# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . ############################################# # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import re import sys from ansible import constants as C from ansible.inventory.group import Group from .host import Host from ansible.plugins.inventory.aggregate import InventoryAggregateParser from ansible import errors class Inventory: ''' Create hosts and groups from inventory Retrieve the hosts and groups that ansible knows about from this class. Retrieve raw variables (non-expanded) from the Group and Host classes returned from here. ''' def __init__(self, inventory_list=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST): ''' :kwarg inventory_list: A list of inventory sources. This may be file names which will be parsed as ini-like files, executable scripts which return inventory data as json, directories of both of the above, or hostnames. Files and directories are :kwarg vault_password: Password to use if any of the inventory sources are in an ansible vault ''' self._restricted_to = None self._filter_pattern = None parser = InventoryAggregateParser(inventory_list) parser.parse() self._basedir = parser.basedir self._hosts = parser.hosts self._groups = parser.groups def get_hosts(self): ''' Return the list of hosts, after filtering based on any set pattern and restricting the results based on the set host restrictions. ''' if self._filter_pattern: hosts = self._filter_hosts() else: hosts = self._hosts[:] if self._restricted_to is not None: # this will preserve the order of hosts after intersecting them res_set = set(hosts).intersection(self._restricted_to) return [h for h in hosts if h in res_set] else: return hosts[:] def get_groups(self): ''' Retrieve the Group objects known to the Inventory ''' return self._groups[:] def get_host(self, hostname): ''' Retrieve the Host object for a hostname ''' for host in self._hosts: if host.name == hostname: return host return None def get_group(self, groupname): ''' Retrieve the Group object for a groupname ''' for group in self._groups: if group.name == groupname: return group return None def add_group(self, group): ''' Add a new group to the inventory ''' if group not in self._groups: self._groups.append(group) def set_filter_pattern(self, pattern='all'): ''' Sets a pattern upon which hosts/groups will be filtered. This pattern can contain logical groupings such as unions, intersections and negations using special syntax. ''' self._filter_pattern = pattern def set_host_restriction(self, restriction): ''' Restrict operations to hosts in the given list ''' assert isinstance(restriction, list) self._restricted_to = restriction[:] def remove_host_restriction(self): ''' Remove the restriction on hosts, if any. ''' self._restricted_to = None def _filter_hosts(self): """ Limits inventory results to a subset of inventory that matches a given list of patterns, such as to select a subset of a hosts selection that also belongs to a certain geographic group or numeric slice. Corresponds to --limit parameter to ansible-playbook :arg patterns: The pattern to limit with. If this is None it clears the subset. Multiple patterns may be specified as a comma, semicolon, or colon separated string. """ hosts = [] pattern_regular = [] pattern_intersection = [] pattern_exclude = [] patterns = self._pattern.replace(";",":").split(":") for p in patterns: if p.startswith("!"): pattern_exclude.append(p) elif p.startswith("&"): pattern_intersection.append(p) elif p: pattern_regular.append(p) # if no regular pattern was given, hence only exclude and/or intersection # make that magically work if pattern_regular == []: pattern_regular = ['all'] # when applying the host selectors, run those without the "&" or "!" # first, then the &s, then the !s. patterns = pattern_regular + pattern_intersection + pattern_exclude for p in patterns: intersect = False negate = False if p.startswith('&'): intersect = True elif p.startswith('!'): p = p[1:] negate = True target = self._resolve_pattern(p) if isinstance(target, Host): if negate and target in hosts: # remove it hosts.remove(target) elif target not in hosts: # for both union and intersections, we just append it hosts.append(target) else: if intersect: hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h not in target ] elif negate: hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h in target ] else: to_append = [ h for h in target if h.name not in [ y.name for y in hosts ] ] hosts.extend(to_append) return hosts def _resolve_pattern(self, pattern): target = self.get_host(pattern) if target: return target else: (name, enumeration_details) = self._enumeration_info(pattern) hpat = self._hosts_in_unenumerated_pattern(name) result = self._apply_ranges(pattern, hpat) return result def _enumeration_info(self, pattern): """ returns (pattern, limits) taking a regular pattern and finding out which parts of it correspond to start/stop offsets. limits is a tuple of (start, stop) or None """ # Do not parse regexes for enumeration info if pattern.startswith('~'): return (pattern, None) # The regex used to match on the range, which can be [x] or [x-y]. pattern_re = re.compile("^(.*)\[([-]?[0-9]+)(?:(?:-)([0-9]+))?\](.*)$") m = pattern_re.match(pattern) if m: (target, first, last, rest) = m.groups() first = int(first) if last: if first < 0: raise errors.AnsibleError("invalid range: negative indices cannot be used as the first item in a range") last = int(last) else: last = first return (target, (first, last)) else: return (pattern, None) def _apply_ranges(self, pat, hosts): """ given a pattern like foo, that matches hosts, return all of hosts given a pattern like foo[0:5], where foo matches hosts, return the first 6 hosts """ # If there are no hosts to select from, just return the # empty set. This prevents trying to do selections on an empty set. # issue#6258 if not hosts: return hosts (loose_pattern, limits) = self._enumeration_info(pat) if not limits: return hosts (left, right) = limits if left == '': left = 0 if right == '': right = 0 left=int(left) right=int(right) try: if left != right: return hosts[left:right] else: return [ hosts[left] ] except IndexError: raise errors.AnsibleError("no hosts matching the pattern '%s' were found" % pat) def _hosts_in_unenumerated_pattern(self, pattern): """ Get all host names matching the pattern """ results = [] hosts = [] hostnames = set() # ignore any negative checks here, this is handled elsewhere pattern = pattern.replace("!","").replace("&", "") def __append_host_to_results(host): if host not in results and host.name not in hostnames: hostnames.add(host.name) results.append(host) groups = self.get_groups() for group in groups: if pattern == 'all': for host in group.get_hosts(): __append_host_to_results(host) else: if self._match(group.name, pattern): for host in group.get_hosts(): __append_host_to_results(host) else: matching_hosts = self._match_list(group.get_hosts(), 'name', pattern) for host in matching_hosts: __append_host_to_results(host) if pattern in ["localhost", ""] and len(results) == 0: new_host = self._create_implicit_localhost(pattern) results.append(new_host) return results def _create_implicit_localhost(self, pattern): new_host = Host(pattern) new_host._connection = 'local' new_host.set_variable("ansible_python_interpreter", sys.executable) ungrouped = self.get_group("ungrouped") if ungrouped is None: self.add_group(Group('ungrouped')) ungrouped = self.get_group('ungrouped') self.get_group('all').add_child_group(ungrouped) ungrouped.add_host(new_host) return new_host def is_file(self): ''' Did inventory come from a file? :returns: True if the inventory is file based, False otherwise ''' pass def src(self): ''' What's the complete path to the inventory file? :returns: Complete path to the inventory file. None if inventory is not file-based ''' pass def basedir(self): ''' What directory from which the inventory was read. ''' return self._basedir