed_count += 1 self.changed_pkgs.append(self.current_package) self.changed = True self.message = 'Package linked: {0}'.format(self.current_package) return True else: self.failed = True self.message = 'Package could not be linked: {0}.'.format(self.current_package) raise HomebrewException(self.message) def _link_packages(self): for package in self.packages: self.current_package = package self._link_current_package() return True # /linked -------------------------------- }}} # unlinked ------------------------------- {{{ def _unlink_current_package(self): if not self._current_package_is_installed(): self.failed = True self.message = 'Package not installed: {0}.'.format(self.current_package) raise HomebrewException(self.message) if self.module.check_mode: self.changed = True self.message = 'Package would be unlinked: {0}'.format( self.current_package ) raise HomebrewException(self.message) opts = ( [self.brew_path, 'unlink'] + self.install_options + [self.current_package] ) cmd = [opt for opt in opts if opt] rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc == 0: self.changed_count += 1 self.changed_pkgs.append(self.current_package) self.changed = True self.message = 'Package unlinked: {0}'.format(self.current_package) return True else: self.failed = True self.message = 'Package could not be unlinked: {0}.'.format(self.current_package) raise HomebrewException(self.message) def _unlink_packages(self): for package in self.packages: self.current_package = package self._unlink_current_package() return True # /unlinked ------------------------------ }}} # /commands ---------------------------------------------------- }}} def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( name=dict( aliases=["pkg", "package", "formula"], required=False, type='list', elements='str', ), path=dict( default="/usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin", required=False, type='path', ), state=dict( default="present", choices=[ "present", "installed", "latest", "upgraded", "head", "linked", "unlinked", "absent", "removed", "uninstalled", ], ), update_homebrew=dict( default=False, type='bool', ), upgrade_all=dict( default=False, aliases=["upgrade"], type='bool', ), install_options=dict( default=None, aliases=['options'], type='list', elements='str', ), upgrade_options=dict( default=None, type='list', elements='str', ), force_formula=dict( default=False, type='bool', ), ), supports_check_mode=True, ) module.run_command_environ_update = dict(LANG='C', LC_ALL='C', LC_MESSAGES='C', LC_CTYPE='C') p = module.params if p['name']: packages = p['name'] else: packages = None path = p['path'] if path: path = path.split(':') state = p['state'] if state in ('present', 'installed'): state = 'installed' if state in ('head', ): state = 'head' if state in ('latest', 'upgraded'): state = 'upgraded' if state == 'linked': state = 'linked' if state == 'unlinked': state = 'unlinked' if state in ('absent', 'removed', 'uninstalled'): state = 'absent' force_formula = p['force_formula'] update_homebrew = p['update_homebrew'] if not update_homebrew: module.run_command_environ_update.update( dict(HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE="True") ) upgrade_all = p['upgrade_all'] p['install_options'] = p['install_options'] or [] install_options = ['--{0}'.format(install_option) for install_option in p['install_options']] p['upgrade_options'] = p['upgrade_options'] or [] upgrade_options = ['--{0}'.format(upgrade_option) for upgrade_option in p['upgrade_options']] brew = Homebrew(module=module, path=path, packages=packages, state=state, update_homebrew=update_homebrew, upgrade_all=upgrade_all, install_options=install_options, upgrade_options=upgrade_options, force_formula=force_formula) (failed, changed, message) = brew.run() changed_pkgs = brew.changed_pkgs unchanged_pkgs = brew.unchanged_pkgs if failed: module.fail_json(msg=message) module.exit_json( changed=changed, msg=message, unchanged_pkgs=unchanged_pkgs, changed_pkgs=changed_pkgs ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()